Would be great if this is the end of FAUX news!

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Sadly I think we are stuck with them for some time… But I hope over time, younger people just grow wiser to it and don’t go the route of their parents.

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Not soon enough.

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Wow. What a concise, damning portrait of Fox Entertainment and Rupert Murdoch this analysis presents. I wish people who are addicted to the talking heads at Fox would read it, too.

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Unfortunately, most of their viewers won’t know. Let’s hope their stock plummets and Dominion gets a huge settlement & damages!

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I wouldn't hold my breath about Faux gettting financially ruined if Dominion wins the case. There is a population in this country and outside as well going to prop up Fox News to continue the InfoWar (Putin needing Trump as Russian#1 asset) for nefarious purposes. Also Elon is the top 3 wealthiest wingnut out there.......

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I would hope that any judgement against Fox would not only drain them of money in the billions, but also require them to run the truth every hour for weeks owning up to knowingly lying to their viewers and that there was no fraud in the 2020 election.

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Since Murdoch can boldly state that it is "Not about red or blue, but GREEN", then it is only befitting that the punishment should aim at his fat wallet not only returning the GREEN he & his FAUX organization raked in by peddling these lies, but way more to actually make him & his peddlers feel the pain caused by the huge hole in their pockets. That would be the only way for them to stop - realizing that in the end it will cost them way more than what they raked in.

As to Kevin McCarthy handing the Jan. 6th footage over to these lying scammers, have there been any filings for a restraining order by the DOJ or other affected parties?

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The media companies are demanding access from Congress to the same footage, which I think is probably the fastest way for it to happen. We’ll see.

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Thank you, Jay! Fingers crossed.

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So, Rupert admits UNDER OATH that he knew his top money makers KNEW they were lying and kept featuring "guests" they KNEW were both lying and crazy, but who were making them money. Then Rupert helped the Trump campaign spy on the Biden campaign by PRE-releasing Biden's ads and confidential information to Jared. Didn't I hear the Trump people claim his campaign was spied upon??? Once again, the accusation is a confession!

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EVERY accusation is a projection and a confession. EVERY time.

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Within the narrative of your piece you hit on a critical nuance- the fact that we are tolerized, desensitized to this fantastical departure from all that is civil, decent and honorable- perhaps as a defensive/survival mechanism as we repeatedly are exposed to this battering, this barrage....we have only so much incredulity to spare....

But we need to dig deep, engage and make some noise.

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We must continue to be vigilant plus go VOTE for all future elections to ensure Republican Party be the minority in our government.

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When you think about the billions of dollars Fox News has brought in to it’s owners and newscasters, 1.6 billion is not a lot. Also, they have caused irreparable damage to the US and democracies around the world. . Brainwashing people using lies gave Trump his political power and in turn emboldened Putin and other dangerous authoritarian dictators. Without FN the ultra right wing dictators everywhere would not have had the same power to control people and politics. FN and it’s hosts should be sued into oblivion and their licenses permanently removed. The 1st Amendment does not give them the right to use lies and deception to divide our nation, foster hatred and violence and try to destroy our democracy. No monetary judgment can ever make up the damage they have caused us personally and as a nation.

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They have $4 billion in cash, on hand, for example.

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It would be nice if the license of FNC would be revoked and/or that it be prohibited from including "News" in the name of their network.

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Can they be forced to stop using the word "News" in their name?

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Thank you for this amazing reporting. It gives me hope, at least for this one “news”agency that just might get its due. Bravo.

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I thought for sure that you wrote fucksters rather than hucksters. It would certainly fit!

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Jail Rupert, Hannity, Tucker, Pirro, and all the others right next to all the J6 terrorists.

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It’s good that Dominion has gotten these admissions. Now it seems the American people should be suing FN for their lies. So many families have been torn apart because of their outrageous lies.

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Sadly, there’s no thing in the law as a class action on behalf of the entire public.

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This is an incredible analysis of the legal facts presented. What I couldn’t understand is why Murdoch would flat out say that some of the FE hosts spread the lies. Why wouldn’t he try to lie about it and save his company? You mentioned FE seeking a “knock-out ruling granting it blanket immunity for having simply discussed and broadcast newsworthy events”. It was then, after reading that sentence and your thoughts on it, that I had an AHA moment. Thank you for clearly guiding us through all the legal aspects of this case so far.

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The amount of the damages, including punitive, should be one million dollars more than the total value of the combined assets of Fox, its owners, and the assets of Hannity et al. And the owners and lying 'news' host should be required to work off the one million dollar balance working night shifts cleaning meat packing plants, earning minimum wage. This would be what is often called (terrible phrase) a "learning experience" for them.

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And they could replace the kids working is these places. I know it would be tough for the kids, but they should not be working in such places and conditions.

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That did pass through my mind. It'd do those Fox millionaires a world of good to do some real work for a while. Like the rest of their lives....

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For karma's sake: Tucker should work in a plant making TV dinners.

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Every reporter not from a propaganda outlet needs to ask Gym Jordan, McCarthy and the various House GOP comittee members EVERY DAY: when they will investigate the Fox Files, Fox and Jared spying on the Biden campaign, the head of a media outlet saying outloud that they need to do everything possible to keep Trump POTUS, et al. I like to hope that the destruction of our democracy is more important to those clowns than trying to find Hunter's d**k pics and anything else Elon's propaganda outlet Taibbi is reporting on.

Related: as if McCarthy couldn't do anything more egregious, he does, giving Tucker the J6 footage AFTER the Fox Files comes out. If he had any integrity...then again, you need to actually have a soul to have that.

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This should also cement charges against Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani!

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Not sure if charges will be brought against Powell. She didn’t conspire, as far as I know, to overturn the election. But she did hold some really, really crazy views.

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