It’s both hilarious and embarrassing that her team would try the “but it’s a school night!” argument, apparently forgetting that the entire world knows that she is one of the richest, most well-connected people on the planet. She has the means to arrange for travel and child care- even on a school night. She is a billionaire (maybe actually more like millionaire?) heiress and entrepreneur.
To quote (or close enough lol) Jim Wright, it shows “...all the self-awareness of a dog licking its own ass on a public sidewalk...”
Given that her husband was funded by the Saudi Prince for 2 billion, I assume with their assets she is a billionaire, which is not so clear about her dad.
I think that could be item one on the list of things to investigate Jared for. He should be included in the Secret papers for sale scandal that Trump is being investigated for. Let Judge Cannon bend over backwards for him too! Or maybe she is too anti-Semitic to do that.
Right? Every time one of the Trumps tries to present themselves as "just an ordinary parent" I wonder how long before social services can legally rescue their kids from them.
You’re probably right. And I do follow Mary Trump on Substack; she’s awesome, and a great writer as well. It helps to get the inside scoop on this deranged family.
It makes me sad for Barron - guessing he may be an innocent young man. We don't choose the families to which we are born. We DO choose how we represent ourselves and our families. What bad examples all of these adult children are to the next generation. How can one teach ethical behavior if one doesn't model it? Among the 3 oldest, aren't there more than 10 children? I shudder.
I only know of the three Trump children who are in the spotlight, plus another daughter that has disowned the father, or perhaps vice versa, plus the teenager Barron. I have no pity on the three who are involved in this fraud case, and I hope they all get their comeuppance. Quite honestly, I am so sick of the 24x7 Trump saga that I mostly just turn it off. I just can’t handle it anymore.
Tiffany was supporting him in his political campaigns. Her mother kept her away from the father and the rest of the family while she was growing up. That's why she isn't involved in the business.
It would if he were a basketball player, but he doesn't look much like a jock body-language-wise. Later on though, it is likely to be helpful. Towering over people is a position of power.
I liked your comment and thought too of the book "Educated: A Memoir" and others like it that show how one can walk away from one's family if one chooses a different path. These grifters, Ivanka in particular, chose to marry another. The 3 older ones have their own children who are learning by example. Will they carry on this way?
I think Trump would've felt right at home: the Catholic Inquisition purposely persecuted and murdered many non-Catholics; the Church covered up and enabled sexual abuse by priests; the church still promotes misogyny. What's not for him to like?
Actually I was talking about how students are taught in Catholic schools - the respect, the discipline, the manners, etc. that are enforced from a very young age. The sense of guilt. The sense that there is a big book somewhere where someone is writing down every bad thing that you do. The feeling that there is a spooky organ music somewhere that plays whenever you have sinned. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition 500 years ago - that wasn't run by the nuns at all, was it? It was soecif8cally about those who are taught by nuns today You can usually tell who was taught by nuns and who wasn't. What kind of person would Trump have grown up as it he'd have been a product of Catholic school? Do you think it would have made a difference?
Yes I was. And I then went out in the world with the foolish belief that everyone shared that sense of morality and boy was I wrong - I wanted to sue those nuns for malpractice!
Let’s not forget Deutsche Bank also needed a laundry basket next to the dryer for laundering all of the Russian mob and oligarch cash. Trump Enterprises was a willing participant.
Not sure who. The Germans? Likely not, too close to home. Our DOJ? Too politically charged for Merrick the Meek. Also curious what ever happen to Scotland Yards look into tRumps all cash purchase of the Scottish golf course. Crickets.
Do not for a second interpret a quiet demeanor for meekness. Not only is the man brilliant, he has tenacity and determination.....those are his secret weapons......never underestimate him.......
He went after the lower Coup participants first to establish a prescient in Court. It's also a deterrent to those who are thinking of trying again. It also gives the public a familiarity of what is coming. He'll need it to go further up the chain. Congress will eventually be looked at which is why the Seditionists are behaving so radically and talking about removing voting rights, Democracy and the Constitution.
Lauren, I can agree with most of what say on Garland. He’s smart. He did a great job on the DC Court. He would have made a fantastic SC Justice. He has some excellent career federal prosecutors and appointed US Attorneys under him in the DOJ. But the DOJ is supposed to be non-political. But the lack of expediency on starting the investigations on Trump wasted time when the clock started ticking upon his confirmation. That was a political decision. Inaction can be as political as over-reaction.
