Why won't the stunning and brave "all are welcome here" liberals of Martha's Vineyard host illegals in their big summer homes? If climate change and rising sea levels are so dangerous, why did Barack Obama buy a multi-million dollar oceanfront home there?
Why won't all the conservatives stop engaging in whataboutism? That's like Debate 101 - when you do that, any following argument is invalidated. Incidentally, people of Martha's Vineyard did welcome the immigrants, find them shelter, food, medical attention, and resources to contact to get the asylum going. Maybe... I don't know... read or watch something other than Truth Social.
Let me ask you a question. Why aren’t all the republicans lining up to foster and adopt kids after overturning roe v wade? Desantis’ stunt was cruel because those people shuttled to Martha’s Vineyard were in process but lied to and manipulated before being dumped on an unprepared group of people. Read the article-it’s a disgusting way to treat human beings and people who have a heart know that.
That has to be the single most stupid, hateful comment I have ever seen in response to one of Jay's pieces. To answer your first question, the first group of kidnap victims were treated graciously, housed and fed by the people of Martha's Vineyard, most of whom are average working class people who happen to live in a beautiful location. To answer your second stupid question there is a simple answer. Elevation. Unlike parts of Rhonda Santis' Florida, the Vineyard does not flood at high tide.
The NY Post reported on a series of recent charter flights (by Biden) originating in Texas that since Aug. 8 2021 have carried thousands of migrants to a small airport outside White Plains. Many of these flights arrived in the dead of night and were met by buses and police escorts at the suburban airport before carrying migrants to locations across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Then that makes Biden even worst! Biden has been flying thousand of Illegals all over America for the last 2 years and NOT checked with locate government if they even want them. He just drops them off. Amazing how the left sided press does NOT report that. Do a search on on DuckDuckGo. or check this link out. https://nypost.com/2021/10/19/biden-on-where-illegal-immigrants-in-the-us-are-going/
Jay - This may not be an important question, but to me it seems who ever is paying for the plane/gas/etc., is also part of this sick stunt. I doubt that Huerta and “Emmanuel” have the $$$ to pay for the transportation. So, is it know who is paying?
And I just looked it up—the migrants can be from anywhere, the Florida contractors can travel the nation to find them and send them wherever they want in the US.
Juda H. Priest...and that legislature...How in Hades do they explain to their constituents that they are granting that kind of money and not even for relocating migrants from their own state???
All that taxpayer money just to showboat DeSantis's "own-the-libs" street cred? Floriduh has an extraordinary spineless bunch of both legislators and taxpayers. Those constituents certainly have been well & thoroughly zombified by little Pudding Fingers and before him, the Cheetolini.
Florida is the epicenter of grift and corruption. It’s also been built by repubs as a plug and play—if you have an R next to your name you are pretty much guaranteed to win. Rick Wilson has said a lot on the subject and he helped get us here, but he hates DeathSentence too.
The Martha’s Vineyard immigrants , they did not. That’s why the new legislation gives specific powers to travel to other states. No. Floridians had no prior knowledge or choice in this. DeSantis acts like a dictator and his legislature does whatever he wants. He uses our taxpayer dollars for his own political agenda and literally changed long standing and voter approval transparency “SUNSHINE“ laws to hide his actions. Anyone, including elected officials, who disagrees with him gets fired and squashed like a bug under his little white Nazi boots.
The contrast between Governor Newsom and Ron could not be more stark! Our governor truly stands for equity, dignity, and freedom, while Ron stands firmly on the side of fascism. I’m disgusted by his shenanigans and cannot wait to deliver him a huge loss in the nomination for president. I stand with Governor Newsom!💙
The "victim mantle" seems to be one of the most used propaganda techniques of our day by aspiring strongmen wanting support for illegal acts. Everyone feels like a victim at some point: not everyone broods on it. But for the brooders, the first step is to whup up their sense of victimhood (you are being replaced; your faith is persecuted by anti-discrimination laws). Then the wannabe strongman just has to whine to achieve an immediate emotional connection.
