Stefanik made my blood boil the first minute I heard her speak. I can’t even remember what she was talking about but it was loud, arrogant, and had definitely not been fact fact-checked. When the

House Republicans were playing musical chairs for the Speaker job, I saw Stefanik grinning like the Cheshire cat right behind every single person who ran for the job. She looked as if she had personally

Ggven birth to each of them. Then she moved right on to the next candidate and did the same thing.

She disgusts me.

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She disgusts you? That seems an awfully mild response. I cannot think of a word suitable to describe the loathing that creature has created in me. 🤢

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Stefanik: The Cheshire cat who personally gave birth to each House speaker candidate.

I love it!

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Let us hope their behavior DOES lead to the Party's demise! That is what needs to happen.

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of course you do realize it is the behavior that is admired and not the ideology.

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I work at one of these University's and couldn't believe the way she attacked these President's. All four women were damned no matter what they would or wouldn't say. She was rude, obnoxious, and the very definition of "mean girl". I wanted to smack the crap out of her.

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I find the choice of which presidents to interrogate. All women. One a “double” minority. Clearly an agenda and a setup.

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It's part of their agenda to discredit and destablize higher education as it is deemed too "liberal." I'm sure their "theo-versities" will do a much better job of creating the "drones" needed for the oligarchy.

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They can't attack the well educated, intelligent American minds, so they're attacking those who educate them and the system of education.

They're aiming for total control.

Trump does not want anything remotely like Democracy. He has keenly observed Russia. He was buddying up to Putin to learn from him. He wants to be President of a pretense of democracy in exactly the same manner as Putin.

America, be warned.

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It was absolutely a set up and a racist one at that.

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Thank you! That was my feeling as well. I wanted to slap the Republican smug right off her face.

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People like her now have no choice but to support the orange one, once he is gone from the stage she will become less than nothing. One day she will utter these words: "I never really supported trump, I was afraid of his followers." I predict there will be many republicans saying something similar.

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They are in fear of their lives!

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Actually I think they are more in fear of losing POWER

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...and the chance to grift themselves some money to go with that power.

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Their POLITICAL lives -- which apparently means more to them than the literal lives of their constituents.

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Crocodile Tears. If Trump gets his comeuppance there will be a flood of them, a veritable deluge. GOPs pleading cowardice and, no doubt, the victims of Trump's gaslighting. They're good at playing the victim card, everything's against them! The media they own, the system, everything except God, Fox News – that beacon of shining light, the light of unbiased, unvarnished truth in the godless darkness that's engulfing the good old US of A and our dear old friends the Russians – and those Good Ole Boys (It's got to be boys. Womens' brains just can't handle the complex intricacies of fascist ideology. They get confused by things like decency and words like Nazi, like the Nazis were a bad thing 🙄, bless their li'l ainjil hearts.

The irony. Those fearless defenders of the constitution, those staunch fighters for your God-given DUTY to own an assault rifle, nay, enough assault rifles to arm every member of your family, for these brave souls to plead cowardice in the face of a coward! 🙃 For Trump is a bully and like all bullies he's a coward. He can't admit defeat, can't entertain the possibility that he's wrong because he's got the bigliest brain of anyone. It's a great brain, a beautiful brain, a great, beautiful brain, so bigly, such a bigly, beautiful awesome brain.

Apologies, you know things are bad when I resort to sarcasm, but each new revelation of the sheer hypocrisy and venality, the utterly corrupt self-serving shit show that politics has become on both sides of the pond and I'm left mentally exhausted by the never ending litany of depravity. The assault on democracy and the shocking fact that it's coming from inside. Goodness knows democracy is far from perfect, but it's the best we've got and it's worth defending. If Trump ever remains the presidency it'll be a bleak day for freedom, for the world and our poor abused planet. The damage his climate change denying, coal loving moronic policies will do will be irreversible. I dread the thought. I'll be gone by the time the worst of it strikes, but I have a 27-year-old son and my heart breaks for him and for all our children. Trump is an existential threat, we just cannot allow him anywhere near the reigns of power, it's bad enough here has an audience at all. And BTW, anyone who tells you what a great businessman he is, he inherited a fortune and lost it and he's bankrupted four casinos! Casinos!? How can you lose money on a casino? Can I remind you that the odds are 70% in favour of the house? And you lose so much money you go bankrupt? I'm a musician and haven't got the slightest bit of interest in business or any business sense, but even I could do better than that!

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And there we have it. Power drunk on the worst devils of her nature. She can’t open her treasonous and frothing trap without being morally and ethically malignant.