Who should be doing the investigation of the Trump organization participating with at least some employees of Deutsche Bank laundrying cash for Russian mob bosses and oligarchs? Who would have jurisdiction in a case like that?
Have it on good authority (an economics article, don't have the cite handy) that 18 of the 20 largest banks in the European Union have been fined for money laundering.
(One case was known in the European press as the "Russian Laundromat" case. Wikipedia has an article on that.)
A variety of organizations and entities were involved in investigating the money laundering, ranging from the European Central Bank to Financial Conduct Authority (UK) to Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (a consortium of financial journalists on six continents).
Selective amnesia was evident, IMO, I hope the judge picked up on that too, I believe the Daily Beast is where I saw it pointed out that she remembered details later in the afternoon regarding a same deal she couldn't recall when questioned earlier in the day. The evidence shows they are a family of frauds.
Like the Biden’s? Actually they are all WDC SWAMP creatures now. All politicians are. Well maybe there’s a handful of honest/decent ppl in DC but you can count them on one hand.
Uh I think you may be oh-so-mistaken. We who are residents of DC are not about whom you speak - well, no more than any other territory might have unethical people. The President and family? Oh I think not. And we who have taxation without voting representation resent your remarks.
Tell us who you think are swamp creatures by rumor, and then we can look at the list of people indicted by grand juries, and see how many names match up....
her being in the white house was misconduct in and of itself. her, voldemort, dumb and dumber never should have been allowed to have made-up positions in government
As you and those at the trial noted, there was a lot of "I can't recall specifically..." testimony, but when confronted with the receipts, Ivanka could do nothing else but concede the prosecutors' key points. The most damaging, of course, was the "personal guarantee" business to get a favorable loan, and the indisputable fact the the tRump spawn would backstop that multibillion dollar guarantee with their own money...and that salient fact was NOT disclosed to the lender.
"Don't ask questions that you don't already have the answer"...Rule One of prosecuting a case and grilling witnesses. Yes, that's a NY Transit Authority bus bearing down on tRump, DJT Jr, and Eric...look out!
Her association with her father's presidency has already cut her off from what she prizes most: credibility in A-list New York Society. I think when that stint in the White House was over it did make her think on her relationship with her father, his treatment of her mother, his sexualization of his relationship with her . . . who knows? Maybe she's in therapy.
But yea, daddy dearest is looking up at the exhaust system of that bus right now. And doesn't realize it.
Okay then. His daughter left her diary in a hotel and when found it stated as such. Maybe that news didn’t penetrate your echo chamber.
Liberals are too thin skinned any way so I read your essay as I occasionally do and will continue because I’m not too afraid to hear what might not support how I think. I will refrain though from trampling your sensitive feelings by responding further.
Sorry, should have said demented. He is clearly suffering cognitive decline that is not just normal aging. His long history of lying and switching positions on issues to maintain media approval is a sign of character weakness.
Try not to take it personally. We don’t have to agree and I am not attacking anyone. If you are offended then you inferred it. It was neither implied or intended.
I can't imagine how much effort it must have taken to amass this evidence against them all. It's an incredible achievement, and a testament to why it's so difficult to pin anything on so many white collar criminals. If only we had more like this.
I guess the entire family was born with deceit in their DNA. Their sense of entitlement makes me sick. History will not be order for the children of these people to have a shot at a normal life, they should change their last name. Erase Trump from their heritage and start over.
What troubles me even more than this fraud case, which will probably bring Trump down anyway, is that highly suspicious deal that put $2 billion in Jared Kushner’s pocket. I feel like our defense secrets were sold to the Saudis, and that’s where that money came from. I have to wonder if the DOJ is doing any investigation into this, and just keeping it very quiet.
I totally agree with you... it's a cause for major concern. I want to believe the DOJ isnt turning a blind eye to this. You'd think James Comer might want to look into it since he's all about investigations these days. 🙄
Lol, James Comer. I call him James Coma. Eric Swalwell, in a congressional hearing today, did an epic takedown of Jim Jordan and his pals regarding this business of drawing attention away from the elections by now sending subpoenas to Hunter and James Biden. There’s no hope for these stupid losers. They simply cannot help themselves.
Hey! You're the best ....very kind of you. Truth be told, I've had to actually "WORK" today, and it's so hard when I just want to curl up on the couch and read Substacks. 😂😂 APPRECIATE THIS, Janet.
Perhaps this, the public soft disavowal of Daddy, is one component of a requisite lifelong commitment to psychoanalysis, as one makes subsequent to a childhood rife with familial lechery and every brand of untoward behavior.
