Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Barack Obama doing the accordion hands while talking about “the weird obsession with crowd sizes” was epic!

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

That quick glance down at his hands was ICE!!!

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“Wait, what did I just do?”

It’s perfect because—go ahead, Republicans. Complain. We’ll just ask you what you’re complaining about. And you won’t be able to say.

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That was comedic timing as legend!

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Brilliant speech, as always. The little crowd size thing he did, an instant classic.

Now, whenever Trump uses that accordion hands gesture (and how can he ever stop?) his audience will think of Obama's superb putdown. 🤣

Michelle and the "black jobs" thing. Superb.

President Obama spoke to the promise of what America can be. America is not just a place; its an idea of equality, a yearning for a chance, a place where all can hope to become the best they can be.

We are not there yet, we may never truly get there but it is what our ancestors gave to us, the responsibility to ensure that America never dies.

Can't wait to celebrate wearing this GREAT reminder on Tuesday, November 5 👇


We've forgotten how to be joyful. The contagious power of hope!

It's good to feel GOOD again!

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"Now, whenever Trump uses that accordion hands gesture (and how can he ever stop?) his audience will think of Obama's superb putdown. 🤣"

I can see it now:

There'll be inevitable, irrepressible laughter/giggling. tfg will be looking around for the source(s) with an obviously bemused expression.

Can't wait!

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I really liked the dragon meme too after hearing Michelle's speech! It goes so well with the Black jobs thing.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

Given the "bandages on the ears" foolishness, I can imagine a bunch of MAGAs convincing themselves they're "owning the libs" by showing up to rallies with accordions.

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Or tiny mushrooms attached to their diapers.

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Biles and Obama: two Black jobs.

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And my local Whole Foods butcher shop manager, my local bank branch manager, my life insurance guy, the architect across the street, the attorney next door, the list goes on. As Trumpy might say, so many Black jobs!!

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My dentist has a Black job too. So, do my colleagues in teaching in the elite private school that the Obama's sent their children to in Chicago. Their daughter Malia is working in film making like Spike Lee. I guess they like their Black jobs too. This is a Black job moment where Jasmine Crockett is interviewed by a Black Journalist. https://youtu.be/U9CQGn4-ImY?si=KGaydPH4BfG0srVm

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And the Obamas embracing and snogging on stage! Didn't see tRump and Melania showing such spontaneous love at the RNC...the tRump family is impoverished of love and affection, and that stems right from the guy himself.

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One of the few joys of the Trump presidency was seeing how thoroughly and openly his wife despises him.

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Yes, but Melania is despicable too.

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Melania is more likely to show disgust than affection, but she is not a very affectionate person anyway, or when the former Trump communications director who appeared in the DNC with a testimonial asked her if they could ask the violent crowd on Jan 6 to remain peaceful, Melania would not have told her "NO!"

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And Trump's own parents.....reputedly a very cold, emotionally-constipated couple.

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Do a YouTube search of Trump Accordion for videos where an accordion is superimposed onto those hands!

Don't be drinking milk while watching!

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Hers is bigger.

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It truly was!

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

"Mayo sandwich bingo hour at the retirement center." 😂🤣😂 Night 2 was INCREDIBLE! The ROLL CALL! The OBAMAS! The SICK BURNS!!!! G*dDAMN, this gorgeous scene at the DNC is the beautiful future I want for my children. This is the America I believe in. Guys, this is really going to happen. It feels like the dawn really is breaking after such a long night. 🥹

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I feel it too!

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

No doubt the Obamas brought down the house last night, and the dance party roll call was glorious. But the power move of this convention goes to Kamala Harris for addressing not one, but TWO, packed arenas, simultaneously, in the clap back heard-round-the-world aimed squarely at the tiny, angry, crowd-size obsessed orange troll who no doubt covered the walls of Mar-a-Lago with ketchup last night.

Day-um! Well done!

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My husband is from MKE and was working late, and came home during Michelle's speech confused, because his entire feed was full of photos of friends at a packed arena in MKE for the rally, and I had the DNC in Chicago on the TV simultaneously. He's like, are these packed arenas happening at the same time? 🤩

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It was pretty stunning. No wonder your husband was gobsmacked. The ketchup bill at Mar-a-Lago will rival Trump's legal judgements.

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I loved both Obama's speeches so much, and you described their effect perfectly. I have but one disagreement: I wouldn't say Michelle abandoned her previous philosophy of "go high." I think maybe she has just evolved what going high means. She did not lie, she did not disparage Trump in any way that isn't completely warranted by his actions, she didn't intentionally whip up gratuitous anger, and she didn't stoop to name-calling or fear-mongering. To me, she is still going high, but in a different way. She let her anger show, but she didn't use it as an excuse to belittle or demonize; she just added some spice that further enhanced her already-winning recipe.

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Makes sense. After all, going low has evolved for the GOP thanks to Trump. Probably the only thing about evolution they can understand.

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That's not evolving, that's called the devolution of the GOP.

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Evolution isn't really directional though (contrary to what the "Intelligent Design" folks claim). It's just mutations and adaptations that allow for better survival in the environment the organism is in.

Even pestilent diseases evolve.

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

And what does Jesse Watters think he will uncover by reinvestigating Obama’s birth certificate? Obama was already president for 8 years. What are you gonna do to him now? Built a Time Machine and somehow make him not the POTUS? Geez Louise. Sit down, Jesse.

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Laying down on the floor, kicking and screaming, "I don't want to take a bath! You can't make me! You can't make me!"

Sounds like the GOP and Fox toadies these days.

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I’m waiting for my Freedom Caucus Rep to resurrect his ridiculous birther bill !

“Last week, Stephen Colbert revisited a segment he had done on Florida Representative Bill Posey, who sponsored a bill that "would require future presidential candidates to provide a copy of their original birth certificate," in order to put insane rumors of President Barack Obama's birthplace to bed.

