The rally permit only allowed the group to be in the park for the speech. The rally permit gave NO permission to leave the park and go to the Capitol building to protest. Trump tells the crowd to go to the Capitol and fight like Hell. The crowd obeys. Case closed for me.

But the House Managers are definitely putting forth a strong case that Trump had always known his supporters would listen to him to be violent...since rallies in 2015. And that during the insurrection Trump did nothing to stop it and in fact his first actions were to call a congressman and urge him to add another objection to the certification. Also that when Trump finally did say to go home...they started going home. Proving he had the power to do that 4 hours earlier.

It makes me angry that he will almost certainly be acquitted in the face of this evidence.

As for format ideas:

1. Make the text font maybe 1 point larger.

2. Make the photo captions a little darker.

Some of us are old 😁

Otherwise, LOVE it!

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I haven’t figured out how to make the font bigger yet. Very frustrating!

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He had indeed been grooming them for ages. Furthermore, I don’t think his ego would have survived without an injection of violence. “See, they love me so much they are willing to fight for me!”

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1000% caused by Trump. This just isn't in doubt. But doesn't matter because the GOP will acquit. 🤷‍♀️

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Definitely all because of him. I agree it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't fanned the flames of his followers.

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But also. If he didn’t mean all this rioting to happen, why didn’t he make any effort to stop it once it did?

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4 years ago, I said the GOP was imploding. Well, the implosion is nearly complete. If the old-timers create a new "conservative" party, they will be fractured to the point of not being able to win an election for decades to come.

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To say there will be no conviction is doubting the Impeachment managers ability to present a undisputed case You cannot defend the indefensible. The Republicans, 44 of them, that are willing to aid and abet once again a man who they know was a clear and present danger to our system of governing everyday of his term. Well shame on them history will not serve them well.

This time I think he played a bad hand

He will be convicted then criminally charged

by individual states

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@KaitlanCollins tweeted... "On Fox as the impeachment managers are on the Senate floor, Trump attorney David Schoen calls their argument "offensive." He says Trump doesn't want to be associated with what happened 1/6 and senators will get "a much better picture of what's going on here" when they present."

"...doesn't want to be associated with what happened..." .

I find this absolutely mind-boggling. That said, if he's not convicted here, there's quite the queue waiting starting with SDNY. SOMEone will get him. Capone was finally had on tax fraud.

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Trump also gave the insurrectionists the feeling that he had their back i.e. they were impervious to prosecution. Indeed, many of them expected to be pardoned by him for their crimes.

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The evidence shown yesterday should've been sufficiently damning for trumps defense but to see that several repubs are going forward with acquittal, blatantly disregarding what everyone went through that day and the officers who put their lives on the line for the them, is not only not surprising but just downright disgusting. Knowing the possibility that they are going to acquit him worries me so much for what potential dangers we may see in the future.

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Too many of Trump's ardent supporters refuse to even contemplate the evidence against him. I know some who condemn the attack on the capital but place the blame solely on those militants who breached the building. They're of the opinion that there were thousands who attended the rally but left afterward and did not participate in the insurrection. They still believe there was overwhelming voter fraud and that the election was stolen. There is no convincing them otherwise.

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That is so frustrating. Lots of work ahead...

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45 is definitely to blame for it! These interviews are proof!

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I'm afraid it doesn't matter what we believe. His hard core base will never turn their back on him. I live in the "Deep South" where the majority of rural citizens still believe the election was stolen from him.

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There are so many in the middle though that we still can reach!

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My husband changed his mind! I was a house divided.

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This is as scary as it is fascinating. I keep going back to the final weeks of Trump's reign when McConnell drew a line in the sand against the former President and many Republicans stood on either side. To watch that line blur, to see so many back pedal and try to remain in the good graces of conspiracy theorists and bigots is.. frustrating, to say the least. I know that the GOP is scrambling to avoid a decisive party divide, but if Trump is cancer, they seriously need to cut him out.

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GOP will acquit him. Then what? That says do anything you want as president in your last weeks in office. You will get off.

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There is still the court of public opinion. I’m hoping the GOP pays a political price for this.

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The Big Lie started right after the 2016 election...

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