As word got out that Steve Bannon and others subpoenaed to testify by the January 6 Select Committee intended to defy Congress, but that the Committee was prepared to move to enforce the subpoenas through criminal prosecutions, it became common to dismiss the idea that they would ever be held to account.
I really hope you are right. I for one, am getting sick and tired of DOJ, the media, Democrats in Congress, etc. putting so much weight behind what 1/3 of Americans think while totally ignoring what the rest of us think. The 1/3 already have SCOTUS on their side, ready to overturn any common sense action. They have proven themselves to be selfish, ignorant, and dangerous. It's only fair that DOJ is on the side of not only the 2/3, but, of all of us. Isn't that it's job? As far as Democrats on this committee go, it wasn't just during the trump years that they appeared to cave. It seems to be their MO in a slew of other situations. Always wanting decorum and tradition to take precedence over what is right and best for the country. Talk a big game, do nothing. The trump years definitely made me more jaded and skeptical, though. Fingers crossed that we survive.
I really hope you are right. I for one, am getting sick and tired of DOJ, the media, Democrats in Congress, etc. putting so much weight behind what 1/3 of Americans think while totally ignoring what the rest of us think. The 1/3 already have SCOTUS on their side, ready to overturn any common sense action. They have proven themselves to be selfish, ignorant, and dangerous. It's only fair that DOJ is on the side of not only the 2/3, but, of all of us. Isn't that it's job? As far as Democrats on this committee go, it wasn't just during the trump years that they appeared to cave. It seems to be their MO in a slew of other situations. Always wanting decorum and tradition to take precedence over what is right and best for the country. Talk a big game, do nothing. The trump years definitely made me more jaded and skeptical, though. Fingers crossed that we survive.
Thanks for this. It is SO hard to wait for the process to unfold, but unfold it must for any convictions to stick.
The former guy: “You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”