May 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Here's David See's imitation of Florida Gov Ron DeSantis:

"Diversity is now BANNED in the State of Florida.

Equity is now BANNED in the State of Florida.

Inclusion is now BANNED in the State of Florida.

There will be NO diversity, NO equity, NO inclusion

in the State of Florida."

Sound about right?

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While I hope your assessment is correct, there are still more people moving into Florida than out. Unless that stops, I don't see much changing there. (On a side note, I thought Gorman was the best thing in the inauguration, and even as an old, white woman found her poem extremely inspirational, good for her for hitting back!)

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

So one parent can file a complaint in Miami Dade county and they remove books...for that one person. What happened to, if you don't like something, then don't read it yourself. When did it become OK for everything to fall in line with one person. Those other parents in that community need to speak up LOUD and clear that they won't tolerate this happening. Sitting back and saying nothing will never win the fight. It is frustrating here in Florida, but I am always looking for ways to speak out about his draconian ways

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Jay, thank you for writing and sharing that people are pushing back. Here in Indian River County (Vero Beach) the newspaper Letters to the Editor has been filled with thoughtful, intensifying expressions of protest for some time. We’ll be sharing this with our friends and neighbors...right now!

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This is so great! Also, I've heard that Democrats actually did much better in Florida in 2020 than they're given credit for. They didn't WIN, so they were roundly criticized for failing, but according to Martha Laning, founder of SPAN, the data told a much more nuanced and encouraging story. The party was doing great work and increased their margins everywhere in 2020. But the then-party leadership were simply blamed for losing and replaced. The NEW party leadership thoroughly fumbled 2022 and we did terribly. Now there is new leadership *again* and real hope that in time we can start to turn that state. These things take time!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Jay your words give me hope, my daughter a single mom of my 8 1/2 year old grandson had a discussion this morning about moving back to NY given the unfriendly climate here in Florida. Floridians must fight back and make the changes this state needs!

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I'm ashamed to say I live in the state of Florida and have for approximately 50 years (I'm 56 yo) and DeSantis scares me more than Trump. Every day, it's what now from him and I so pray someone thumps him hard about what freedom truly means. He keeps saying Florida is a state of freedom as he continues to make up laws to take them away. I also pray my mental state can take the next 2 years and so hope DeSantis crawls back under his rock.

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Just like Trump, DeSantis will be credited with inspiring many to engage in the political process. Once again the pendulum has swung far too right and it WILL right itself back. I, for one, am supporting the FLORIDA Democratic Party with monthly financial support. To fight the good fight they will need resources.

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Although law suits are certainly appropriate, particularly when state action target a constitutional right, I am a little dismayed by the reliance on law suits, which are no substitute for the very hard but very important work of educating and then organizing people, then getting them to both vote and take other direct actions to resist.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

I am so happy to see people fighting back against this tyrant I hope it’s enough people need to fight back with everything we have o was sad to see target giving into the hate mongering fascists and discontinuing their line of LGBTQIA products sad when we give into domestic terrorists instead of standing our ground I Wi t be shopping at 🎯 any longer.

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Interesting how their definition of parental rights means 1 parent can squash the rights of every other parent. I loathe these people.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

I'd be interested to know what the First Nations tribes in Florida have to say about all this. Florida is home to several indigenous tribes.

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Thanks Jayβ€”very important and great info for everyone to see. As a Floridian I’m devastated by what’s happened in my chosen state of almost 30 years! An anecdote: I have a family owned lawn service that takes care of my lawn once a week, and a neighbor uses the same one. My neighbor recently spoke with the owner, and they owner told her they lost ALL THEIR WORKERS since the horrific anti-immigrant law was signed, it’s down to her husband and child now. It’s already happening on construction sites too. Doesn’t anyone remember what happened in Alabama when they did this years ago!? Migrant workers that can legally work here are leaving in droves. And we deserve it!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Wow, who knew poetry was so dangerous! 🀬🀬

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Florida ranks 45th in medium household income. Most of the states at the bottom of the list are in the South. Fighting culture wars is like the magician, who misdirects people. DeSatin is a cunning adversary.


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