What's interesting is that this is at odds with the "virility" component used by so many actual strongmen, where the leader is the only way to "solve" problems. See Ruth Ben Ghiat, Strongmen: Mussolini to the present. Her comparison of bare-chested shots of Mussolini and Putin is spot on.
I guess that this just proves that propaganda has nothing of the rational in it.
This! The trick is appearing both “manly” (or the equivalent ? for women) and victimized at the same time. I agree that Ben Ghiat’s book “Strongmen” is excellent, required reading.
It goes the other way too! Their enemies (Jews, women, immigrants, gay people, etc.) are weak, inferior, and degenerate, but also somehow infiltrating the top levels of government and running the world.
My understanding is that DeSatan pulls illegal stunts to be able to appeal them up to the Supreme Court which is dominated by Right Wing fascists, so that they will rule on his side and set precedents that overturn the Status Quo. To fund this, he has insured a line item in the Florida State budget, which his peons have approved at the cost of their taxpayers in order to suck up to him, and because they are a bunch of stupid sheep! So, this is playing right into his plans to make immigration from the Southern border illegal. He is a wretched man, and deserves to have consequences for this behavior. I hope the consequence is that he is unelectable nationally. Of course with Cornell West running as a third party candidate for the presidency, we may get stuck with DeSatan or another MAGAt Republican candidate as West, whose funding I question, is certainly going to syphon votes from Biden, more than a MAGAt!
With Marianne Williamson already flaming out and RFK Jr continuing to be a joke, getting behind Cornell West’s candidacy is just the latest ploy the alt-Left (yes, LEFT) is using to try to get Trump re-elected.
Yes. They will siphon votes from Biden. I thought NH Gov. Chris Sununu was going to run after he said Trump had to go, and stand for regular icky old Republican party policies, but I guess he is not running, and those days are gone. It seems whether it is Trump or Trump-like, we are facing a possible 4 years with a MAGAt at the helm again, and our planet just cannot take that much bad government from the USA.
Agreed! It will be the left and some Black votes for Cornell West, yet I'll bet most of his funding will come from Republicans. Now I heard Sununu is running on NPR this morning. He is not siphoning off votes for Biden though because he is running as the non-MAGAt candidate for the Republicans. Yeech! He will either win or one of the MAGAts will.
I have read that DeSantis may have used federal Covid relief funds i to pay for some part of these cruel stunts. Anti-Deficiency Act violations are no joke.
In the California case, the migrants were first driven from El Paso to Deming New Mexico and flown from there. Seems like NM could also have a beef with this. I have not heard anything more about this.
Here is what I keep thinking: it takes some doing to fly a group of people from one place to another, even with their full understanding and consent. There is the flight crew. The TSA crew. Airport and aircraft maintenance crews. The air traffic control crew. Now.... here we have a large group of people being basically kidnapped and flown from one state to another. HOW is it that NO ONE - NOT ONE person involved in the flight preparation - said or did anything to stop this outrage?
You can't just pile people onto a plane and send it on. They had to have gone through airport security. A flight plan had to have been filed. The airplane had to have been checked over and fueled. The pilots had to have consented to fly the damn machine from point A to point B. WHERE were all these people when it was happening? Did no one realize this was illegal - not to mention cruel and inhumane?
Maybe Deming was chosen to keep a lower profile than would have been at the El Paso airport. It's about 100 miles' drive on I-10. Deming is a very small town. Fueling and an initial flight plan could have been filed El Paso to Deming with a new flight plan from Deming to Sacramento CA. The airport appears to be open 24/hrs/day. I have no idea what security protocols may exist at such a small airport (opened 1937) but according to airportguide.com, there's no control tower. I believe there are many small town airports with no TSA security. And these were private planes not commercial airline flights.