Colbert thought a similar measure should be taken to end the whisperings that Posey was a human-alligator hybrid. Posey, in response to Colbert, said, "I expected there would be some civil debate about it, but it wasn't civil...There is no reason to say that I'm the illegitimate grandson of an alligator." And one wondered, "Does Posey not realize that Colbert is not speaking in earnest? His reaction seems uniquely stupid!" 🐊🤣


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They don't have a sense of humor, and are very insecure. It is one of the root causes of their general affect and behavior. Incapable of laughing at themselves and taking every tiny jab personally.

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And shuddup, too, Mr. Watters...lest you remove all doubt that you aren't as stupid as you look and sound like.

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SOOOO pathetic Jesse!!!

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Geez, why did the roll call just make me cry?😭🤣 Having hope return sure does funny things to the psyche! Can’t wait for a blue wave!

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The day after that man was elected I cried.

I cried because I couldn't believe there were that many people in the country who were as awful as him, who approved of his vile behavior, supported his meanness, and ignored his incompetence.

Then I held my tears for 4 long years hoping he would be and only one term president.

I cried when Biden was elected and held my breath for 4 years hoping he had the political skills to overcome the MAGAts and get things done.

He did get things done against all odds with the utmost political skill.

I still held my breath while he ran for office again, fully supporting him no matter what even though I saw some cracks in his health.

Then I saw him hand the future to Kamala because it was the right thing to do proving that he understood what was best for the country.

Now I'm crying for the future.

I'm so excited and hopeful that we will soon be heading in the direction the Founding Fathers envisioned. A place where Liberty and Justice For All is the ideal that people work to achieve.

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🏆 YES, that's exactly how we've all been feeling!

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The Iowa Dems delegate call was so neat, despite the state's headlong embrace of tRump/MAGA...love the enthusiasm, and maybe the Harris-Walz ticket could even improve on the Biden vote in 2020.

In Iowa for the Dems, there's only one way to go, and that's UP.

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The return of fun is pleasing, too!

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Same, I was blubbering and feeling so joyful!!!!!

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In that episode of Game of Thrones, when the dragons showed up and basically just.... you know.... did what dragons do, the creators' commentary was , "It's basically like bringing an F-16 to a medieval battle". I think that also applies to both the rally in Milwaukee and the Obamas' speeches when it comes to this presidential race. :-)

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Fun to read your recap. I slept better last nite than I have for weeks. Hope Nights Three and Four are just as good, because I can’t imagine how they can be any better!

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

If anyone's interested, here's the playlist from last night's roll call of the states dance party:


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Thanks! Just download it! 😀🎶🎵🎶

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Taylor Swift for Rhode Island is technically accurate but a bit of a stretch. There were more representative choices.

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As a native RIer I thought it was a great choice! Gotta leverage our limited resources. 🤣 What would you have chosen?

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I’m a native Rhode Islander too. Off the top of my head, they could have gone old-school with Jeffrey Osborne or Tavares; for rock they could have gone with Deer Tick, and if Taylor Swift counts as a Rhode Islander, then the Talking Heads count even more.

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Nice! I didn't know Talking Heads met at RISD. And She Was would have been great. Thanks for the education! That part of my RI culture is weak. 🙃

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Now I feel REALLY old. That was once common knowledge! 😆

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I left RI with I was 18 so my education is probably incomplete. 😄 I've been in MN for most of the rest of my life, though, so I'm very excited you're all getting to know Tim! He's exactly as genuine and amazing as he appears to be!

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Broccoli is good for you!! :-)

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Native Rhode Island-uh and agree Taylor is a bit of a stretch.Full confession, I am a Swiftie boomer ! Although I would have gone with the quintessential John McCafferty/Beaver Brown band. Fond memories of rocking out with BB at the beach in Narragansett during those care-free URI days.Moved to Florida(sigh..although tide slowly turning🌊) after graduation. I was pleased our DNC song was Tom Petty/Won’t Back Down !!


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Each of the states and territories chose the song they wanted to represent them.

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I know. They could have made a better and more representative choice.

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Yes there were but everyone knows Taylor Swift same as Beyoncé. The songs for each state were great.

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Great write up, Jay! I don't really know what to do with this hope in my heart, but it's there and we won't go back!

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We vote and make sure everyone we know does, too!

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Oh, I am for sure! It's just such a strange feeling and I don't know how to process it 😅

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We VOTE first of all. And then donate to the campaigns up and down ballot. If we can't do that, we knock doors. If that's not possible, we make phone calls or write GOTV postcards. Every single person can do SOMETHING!

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Vote on Day One. As Robert Hubbell might say, “Tell a Friend.” 😘

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Another great day for the Convention. The Obamas were splendid as always!

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So, for trump's next "rally" is he going to show up at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot across from the adult sex shop, a crematorium and a jail?

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Hey, you stole the joke I was just going to post ;-)

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There were so many burns being thrown around last night, I'm amazed Trump isn't checked into the local burn unit.

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Aug 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Great analysis, Jay! I watched the whole thing and you captured it. And thanks for the Obamas! They were awesome!

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So glad you included clips of the roll call because I tuned in just as Kamala started talking in Milwaukee.

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Both nights of the DNC were amazing. I’m fired up, ready to go. That said… and put bluntly… we haven’t won shit. I was so glad that message came through last night. This election is not over. We have a long way to go and cannot count on Agent Orange and Sorry Sofa Boy to continue to flounder about. We have to proactively take it and that comes with work. We have to sprint at full speed across that finish line, without slowing down. Through the line, not to it. Write letters or postcards, knock doors, send texts, make calls put out your lawn sign… and all of the above. Do something!

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