I love your snark, Jay. Don Snoreleone, Kari Lake (Q-Pluto) and MyPillow.... so creative! Your writing is always informative as well as entertaining. I'm looking forward to more trial reporting.
Regarding Fox News' failure to mention Trump's naps, I thought I'd mention that I got my brother, a life-long Republican, to stop watching Fox News years ago when I told him I'd read about a university study that found Fox News viewers knew less about current events than people who never watched any news at all. He voted a straight Democratic ticket in the last two elections. In Texas.
The personal satisfaction I enjoy is reward enough. I can't take all the credit, though. His wife is a Democrat... I think it took both of us to make a real difference.
God bless his wife. My husband I had a "mixed marriage" for about 40 years. He finally came to his senses and voted "D" in 2016. So proud of him! I wanted to put that fact in his obituary, but my family convinced me my house would probably be fire bombed.
To be fair, if Liz Cheney ran for President, he'd probably vote for her. I think he's still a Republican at heart, an old school Reaganite. He hates the direction the GOP has taken and especially hates Trump so this 'conversion' to a Democratic voter may be temporary should things turn around in the GOP (doubtful) or a third party come on the scene that resembles what he used to believe in. Meanwhile, I try not to act too gleeful in his presence.
Agreed! At least his brother cares to be better informed than nothing. Is that true of all Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump's voters? I think not after having seen a few of them interviewed here and on Jeff Tiedrich's Substack.
We should never, and I mean NEVER stop talking about how he fell asleep. I know he has no shame or embarrassment, but he is obsessed with his image. The trials, the fraud, the porn star, none of that matters. But maybe, just maybe, if he's exposed as a tired, very elderly man who can't stay awake for a full day without a few naps...because you know he's going to fall asleep a few more times before this is over. Jump on each and every time. (Also, Don Snoreleone is the best nickname yet!)
Could it be that Faux News & Business haven't reported on him sleeping because they're secretly laughing their butts off? As for no one being there for him, he'd be willing to throw any and all of them under the bus at any moment. I've heard that his lawyers claimed to give him a roofie yesterday. Have you heard anything about that?
Their MO is to completely ignore anything concerning. He could be seen sucking his thumb, and they'd deny that, too. Personally, I think it's dementia more so than drugs, but what do I know. He may surprise us all.
I am of the opinion that this trial is doing him a favor by allowing him time to sleep, which it seems like he does not get much of given his propensity to just post, post, post all the time on his social media platform. Rumors of Adderall use make it seem like he just gets himself hyped up with drugs to keep going. It suggests that this court time might be him crashing. Still, no one has mentioned his speech difficulties either. Let us see where this all leads.
I heard that his lawyers claimed they gave him a roofie which would do the trick of it's true. Imo he has crashed from the Adderall snorting and the overstimulation of constant posting on social media app. I'd be saddened by this if he showed any sign of having a conscience. I don't even feel sorry for him not having anyone there to support him.
“I know he has no shame or embarrassment, but he is obsessed with his image.” I believe he is the sublimation man filled with shame and embarrassment buried so deep and controlled with such energy that he is extremely vulnerable to the peccadilloes of ridicule. Remember Trump being the butt of a joke by Obama?
Strange to think that Obama may have unwittingly released this Kraken of Krazy upon us and we need the power real Medusas—not the misogynistic changed story of Medusa beheaded by Perseus—but the real women of power that many men fear.
Snoreleone already fears a bunch of powerful women: Justice Tanya Chutkan, NYDA Letitia James, and DA Fani Willis. That they're all powerful BLACK women is just the cherry on top.
I've since seen 'Don Snoreleone' in an Occupy Democrats post on FB (I'm pretty sure it was Occupy Democrats). Anyway, it's wasn't one of yours, Jay, so others have picked it up and are spreading it.
One wonders if a Biden ad or Lincoln Project 30-second video featuring Don Snoreleone’s eye bags and courtroom snoozes (AI generated, no cameras in court) could get paid and placed on Fox local stations, Fox News and Fox Sports with a comparison to a vibrant Joe Biden.