There is every indication that dismal DeSantis will indeed continue his exploitative and inhumane maneuverings, believing himself to be clever and forceful and worthy of adulation- what really amounts to pathetic attention-seeking aimed at his pater ridiculousness himself and his merry courtesans- absent of insight or morals or genuine purpose (other than domination and ascension of wifey to some magazine cover) he will simply continue in this vein until stopped...
Maybe someome could feature Casey on the cover of Mad Magazine and we can all move on....
The coercion itself seems more like a emotional play where the added hard goods, papers, brochures, folders with fancy words and even a "contract" seems beneath a couple emotional actors in huerta and emmanuel. They were necessary tools to sell the coercion established by the documents. But who supplied the fancy documents? And why did Florida pay for the flights?
Wouldn't it be a trans-state conspiracy if local actors did everything short of the flights and th flights themselves were funded by out of state parties? I'm the international context wouldn't this be trafficking?
Desantis is an abomination as a human. His cruelty is beyond words....
Why won't the stunning and brave "all are welcome here" liberals of Martha's Vineyard host illegals in their big summer homes? If climate change and rising sea levels are so dangerous, why did Barack Obama buy a multi-million dollar oceanfront home there?
Why won't all the conservatives stop engaging in whataboutism? That's like Debate 101 - when you do that, any following argument is invalidated. Incidentally, people of Martha's Vineyard did welcome the immigrants, find them shelter, food, medical attention, and resources to contact to get the asylum going. Maybe... I don't know... read or watch something other than Truth Social.
Yaay Maria!! 👏👏
Let me ask you a question. Why aren’t all the republicans lining up to foster and adopt kids after overturning roe v wade? Desantis’ stunt was cruel because those people shuttled to Martha’s Vineyard were in process but lied to and manipulated before being dumped on an unprepared group of people. Read the article-it’s a disgusting way to treat human beings and people who have a heart know that.
That has to be the single most stupid, hateful comment I have ever seen in response to one of Jay's pieces. To answer your first question, the first group of kidnap victims were treated graciously, housed and fed by the people of Martha's Vineyard, most of whom are average working class people who happen to live in a beautiful location. To answer your second stupid question there is a simple answer. Elevation. Unlike parts of Rhonda Santis' Florida, the Vineyard does not flood at high tide.
You must be kidding us. See Tim Wise's LOGICAL post on this topic (He has a FB page).
The NY Post reported on a series of recent charter flights (by Biden) originating in Texas that since Aug. 8 2021 have carried thousands of migrants to a small airport outside White Plains. Many of these flights arrived in the dead of night and were met by buses and police escorts at the suburban airport before carrying migrants to locations across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Then that makes Biden even worst! Biden has been flying thousand of Illegals all over America for the last 2 years and NOT checked with locate government if they even want them. He just drops them off. Amazing how the left sided press does NOT report that. Do a search on on DuckDuckGo. or check this link out. https://nypost.com/2021/10/19/biden-on-where-illegal-immigrants-in-the-us-are-going/
Jay - This may not be an important question, but to me it seems who ever is paying for the plane/gas/etc., is also part of this sick stunt. I doubt that Huerta and “Emmanuel” have the $$$ to pay for the transportation. So, is it know who is paying?
It’s the taxpayers of Florida…of which I am one unfortunately. Last legislative session they gave him money specifically for migrant relocation.
12 million, I believe. His supermajority are as corrupt as he is.
Yup, 12 million! And they absolutely are just as craven as he is
They could have flown everyone first class for that price...
"relocation" aka "abduction"
💯 and we need to reframe it and call it what it really is: STATE SANCTIONED HUMAN TRAFFICKING
But even from other states?
Not sure of the details of the legislation, but they gave him everything he wanted, so my guess would be yes.
And I just looked it up—the migrants can be from anywhere, the Florida contractors can travel the nation to find them and send them wherever they want in the US.
Juda H. Priest...and that legislature...How in Hades do they explain to their constituents that they are granting that kind of money and not even for relocating migrants from their own state???