Her admissions were, oh I don't know, so innocent...and...and pretty. There's nothing to see here. I, well gosh, I just don't recall...lying. Oh, geez, I gotta go pick up the kids.
It’s both hilarious and embarrassing that her team would try the “but it’s a school night!” argument, apparently forgetting that the entire world knows that she is one of the richest, most well-connected people on the planet. She has the means to arrange for travel and child care- even on a school night. She is a billionaire (maybe actually more like millionaire?) heiress and entrepreneur.
To quote (or close enough lol) Jim Wright, it shows “...all the self-awareness of a dog licking its own ass on a public sidewalk...”
HA! Jim Wright is awesome! 😂😂
Given that her husband was funded by the Saudi Prince for 2 billion, I assume with their assets she is a billionaire, which is not so clear about her dad.
Speaking of which, when are the Feds going to investigate Jared for being a non registered foreign agent for several middle eastern countries?
I think that could be item one on the list of things to investigate Jared for. He should be included in the Secret papers for sale scandal that Trump is being investigated for. Let Judge Cannon bend over backwards for him too! Or maybe she is too anti-Semitic to do that.
Right? Every time one of the Trumps tries to present themselves as "just an ordinary parent" I wonder how long before social services can legally rescue their kids from them.
If the tRump organization is in receivership and properties, etc. might have to be sold to pay damages for fraud, is Ivanka really an heiress?
Is there a single adult child of Trump who ever tells the truth?
Well have we heard from Barron? Lol
No. Melania protects Barron from his dad.
That poor young man. He will be in therapy for the rest of his life, assuming he comes to terms with the fact that he’ll need it.
That would be a first in that family. I think the only Trump out of the entire clan that's living in reality is Mary Trump, Donald's niece.
You’re probably right. And I do follow Mary Trump on Substack; she’s awesome, and a great writer as well. It helps to get the inside scoop on this deranged family.
What about MaryTrump's circle of Nerds!? Whole group is brilliant, always speaking Truth 💙🌠
May be MaryTrump could adopt him and "save" him! 🌌🧘
It makes me sad for Barron - guessing he may be an innocent young man. We don't choose the families to which we are born. We DO choose how we represent ourselves and our families. What bad examples all of these adult children are to the next generation. How can one teach ethical behavior if one doesn't model it? Among the 3 oldest, aren't there more than 10 children? I shudder.
I only know of the three Trump children who are in the spotlight, plus another daughter that has disowned the father, or perhaps vice versa, plus the teenager Barron. I have no pity on the three who are involved in this fraud case, and I hope they all get their comeuppance. Quite honestly, I am so sick of the 24x7 Trump saga that I mostly just turn it off. I just can’t handle it anymore.
Tiffany was supporting him in his political campaigns. Her mother kept her away from the father and the rest of the family while she was growing up. That's why she isn't involved in the business.
Sad but I guess safer. She managed those pre-nups hope the $$ will keep flowing in for those 2. 🙄
I think she’s protecting her parents. Chain migration, anyone?
Weren’t/aren’t they communists? Lol
Yes, the father for sure was a government official. Not sure about the mother.
I have a Happy Fantasy that young, tall, Barron turns 18 and sings like a canary.
True. She’s Loathsome
I just googled him: he's still a minor - 17 years old. And he's 6'7", which can't make his life any easier.
It would if he were a basketball player, but he doesn't look much like a jock body-language-wise. Later on though, it is likely to be helpful. Towering over people is a position of power.
Do they know what truth is? Are they taught the truth ?
Well, the truth does not exist in the bully parent, so - no.
I liked your comment and thought too of the book "Educated: A Memoir" and others like it that show how one can walk away from one's family if one chooses a different path. These grifters, Ivanka in particular, chose to marry another. The 3 older ones have their own children who are learning by example. Will they carry on this way?
Imagine what the world would be like today if only Donald Trump has gone to Catholic school and been raised by nuns.
I think Trump would've felt right at home: the Catholic Inquisition purposely persecuted and murdered many non-Catholics; the Church covered up and enabled sexual abuse by priests; the church still promotes misogyny. What's not for him to like?
Actually I was talking about how students are taught in Catholic schools - the respect, the discipline, the manners, etc. that are enforced from a very young age. The sense of guilt. The sense that there is a big book somewhere where someone is writing down every bad thing that you do. The feeling that there is a spooky organ music somewhere that plays whenever you have sinned. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition 500 years ago - that wasn't run by the nuns at all, was it? It was soecif8cally about those who are taught by nuns today You can usually tell who was taught by nuns and who wasn't. What kind of person would Trump have grown up as it he'd have been a product of Catholic school? Do you think it would have made a difference?
