I have run out of hope that Trump will be tried for anything. I just don't see it, and that's been the story of Trump's life. He is made of Teflon!

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On admissions of guilt, see, Lee v US, 343 U.S 747. The "blabbibg" is defintely agaist TFG's penal interest.

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Can a special prosecutor continue to investigate and prosecute should a Republican win the Presidency in 2024 and appoint a new AttorneyGeneral. It seems that Mueller was ineffective ultimately as an “unwanted” special prosecutor. Thank you.

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He will get away with it for two main reasons: 1). There is no precedent (or stomach) for prosecuting a president (pun intended), and 2). "Rule of Law" principle that supposedly applies to EVERYONE, really has limits for some (the rich, powerful, well-connected, moneyed, and able to drag the government or other party down with endless delays), but NO limits for other (most of the law-abiding or other) citizens.

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How this man continues to escape and consequences for his criminality is beyond me, money really does make a difference there is no hope he will ever see consequences for his treachery.

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