All that taxpayer money just to showboat DeSantis's "own-the-libs" street cred? Floriduh has an extraordinary spineless bunch of both legislators and taxpayers. Those constituents certainly have been well & thoroughly zombified by little Pudding Fingers and before him, the Cheetolini.
Florida is the epicenter of grift and corruption. It’s also been built by repubs as a plug and play—if you have an R next to your name you are pretty much guaranteed to win. Rick Wilson has said a lot on the subject and he helped get us here, but he hates DeathSentence too.
As I recall, the plane touched down in Florida to make it legal.
Did the FL legislature know that money was going to be used to relocate TX migrants not FL migrants???
The Martha’s Vineyard immigrants , they did not. That’s why the new legislation gives specific powers to travel to other states. No. Floridians had no prior knowledge or choice in this. DeSantis acts like a dictator and his legislature does whatever he wants. He uses our taxpayer dollars for his own political agenda and literally changed long standing and voter approval transparency “SUNSHINE“ laws to hide his actions. Anyone, including elected officials, who disagrees with him gets fired and squashed like a bug under his little white Nazi boots.
They obviously did not care—they can go anywhere to retrieve the migrants, according to the legislation.
Yes, follow the money. It always leaves a trail.
The contrast between Governor Newsom and Ron could not be more stark! Our governor truly stands for equity, dignity, and freedom, while Ron stands firmly on the side of fascism. I’m disgusted by his shenanigans and cannot wait to deliver him a huge loss in the nomination for president. I stand with Governor Newsom!💙
The ongoing criminality and cruelty of the Republican party is disgusting.
Yet another Republican accused of a crime. Lemme show you my "surprised" face.
The "victim mantle" seems to be one of the most used propaganda techniques of our day by aspiring strongmen wanting support for illegal acts. Everyone feels like a victim at some point: not everyone broods on it. But for the brooders, the first step is to whup up their sense of victimhood (you are being replaced; your faith is persecuted by anti-discrimination laws). Then the wannabe strongman just has to whine to achieve an immediate emotional connection.
What's interesting is that this is at odds with the "virility" component used by so many actual strongmen, where the leader is the only way to "solve" problems. See Ruth Ben Ghiat, Strongmen: Mussolini to the present. Her comparison of bare-chested shots of Mussolini and Putin is spot on.
I guess that this just proves that propaganda has nothing of the rational in it.
This! The trick is appearing both “manly” (or the equivalent ? for women) and victimized at the same time. I agree that Ben Ghiat’s book “Strongmen” is excellent, required reading.
It goes the other way too! Their enemies (Jews, women, immigrants, gay people, etc.) are weak, inferior, and degenerate, but also somehow infiltrating the top levels of government and running the world.
My understanding is that DeSatan pulls illegal stunts to be able to appeal them up to the Supreme Court which is dominated by Right Wing fascists, so that they will rule on his side and set precedents that overturn the Status Quo. To fund this, he has insured a line item in the Florida State budget, which his peons have approved at the cost of their taxpayers in order to suck up to him, and because they are a bunch of stupid sheep! So, this is playing right into his plans to make immigration from the Southern border illegal. He is a wretched man, and deserves to have consequences for this behavior. I hope the consequence is that he is unelectable nationally. Of course with Cornell West running as a third party candidate for the presidency, we may get stuck with DeSatan or another MAGAt Republican candidate as West, whose funding I question, is certainly going to syphon votes from Biden, more than a MAGAt!
With Marianne Williamson already flaming out and RFK Jr continuing to be a joke, getting behind Cornell West’s candidacy is just the latest ploy the alt-Left (yes, LEFT) is using to try to get Trump re-elected.
Yes. They will siphon votes from Biden. I thought NH Gov. Chris Sununu was going to run after he said Trump had to go, and stand for regular icky old Republican party policies, but I guess he is not running, and those days are gone. It seems whether it is Trump or Trump-like, we are facing a possible 4 years with a MAGAt at the helm again, and our planet just cannot take that much bad government from the USA.