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(1) The behavior of MAGA members of the House, like Stefanik, painfully remind me that we pay them $173,000/year plus various other allowances and provide them the best health care in existence, to violate the Founders' clear intent. (2) The latter is eloquently expressed in the preamble to the Constitution: "We the people of the United States...to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general weofare and ..." No mention of rants, lies, prsonal vengence or prostituting ones self, to gain power. (3) One has to wonder if Trump and his disciples, including Stefanik, have ever read the Constitution.

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I read today where they're complaining their salary needs raised.

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Maybe when they start actually doing work and not just running their mouths and spreading hate they could be considered for raises.

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Oh, I don't know. How long have we waited for them to raise the Federal minimum wage??? I think they ought to have to wait at least that long!

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It will take that long before we see them work

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Oh, it'll be ever so much longer than that.

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...and then be granted a$ 7.25 per year raise. Not PER HOUR, but PER YEAR!

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I'm old enough to remember when the house voted itself a gigantic raise in the middle of the night. It was never overturned of course. Everybody complained about it but then everybody took the money. It's shameful to act like that.

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Two words: TERM LIMITS!!!

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I guess they think we're not paying attention to the fact that they are so involved with their own in-house squabbles that they are getting nothing done for the American people. They complain that Biden has done nothing about the border crisis -- actually he had a Senate supported bill on the border situation - but the House refused to even bring it to the floor for a vote -- on Trump's orders -- blatantly announcing that he wanted to keep the border in play to use in his campaign. THIS IS UNAMERICAN and criminal neglect.

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They should get a REDUCTION since they've done zip for the country.

The GQPedo party anyway

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Too many big words that they would have to look up.

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Trump has made grifting seem the way to go with his pals in Congress - even with all the money and perks they get from taxpayers, it's "Too Much and Never Enough," to quote the title of Mary Trump's book about the monster.

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Elise let herself be used as Kevin's knife to put in Liz Cheney's back. Liz is busy now but if I were Elise, I would not be sleeping well, having crossed a Cheney.

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NEVER cross a Cheney or a McCain!

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Elise Stefanik pretends to represent one of the poorest and most sparsely populated districts in the United States. She was a rich kid (compared to her constituents) whose parents had a camp near Plattsburgh --she was a tourist who received a better education than anyone in her district could hope for. She has been weaned with the malice of the worst MAGAts, allowing herself to be used as a token female, much like Liz Cheney, whom she replaced. She thinks she is “the most powerful woman in the House of Representatives” because that’s what she is told. . . And she does what she is told.

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Judging from the Universities' Presidents and more recently the Cheatle interrogation, I'd say Elise thinks yelling and cursing at witnesses makes her look strong and tough. No, Elise. You just look and sound like a vulgar bully.

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Your blog is so important, and the step-by-step explanation of Stefanik’s hypocrisy is a textbook example of responsible journalism. You expose the necessary facts that demonstrate the problems of what happened and resulted from that investigation in Congress.

It’s so unfortunate that those who support Stefanik and Trump almost certainly don’t read your blog. They need to know the facts, although I doubt they would believe anything you write if they even read your blog. Nonetheless, we do read your posts I supported in our determination to all we are capable of to return to the House of Representatives and the Senate people with integrity, people who value democracy, and people who support the Constitution of the USA, the very constitution to which they swear an oath of allegiance when they take their seats in Congress. Thank you for all your hard work.

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Please pardon the typos in my comment. The sentence that begins with “Nevertheless “ ought to be “Never, we who do read your posts are supported in our determination to do all … .” I’m not sure why it didn’t show up that way. It probably was the dictation program (grrrr).

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"That's why, like Rep. Greene, Elise Stefanik represents the worst impulses and traits of the modern GOP, even while carrying and spreading the seeds of its eventual destruction and demise."

Fervently hope that sentiment plays out, Jay, but a flurry of polls coming out round the Jan6 anniversary date shows that "worst impulses and traits" are gaining traction, not only amongst GOPers, but "independents" as well. We are miles away from restoring goodness - no, how about sanity? - in our politics, and what the Orange Gobshite has sown has found fertile ground in which to grow, more's the pity.

Sure, let's hope that a resounding Biden win and Congress in the hands of the Democrats after November will exorcize this scourge permanently, but I have my doubts, tbh.

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Stop reading or at least quoting these stupid polls!!!

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Really? And why is that?

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Because many of them are politically biased for starters, their questions are slanted to elicit a certain response. Most rely on land-lines to conduct their surveys and who (other than many elderly uncomfortable with cell phones and those like me who find having one an easy way to avoid giving out the only number at which I can be reached). Finally, a lot can happen in a year that can shift public opinion.