What does this actually mean to you?
Were you?
Yes I was. And I then went out in the world with the foolish belief that everyone shared that sense of morality and boy was I wrong - I wanted to sue those nuns for malpractice!
Tiffany has stayed away.
She worked on his campaigns. But she was never involved in the businesses.
Let’s not forget Deutsche Bank also needed a laundry basket next to the dryer for laundering all of the Russian mob and oligarch cash. Trump Enterprises was a willing participant.
Yes. But still nobody is investigating that part of DB history. Am I wrong? Tks
Not sure who. The Germans? Likely not, too close to home. Our DOJ? Too politically charged for Merrick the Meek. Also curious what ever happen to Scotland Yards look into tRumps all cash purchase of the Scottish golf course. Crickets.
Do not for a second interpret a quiet demeanor for meekness. Not only is the man brilliant, he has tenacity and determination.....those are his secret weapons......never underestimate him.......
Then why hasn’t the DOJ gone after the many members of Congress who aided and abetted the Jan. 6 coup? Garland appears to be afraid.
And Ginni Thomas? She was up to her ears in it.
No - not afraid…. Going after the most dangerous first
Problem is that the statute of limitations are ticking away.
He went after the lower Coup participants first to establish a prescient in Court. It's also a deterrent to those who are thinking of trying again. It also gives the public a familiarity of what is coming. He'll need it to go further up the chain. Congress will eventually be looked at which is why the Seditionists are behaving so radically and talking about removing voting rights, Democracy and the Constitution.
I think the hang-up is how very difficult it is to prove "intent"
Funding and manpower Resources, I'm thinking. Also, they already are dealing with one ball of tangled yarn.
Lauren, I can agree with most of what say on Garland. He’s smart. He did a great job on the DC Court. He would have made a fantastic SC Justice. He has some excellent career federal prosecutors and appointed US Attorneys under him in the DOJ. But the DOJ is supposed to be non-political. But the lack of expediency on starting the investigations on Trump wasted time when the clock started ticking upon his confirmation. That was a political decision. Inaction can be as political as over-reaction.
Who should be doing the investigation of the Trump organization participating with at least some employees of Deutsche Bank laundrying cash for Russian mob bosses and oligarchs? Who would have jurisdiction in a case like that?
Have it on good authority (an economics article, don't have the cite handy) that 18 of the 20 largest banks in the European Union have been fined for money laundering.
(One case was known in the European press as the "Russian Laundromat" case. Wikipedia has an article on that.)
Yes, who does the investigating?
A variety of organizations and entities were involved in investigating the money laundering, ranging from the European Central Bank to Financial Conduct Authority (UK) to Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (a consortium of financial journalists on six continents).
Selective amnesia was evident, IMO, I hope the judge picked up on that too, I believe the Daily Beast is where I saw it pointed out that she remembered details later in the afternoon regarding a same deal she couldn't recall when questioned earlier in the day. The evidence shows they are a family of frauds.
Like the Biden’s? Actually they are all WDC SWAMP creatures now. All politicians are. Well maybe there’s a handful of honest/decent ppl in DC but you can count them on one hand.
Wow. The Biden family and many in DC are not swamp creatures.
Uh I think you may be oh-so-mistaken. We who are residents of DC are not about whom you speak - well, no more than any other territory might have unethical people. The President and family? Oh I think not. And we who have taxation without voting representation resent your remarks.
Tell us who you think are swamp creatures by rumor, and then we can look at the list of people indicted by grand juries, and see how many names match up....
@ Ms. Mehlman.😡
her being in the white house was misconduct in and of itself. her, voldemort, dumb and dumber never should have been allowed to have made-up positions in government
As you and those at the trial noted, there was a lot of "I can't recall specifically..." testimony, but when confronted with the receipts, Ivanka could do nothing else but concede the prosecutors' key points. The most damaging, of course, was the "personal guarantee" business to get a favorable loan, and the indisputable fact the the tRump spawn would backstop that multibillion dollar guarantee with their own money...and that salient fact was NOT disclosed to the lender.
"Don't ask questions that you don't already have the answer"...Rule One of prosecuting a case and grilling witnesses. Yes, that's a NY Transit Authority bus bearing down on tRump, DJT Jr, and Eric...look out!