So we just have to make sure Biden has so many votes that the alt-left can’t siphon enough to make a difference. Its worth making the effort.
Agreed! It will be the left and some Black votes for Cornell West, yet I'll bet most of his funding will come from Republicans. Now I heard Sununu is running on NPR this morning. He is not siphoning off votes for Biden though because he is running as the non-MAGAt candidate for the Republicans. Yeech! He will either win or one of the MAGAts will.
I have read that DeSantis may have used federal Covid relief funds i to pay for some part of these cruel stunts. Anti-Deficiency Act violations are no joke.
“small, pathetic man.”
They seem loaded with them in the GQP.
In the California case, the migrants were first driven from El Paso to Deming New Mexico and flown from there. Seems like NM could also have a beef with this. I have not heard anything more about this.
Cruel beyond comprehension.
Definitely Not Christian.
Apparently, being indicted is now de rigueur for Repubs running for the Presidency.
Stop the RFP (Republican Fascist Party)
Cruel, inhumane, and evil. 😡 May Justice be served 🙏🏻
Not only kidnapping, but crossing the state line. That should be an FBI case!
Here is what I keep thinking: it takes some doing to fly a group of people from one place to another, even with their full understanding and consent. There is the flight crew. The TSA crew. Airport and aircraft maintenance crews. The air traffic control crew. Now.... here we have a large group of people being basically kidnapped and flown from one state to another. HOW is it that NO ONE - NOT ONE person involved in the flight preparation - said or did anything to stop this outrage?
You can't just pile people onto a plane and send it on. They had to have gone through airport security. A flight plan had to have been filed. The airplane had to have been checked over and fueled. The pilots had to have consented to fly the damn machine from point A to point B. WHERE were all these people when it was happening? Did no one realize this was illegal - not to mention cruel and inhumane?
Maybe Deming was chosen to keep a lower profile than would have been at the El Paso airport. It's about 100 miles' drive on I-10. Deming is a very small town. Fueling and an initial flight plan could have been filed El Paso to Deming with a new flight plan from Deming to Sacramento CA. The airport appears to be open 24/hrs/day. I have no idea what security protocols may exist at such a small airport (opened 1937) but according to airportguide.com, there's no control tower. I believe there are many small town airports with no TSA security. And these were private planes not commercial airline flights.
Talk about a conspiracy! How much evil went into this entire fiasco?
There is every indication that dismal DeSantis will indeed continue his exploitative and inhumane maneuverings, believing himself to be clever and forceful and worthy of adulation- what really amounts to pathetic attention-seeking aimed at his pater ridiculousness himself and his merry courtesans- absent of insight or morals or genuine purpose (other than domination and ascension of wifey to some magazine cover) he will simply continue in this vein until stopped...
Maybe someome could feature Casey on the cover of Mad Magazine and we can all move on....
Meanwhile the MAGA are calling Casey “Walmart Melania” because of her attire. They are eating themselves
And I’ve also heard “Tacky-O”, which I absolutely LOVE!!
Took me a moment...but then I had to laugh! Excellent!
damn, that is cold. Especially since I'm guessing she dies a little inside anytime someone suggests that she gets her clothes from Walmart.
“I really don’t care, do u?”
Rumor has it she’s trying to imitate Jacqueline Kennedy.
She’s as frightening as he is-gloves, cape, boots, and all...
Yes! Frightening and pathetic. May we be delivered from that whole bunch!!
The coercion itself seems more like a emotional play where the added hard goods, papers, brochures, folders with fancy words and even a "contract" seems beneath a couple emotional actors in huerta and emmanuel. They were necessary tools to sell the coercion established by the documents. But who supplied the fancy documents? And why did Florida pay for the flights?
Wouldn't it be a trans-state conspiracy if local actors did everything short of the flights and th flights themselves were funded by out of state parties? I'm the international context wouldn't this be trafficking?