Hi, folks! I’ll be with my team tonight at The Big Picture with live updates and commentary throughout the evening (at least until reasonable!). If you’d like to join me there and aren’t yet a subscriber, you can join for free at the button below. We of course would be grateful if you would like to become a paid supporter of our work!
We should be online around 7:15 p.m. after polls close in Georgia. You’ll get an email inviting you to join the conversation in the comments section. Community is important! See you there.
Let’s win this!
From Robert Reich: the red mirage followed by the blue shift. The red mirage happens because R counties are more sparsely populated than D counties. D counties take longer to count. That's why tr*mp is going to declare victory early, but being the first to declare victory isn't what determines the winner!
Working the polls in my state. Things are running smoothly. We do have poll watchers that have been here all day.