I don't know.... I think it might hurt him more if we STOPPED talking about him altogether. Do I have any fans of the miniseries "Merlin" here? The one with Sam Neil and Miranda Richardson? Remember what the Lady of the Lake tells Merlin as a clue to defeat Mab? "When we are forgotten we cease to exist." I think that's what needs to happen to Trump. More than being made ridiculous via negative attention - it's no attention at all. NONE. Like he doesn't exist. Like he never was.
Melania is clearly exhausted by her husband as we all are. I am sure his son will be just fine without his dad at his graduation to embarrass him and suck all of the air out of the room, as they say!
Considering the lack of any pr or information on any fatherly things the bloated yam has ever done for or with his youngest offspring, my guess is if TFG did show up to the graduation, said son would look at him and ask “he’s who’s dad?”
Jay, thanks for this summary. Is there a possibility that Judge Merchan will order a competency evaluation for Trump? Wouldn't the court want to assess Trump's behavior, jumbled speech, dozing in court, lies, and other apparent signs of dementia, as reported and filmed, and as you noted last week in your interview w/ Dr. Gartner.
Although I think doing it out of spite would be giving him the day off for the graduation and forcing trump to go to the graduation. I don't think he really wants to go. He'd have to sit on uncomfortable folding chairs and listen to other people talk.
It is interesting to see that Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump has 2 Colombian judges on his cases. Surprised that the Republicans and TTTTT are not complaining about needing to send them back to their country. As for assessing mental competency, I don't know if he is far enough gone for it to be precisely determined, but doing that would take time from getting this done before the election. A speedy trial is being had, instead of the usual slower than molasses pace TTTTTs trials are going through in other areas. Also, sleeping is not proof of anything other than tiredness. I know that I can fall asleep about anywhere when I am sleep deprived. If he only talks outside of court, there is nothing to say. Someone mentioned in some substack today that maybe his lawyers drugged him to keep him calm in court. Can you imagine. That was shot down with, he is coming down from not being able to huff Adderal in the bathroom all day. All of these are terrible thoughts to be having about the person who may be sitting in the White House with his tantruming finger on the nuclear button in just over half a year.
I think he's drugged. I think his team drugged him to prevent him from freaking out, mouthing off, and threatening people in open court and getting jailed for it. He's stoned.
He's up til 2 or three threatening witnesses and starts up again at 5:30. The man has too much on his mind to sleep. ( What could he have on his mind?)
I wonder if they're giving him the same thing I give my dog before a trip to the vet. She's kind of reactive too. Maybe they should bring a peanut butter lick-mat with them.
I think he has undiagnosed ADD (I'm sure he has undiagnosed dyslexia - just look at his spelling). The one thing a brain with attention deficits can't stand is boredom.
Hope his people realize he can't be too ill for trials but well enough to campaign... May he have to sit through this and all trials all the way to sentencing. Surely it's unlikely that voters would choose a president frantically filing appeals lol!
A commenter in another substack this morning (Everyone is entitled to my own opinion by Jeff Tiedrich, comment by Hoyt Bangs) called him Sleepy Don the Nodfather…
I saw that too! We should recommend this substack to Hoyt and get him to come over here and comment, too; he's fairly new and already very good at the comments thing.
I do wonder how the My Pillow guy is doing. He had a problem paying rent on a warehouse recently. I'm looking forward to his full on bankruptcy - personal and business.
My guess is that his handlers drugged him to keep him quiet and compliant, and the dosage was just a bit too high. I suspect they will dial it back today.
Lawrence O’Donnell made a good point last night! The press corps should NOT be immediately outside the courthouse for Don’s false rebuttal of each day’s proceedings!
Can’t that be moved off site & further away? - maybe for security reasons?
Don Trump did receive some good news this morning; DJT stock opened at $0.64 above closing. Of course, a couple of hours later it's down almost $3. DJT lost around $800 million in value yesterday. It'll be fun to see how much it loses today.
I love your snark, Jay. Don Snoreleone, Kari Lake (Q-Pluto) and MyPillow.... so creative! Your writing is always informative as well as entertaining. I'm looking forward to more trial reporting.
Regarding Fox News' failure to mention Trump's naps, I thought I'd mention that I got my brother, a life-long Republican, to stop watching Fox News years ago when I told him I'd read about a university study that found Fox News viewers knew less about current events than people who never watched any news at all. He voted a straight Democratic ticket in the last two elections. In Texas.
