Thank you Jay, for highlihting Professor Richardson's penetrating synthesis of where we are at this current historical moment.

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CPAC in Budapest in May with Orban as keynote speaker says it all

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Almost makes me want to move to FL just so I can help vote the shtoonk out.

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My son lives in Florida with his family and everyone loves him. They called him Santa DeSantis at Christmas because he supposedly had ships with Christmas stuff offload in Florida instead of liberal California. And they hate to wear masks so they don't even mind that their surgeon general is a wacko. However, it remains to be seen if they would even balk when their taxes go up to make up for his retribution to Disney. Like frogs in increasingly hot water, they will not jump out but instead will be boiled to death.

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Well said. Too bad your intelligence didn't get passed along to your son. ;-)

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Please do! I’ve been here for 2 years and we need all the help we can get.

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Thoughts and prayers, seriously. Best I can do besides donations. FL is not my kind of place.

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Read HCR Letter and see subscribe to her nightly emails and or pists emails n FB.

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Thank you..I read Heather and you religiously…

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I know it may not be, but all I’ve read about these issues with regard to DeSantis, just feels … illegal. Though I guess that’s me being liberal. I do wonder if the ACLU can go after him for any of the things he’s done / doing.

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I value both your opinion and Prof. Richardson. Every day you both decipher the news of the day, translate the most obscure points of history and current events, and help me feel like I can keep up with the essentials. Mahalo nui loa!

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Thank you Jay. This article as well as Heather’s post portray perfectly what and who DeSantis is. I live in Florida and see what he and his administration have wreaked. The fact that he hasn’t addressed the real issues of our state speaks volumes. Trust me, I and many others want him voted out. It’s a tall order in a state where HE was allowed (by our spineless legislature) to gerrymander Florida to an extremely partisan state. But fight we will.

I’ve been telling, posting, etc. from the beginning that the rest of the country had no clue how truly dangerous he is. If he becomes president the havoc he could unleash is scary.

He wants and demands power, no matter who or what stands in his way.

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Thank you. Very informative and raised some thought provoking facts.

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Exactly my thoughts. DeSantis is the most dangerous popular politician in the country. He is smart, which makes him more dangerous.

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