January 6, 2021 is a day that will long live in the minds of Americans as the first time in our history that the peaceful transfer of power failed to happen.
It would be good to know what steps the FBI and Homeland Security are taking to identify such groups and individuals and whether their communications with each other are being monitored somehow. Certainly this can't be shared on a news cycle without alerting such groups, but certainly we should hope that steps are being taken for our protection.
This is the second time I’ve seen you use a term like “ election trutherism”. I strongly believe that you shouldn’t do that. Call a lie a lie, and keep the word “truth” well distant from propaganda lies.
Remember in the movie, The Wrath of Kahn, when he put those ear bugs into Chekov and Terrells ears? And the mind control game in TNG? Has anyone looked into those possiblities? I know these are TV shows, but, this is all so bizzare, that, who knows, right? I'm also pretty sure there's a Twilight Zone episode that fits. If not, we're certainly living in one now. Reading back over this, I may have gone round the bend. About time, I guess.
So many other things have come true from Star Trek, that one always thinks if a writer imagined it then it could happen. Stranger things have happened but I think the mind control isn't those bugs, it's the TNG ones that infiltrate the top leaders to allow the take over Starfleet in Conspiracy. How else can we have people in power who support killing democracy and Democrats in America? Denying basic human rights to women? Doing anything to stay in power and while in power? Using lies to write the history of America has happened before and I guess will never stop when there are gullible people willing to believe those lies.
The 2022 Republican nominee for Secretary of State asserted the state’s voter list is “a mess,” and it needs to be purged of people who have moved from the state or died.
Sorry about that. It was SD. Florida is not the only state with governor who is auditioning for job beyond the one for which they are seeking re-election.
It would be good to know what steps the FBI and Homeland Security are taking to identify such groups and individuals and whether their communications with each other are being monitored somehow. Certainly this can't be shared on a news cycle without alerting such groups, but certainly we should hope that steps are being taken for our protection.
This is Ruskin*s forte.Has the chops.
QAnon, like the NRA, is to some degree a Russian proxy agent in the information wars.
This is the second time I’ve seen you use a term like “ election trutherism”. I strongly believe that you shouldn’t do that. Call a lie a lie, and keep the word “truth” well distant from propaganda lies.
12/18/20 Witness Analysis is Spot on Jay. Thank you. Admissions of intent could be Game Over.
I feel like I'm reading an awful conspiracy book and I want to toss it in the garbage!
Why do we continue to elevate conspiracy crap, bullshit, fantasies, drivel, nonsense, baloney . . . with the honorific "theories"? I call malarkey!
Remember in the movie, The Wrath of Kahn, when he put those ear bugs into Chekov and Terrells ears? And the mind control game in TNG? Has anyone looked into those possiblities? I know these are TV shows, but, this is all so bizzare, that, who knows, right? I'm also pretty sure there's a Twilight Zone episode that fits. If not, we're certainly living in one now. Reading back over this, I may have gone round the bend. About time, I guess.
So many other things have come true from Star Trek, that one always thinks if a writer imagined it then it could happen. Stranger things have happened but I think the mind control isn't those bugs, it's the TNG ones that infiltrate the top leaders to allow the take over Starfleet in Conspiracy. How else can we have people in power who support killing democracy and Democrats in America? Denying basic human rights to women? Doing anything to stay in power and while in power? Using lies to write the history of America has happened before and I guess will never stop when there are gullible people willing to believe those lies.
The 2022 Republican nominee for Secretary of State asserted the state’s voter list is “a mess,” and it needs to be purged of people who have moved from the state or died.
Which state? Florida??
Sorry about that. It was SD. Florida is not the only state with governor who is auditioning for job beyond the one for which they are seeking re-election.