You deserve a medal for converting your brother by simply getting him to stop watching the propaganda network.
The personal satisfaction I enjoy is reward enough. I can't take all the credit, though. His wife is a Democrat... I think it took both of us to make a real difference.
God bless his wife. My husband I had a "mixed marriage" for about 40 years. He finally came to his senses and voted "D" in 2016. So proud of him! I wanted to put that fact in his obituary, but my family convinced me my house would probably be fire bombed.
Bravo to you! Brava to her too!
And good for your brother to be willing to see the light.
To be fair, if Liz Cheney ran for President, he'd probably vote for her. I think he's still a Republican at heart, an old school Reaganite. He hates the direction the GOP has taken and especially hates Trump so this 'conversion' to a Democratic voter may be temporary should things turn around in the GOP (doubtful) or a third party come on the scene that resembles what he used to believe in. Meanwhile, I try not to act too gleeful in his presence.
You are a good sister. And a great citizen! 💙
Awww, shucks.
Agreed! At least his brother cares to be better informed than nothing. Is that true of all Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump's voters? I think not after having seen a few of them interviewed here and on Jeff Tiedrich's Substack.
We should never, and I mean NEVER stop talking about how he fell asleep. I know he has no shame or embarrassment, but he is obsessed with his image. The trials, the fraud, the porn star, none of that matters. But maybe, just maybe, if he's exposed as a tired, very elderly man who can't stay awake for a full day without a few naps...because you know he's going to fall asleep a few more times before this is over. Jump on each and every time. (Also, Don Snoreleone is the best nickname yet!)
He fell asleep again today!
I'm sure he's aware that if he just sleeps through every session, the media will just normalize, this, too, and stop reporting it.
I read he farted in court, either loudly or really smelly.
Could it be that Faux News & Business haven't reported on him sleeping because they're secretly laughing their butts off? As for no one being there for him, he'd be willing to throw any and all of them under the bus at any moment. I've heard that his lawyers claimed to give him a roofie yesterday. Have you heard anything about that?
Their MO is to completely ignore anything concerning. He could be seen sucking his thumb, and they'd deny that, too. Personally, I think it's dementia more so than drugs, but what do I know. He may surprise us all.
Did you read last week’s piece on his mental decline? Cross-posted from THE BIG PICTURE? Very insightful
Especially since he is so fond of his nickname for Biden
More evidence of his narcissism. Projection is how narcissists cope with their flaws.
I am of the opinion that this trial is doing him a favor by allowing him time to sleep, which it seems like he does not get much of given his propensity to just post, post, post all the time on his social media platform. Rumors of Adderall use make it seem like he just gets himself hyped up with drugs to keep going. It suggests that this court time might be him crashing. Still, no one has mentioned his speech difficulties either. Let us see where this all leads.
Jay posted a great summary of his speech difficulties late last week.
I heard that his lawyers claimed they gave him a roofie which would do the trick of it's true. Imo he has crashed from the Adderall snorting and the overstimulation of constant posting on social media app. I'd be saddened by this if he showed any sign of having a conscience. I don't even feel sorry for him not having anyone there to support him.
I can't believe that his lawyers would admit to that. That is a crime.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true.
I know. It would be funny if it is though.
“I know he has no shame or embarrassment, but he is obsessed with his image.” I believe he is the sublimation man filled with shame and embarrassment buried so deep and controlled with such energy that he is extremely vulnerable to the peccadilloes of ridicule. Remember Trump being the butt of a joke by Obama?
Strange to think that Obama may have unwittingly released this Kraken of Krazy upon us and we need the power real Medusas—not the misogynistic changed story of Medusa beheaded by Perseus—but the real women of power that many men fear.
This fits well with the old narrative, "I blame Obama."
Blame is a many tentacled animal used to protect one from being eaten by shark.
Snoreleone already fears a bunch of powerful women: Justice Tanya Chutkan, NYDA Letitia James, and DA Fani Willis. That they're all powerful BLACK women is just the cherry on top.
"Don Snoreleone" has won the internets today, Jay...outstanding!
I cannot claim credit. A friend texted it to me and I spit up!