Her association with her father's presidency has already cut her off from what she prizes most: credibility in A-list New York Society. I think when that stint in the White House was over it did make her think on her relationship with her father, his treatment of her mother, his sexualization of his relationship with her . . . who knows? Maybe she's in therapy.
But yea, daddy dearest is looking up at the exhaust system of that bus right now. And doesn't realize it.
Euripedes couldn't have done better.
Well Crazy uncle Joe showered with his daughter so....... one does not excuse the other but it’s the old pot calling the kettle black schtick.
I don’t allow unfounded claims on this page or ad hominem.
Can you remove the crazy comment?
Okay then. His daughter left her diary in a hotel and when found it stated as such. Maybe that news didn’t penetrate your echo chamber.
Liberals are too thin skinned any way so I read your essay as I occasionally do and will continue because I’m not too afraid to hear what might not support how I think. I will refrain though from trampling your sensitive feelings by responding further.
God bless and keep you. Really.
Stop with calling Biden crazy. Slander.
Sorry, should have said demented. He is clearly suffering cognitive decline that is not just normal aging. His long history of lying and switching positions on issues to maintain media approval is a sign of character weakness.
Try not to take it personally. We don’t have to agree and I am not attacking anyone. If you are offended then you inferred it. It was neither implied or intended.
Uh, BS, Ms Mehlman--you are going to be reported.
Okay if that helps you feel better
I can't imagine how much effort it must have taken to amass this evidence against them all. It's an incredible achievement, and a testament to why it's so difficult to pin anything on so many white collar criminals. If only we had more like this.
Ivanka (speaking to her kids): Who ate the cookies? I told you that you couldn’t have any cookies until after dinner.
her kids: we don’t recall seeing any cookies
- seen on mastodon: dangersmind
Jay, you dissected Ivanka's testimony surgically, laying open the real picture. The MSM just covered it with a silly Smurf bandage. Thanks so much!!!
Thank you so much for this explanation, Jay. You really are a gift!!!
Off Topic: I made a typo this morning and had to laugh, why have Trump's people not given him this childish nickname: Vivek Ramaswampy
I’ve used that name in fact, or something close to it.
I've used Vivek Ramasmarmy....
Ramaswarmy is what I've called him from the get go. I have to stop and consider what his actual name s occasionally.
Hi dad! Remember all those lap dances you talked me into when I was a kid? Payback, mo-fo!
Whoa, brutal...O those family secrets!
I guess the entire family was born with deceit in their DNA. Their sense of entitlement makes me sick. History will not be order for the children of these people to have a shot at a normal life, they should change their last name. Erase Trump from their heritage and start over.
What troubles me even more than this fraud case, which will probably bring Trump down anyway, is that highly suspicious deal that put $2 billion in Jared Kushner’s pocket. I feel like our defense secrets were sold to the Saudis, and that’s where that money came from. I have to wonder if the DOJ is doing any investigation into this, and just keeping it very quiet.
I totally agree with you... it's a cause for major concern. I want to believe the DOJ isnt turning a blind eye to this. You'd think James Comer might want to look into it since he's all about investigations these days. 🙄
Lol, James Comer. I call him James Coma. Eric Swalwell, in a congressional hearing today, did an epic takedown of Jim Jordan and his pals regarding this business of drawing attention away from the elections by now sending subpoenas to Hunter and James Biden. There’s no hope for these stupid losers. They simply cannot help themselves.
HA! James is a smarmy, unhappy little man.
LOVE Swalwell....sorry I missed that. Will need to look it up.
I found it. Enjoy!
Hey! You're the best ....very kind of you. Truth be told, I've had to actually "WORK" today, and it's so hard when I just want to curl up on the couch and read Substacks. 😂😂 APPRECIATE THIS, Janet.
You still have a subpoena in your inbox....
That's gold!
Tiffany is doing just that, IMHO.
Perhaps this, the public soft disavowal of Daddy, is one component of a requisite lifelong commitment to psychoanalysis, as one makes subsequent to a childhood rife with familial lechery and every brand of untoward behavior.
I just mentioned somewhere above that Barron will probably be in therapy for the rest of his life, assuming he knows that he needs it.
I don't think she's that self aware. She is truly her daddy's daughter. She thinks like he thinks but she has a prettier face.
Her admissions were, oh I don't know, so innocent...and...and pretty. There's nothing to see here. I, well gosh, I just don't recall...lying. Oh, geez, I gotta go pick up the kids.
Thanks for the spotlight Jay.