I've since seen 'Don Snoreleone' in an Occupy Democrats post on FB (I'm pretty sure it was Occupy Democrats). Anyway, it's wasn't one of yours, Jay, so others have picked it up and are spreading it.
Snoreleone is at it again today:
Early a.m. court sessions + late-nite SM ranting already taking its toll on the gobshite.
One wonders if a Biden ad or Lincoln Project 30-second video featuring Don Snoreleone’s eye bags and courtroom snoozes (AI generated, no cameras in court) could get paid and placed on Fox local stations, Fox News and Fox Sports with a comparison to a vibrant Joe Biden.
I don't know.... I think it might hurt him more if we STOPPED talking about him altogether. Do I have any fans of the miniseries "Merlin" here? The one with Sam Neil and Miranda Richardson? Remember what the Lady of the Lake tells Merlin as a clue to defeat Mab? "When we are forgotten we cease to exist." I think that's what needs to happen to Trump. More than being made ridiculous via negative attention - it's no attention at all. NONE. Like he doesn't exist. Like he never was.
Chef’s Kiss for the MyPillow ending. 😝
That was quite fitting and something I'm sure to be in at least one meme. 🤣🤣🤣
Here's a few more.
Benedict Yawnold.
Al Napone.
Bernie Nodoff.
Yawn Wilkes Booth.
I’ve found ‘fetid yam’ to be appropriate.
May I add these to my current list?
Orange jesus
Tangerine toddler
Bloated yam
The orange menace
Jabba the Rump
Velveeta Voldemort
Orange Foolius
Mango Mussolini
Citrus Caesar
Agent Orange
Orange Gobshite
citrus-tinged scorpion
“citrus caesar”
melon molester.
Emperor Fullofshiticus.
Orange Adolf
Mango McCombOver
orange humanoid
Mr. Tangerine Man
Tantrum Trump
“Don Poorleone”
"The Count of Mostly Crisco"
Comrade trump
IMPOTUS (IMpeached President Of The United States)
Orange Oligarch.
Persimmon Potentate
Don Snoreleone
Kraken of Krazy
I usually refer to him as Darnold Turnip. It is VERY recognizable to humans, and avoids getting caught by the algorithms.
Or just plain Dumpy.
"Velveeta Voldemort" - Perfect for He-Who-Deflects-All-Blame. Two thumbs up, No notes.
I've used Trumplethinskin.
Spoke too soon. Now he wants to charge GOP candidates for mentioning his name. He's now He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-Without-A-Piece-Of-The-Action.
Velveeta Voleone maybe?
You bet!
Re: Tяump, I saw what you did there!
Love these!
Drowsy Don
Sir Sleepsalot
I love those!
Traitor Trump works for me.
It would be really weird for Melania to show up in support, since she was busy birthing a child while Trump was playing with Stormy.
Maybe she can show up in her "I don't care" coat.
I remember when my wife gave birth to my son. Because I was there, not hustling porn stars.
Melania is clearly exhausted by her husband as we all are. I am sure his son will be just fine without his dad at his graduation to embarrass him and suck all of the air out of the room, as they say!
Considering the lack of any pr or information on any fatherly things the bloated yam has ever done for or with his youngest offspring, my guess is if TFG did show up to the graduation, said son would look at him and ask “he’s who’s dad?”
I love the "I don't care coat" remark. Excellent.
I'd love it a lot more if she actually did it.
Yep. We all would love to see that.
That coat would be appropriate about now.
Kind of genius writing. "Matriculation into felonyhood" and can't even "fix" his makeup made me laugh aloud. Last line [chef's kiss]. :)
I focused on the same 3 lines—LMAO!!!
Jay, thanks for this summary. Is there a possibility that Judge Merchan will order a competency evaluation for Trump? Wouldn't the court want to assess Trump's behavior, jumbled speech, dozing in court, lies, and other apparent signs of dementia, as reported and filmed, and as you noted last week in your interview w/ Dr. Gartner.
The judge should just do it out of spite. Good thing I'm not a judge.
Although I think doing it out of spite would be giving him the day off for the graduation and forcing trump to go to the graduation. I don't think he really wants to go. He'd have to sit on uncomfortable folding chairs and listen to other people talk.
It is interesting to see that Treacherous-treasonous-traitorous-tantruming-Trump has 2 Colombian judges on his cases. Surprised that the Republicans and TTTTT are not complaining about needing to send them back to their country. As for assessing mental competency, I don't know if he is far enough gone for it to be precisely determined, but doing that would take time from getting this done before the election. A speedy trial is being had, instead of the usual slower than molasses pace TTTTTs trials are going through in other areas. Also, sleeping is not proof of anything other than tiredness. I know that I can fall asleep about anywhere when I am sleep deprived. If he only talks outside of court, there is nothing to say. Someone mentioned in some substack today that maybe his lawyers drugged him to keep him calm in court. Can you imagine. That was shot down with, he is coming down from not being able to huff Adderal in the bathroom all day. All of these are terrible thoughts to be having about the person who may be sitting in the White House with his tantruming finger on the nuclear button in just over half a year.
Good question.
I think he's drugged. I think his team drugged him to prevent him from freaking out, mouthing off, and threatening people in open court and getting jailed for it. He's stoned.
He's up til 2 or three threatening witnesses and starts up again at 5:30. The man has too much on his mind to sleep. ( What could he have on his mind?)
What mind?
Maybe he's asking himself if the sex was worth it
Absolutely rolling on the floor!!!!!!! You've nailed him!!!
I wonder if they're giving him the same thing I give my dog before a trip to the vet. She's kind of reactive too. Maybe they should bring a peanut butter lick-mat with them.
I think he has undiagnosed ADD (I'm sure he has undiagnosed dyslexia - just look at his spelling). The one thing a brain with attention deficits can't stand is boredom.
I know I can’t
Kari Lake (Q-Pluto). Priceless!!
I won’t be surprised if after a couple of weeks Trump has a medical event, real or imagined, to make a case for an indefinite adjournment.
What ya did there - I saw it... 😁
I wasn't sure how many would get the joke. A joke I'm reluctant at my ripe old age to make, lol.
It was Jay's like that tipped me off.
It came dangerously close to being a dad joke, which he seems to admire :-)
Agree. Dangerously close.
A ™️ or ®️ would have made it more pointed. 😊
Rim shot--LOL!
Hope his people realize he can't be too ill for trials but well enough to campaign... May he have to sit through this and all trials all the way to sentencing. Surely it's unlikely that voters would choose a president frantically filing appeals lol!
Or we'll enough to play golf
Judging by his golf skill, he'll never be well enough for that LOL!
“Surely it's unlikely that voters would choose a president frantically filing appeals lol!”
I think you underestimate the ability of rationalization.
tRump is a walking, talking *medical event* just waiting to happen...sooner rather than later, we all beseech the Greater Powers.
I thought it would happen last Sunday night or early Monday morning.
Would not surprise me in the least.
Don Snoreleone - thanks for a good laugh Jay!
A commenter in another substack this morning (Everyone is entitled to my own opinion by Jeff Tiedrich, comment by Hoyt Bangs) called him Sleepy Don the Nodfather…
I saw that too! We should recommend this substack to Hoyt and get him to come over here and comment, too; he's fairly new and already very good at the comments thing.
I like the shade at Lindell. I guess judging by Drumpf's lack of sleep those pillows are shit.
I do wonder how the My Pillow guy is doing. He had a problem paying rent on a warehouse recently. I'm looking forward to his full on bankruptcy - personal and business.
Wondering if they could have drugged him so he didn't say anything. I was going to write "say anything stupid" but then realized that was redundant
My guess is that his handlers drugged him to keep him quiet and compliant, and the dosage was just a bit too high. I suspect they will dial it back today.
It's 5:30 in NY. Today's session is over. He slept again
There is no way they drugged him. That would be a crime and if they did, they didn't admit to it.
This is who he is, a sleepy old guy who poops in his adult diapers and can't bear not to be the one in charge.
Lawrence O’Donnell made a good point last night! The press corps should NOT be immediately outside the courthouse for Don’s false rebuttal of each day’s proceedings!
Can’t that be moved off site & further away? - maybe for security reasons?
Don Trump did receive some good news this morning; DJT stock opened at $0.64 above closing. Of course, a couple of hours later it's down almost $3. DJT lost around $800 million in value yesterday. It'll be fun to see how much it loses today.