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Not buying it...attitudes have hardened since 2021, as far-right propagandists, their media adjuncts, Repub politicians, the whole bloody lot have reinforced tRump's lies to the point that they have virtually become received wisdom. Sure, perhaps a seminal SCOTUS decision or a conviction or two would shake up people's "core" beliefs, but until some of the GOP primaries actually show movement away from tRump/MAGA "values", I'm sticking with polling results, thanks very much.

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Haven’t all the major polls in the last few years been WRONG? Very much wrong, by many points? No?

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Lance, I usually agree with your sage responses, but today, not so much. And that’s because of President Biden’s speech today. It was perhaps the finest, most inspiring Presidential speech in my 68 years. Brought forth a renewed spirit in me, that We The People can and WILL overcome this madness. If you didn’t see it, I highly recommend you invest a half hour, and renew your spirits as well.

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Fair play to Joe Biden, Daniel, I do admire the message he's endevouring to deliver...it's more inspiring than "Bidenomics", I'll grant you that. If he can maintain the "protect democracy" line, and manage to reach out to beyond the committed Democratic voter by setting an example and agenda that is completely contrary to the toxic rubbish tRump is selling, Biden can win over the small subset of non-MAGA voters who can make a difference in November. But, as for those 75% + GOPers who worship the Orange Gobshite, they are forever lost, let's face it.

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Polling results are just numbers, they have no power. The only thing that matters is the election. And the people who count the votes, hopefully they're honest.

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This terrifies me. If, as you say "attitudes have hardened" then there is no way the MAGA crowd is going to accept defeat no matter how resounding. They have already demonstrated that they will flout the rule of law and will resort to violence if need be. Here in Maine, typically an easy-going state, our Secretary of State has been threatened and SWATted, and our state house closed due to a bomb threat. Please dear God, let me be wrong, but I fear we're in for a bloody year.

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After redistricting, she became my rep. I detest her in the same way I detest every GOP weasel who bows to a criminal, wannabe dictator. Only more so because she obviously knows better. She is a museum-quality political whore. Hypocrisy is too weak a word to describe her “transformation.” I intend to damage her politically in any way I can.

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Long Island resident who is looking to get rid of our new rep who is towing the party line as well. I would love to know how to get this weasel ousted too. WE got rid of George Mcliarface Santos.

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When is she up for reelection? Can a Democrat win?

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Every congressional house critter has to rerun every two years. New York has redrawn its congressional district boundaries, so I don't know what hers looks like with the redrawn map.

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Stefanik’s district is Republican, going back to the days of the abolitionist movement. The people have forgotten their history; they operate from tradition. Even when FDR was putting people back to work, planting trees, through the WPA, these people still called themselves Republicans. So, no, a democrat isn’t going anywhere among the NOW-CULTIST Republicans of upstate NY. There’s a reason authoritarians prefer uneducated people.

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I have read and reread this statement and the complete irony of what she is saying baffles me:

“The decision by Harvard’s administration to cower and cave to the woke Left will continue to erode diversity of thought,” she wrote in a statement. “The Ivory Tower’s march toward a monoculture of like-minded, intolerant liberal views demonstrates the sneering disdain for everyday Americans and will instill a culture of fear for students.”

first off doesn't "woke" mean diverse? Isn't diversity the reason these extremists hate anything "woke"? So how will caving to the woke Left erode diveristy of thought, doesn't it create diversity of thought? And then the statement of "intolerant liberal views"- again isn't liberal another term for woke which, again, means "tolerance and diversity"? The only culture that is intilling fear into students is that of these extreme Right GOP asshats like her.

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Sounds to me like she’ll talk loudly and aggressively about anything and continue to talk over people who are too bloody polite to react in a similar vein to how she acts. Isn’t that a bully? She doesn’t deserve any respect or consideration for re-election. Let’s hope the campaign gets plenty of wind in its sails and exposes her hyper hypocrisy.

She’s a total embarrassment to women who lead well in business and politics.

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With the MAGA GOP every accusation is a confession. They are immune to irony and allergic to self awareness. They don't even realize they are talking about themselves/ The entire party panders in projection and are a bunch of malignant narcissists. Constitution be damned they want the power.

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Pam -- see my post; we are in vehement agreement ;-)!!

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Yep, 100%. I just hate how they make these comment and toss in "woke" and "liberal" to try to turn being inclusive into a bad thing. Fortunately us woke folk don't buy what they are selling

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I wondered why she wasn’t in line to be Speaker given that’s she’s so powerful in the House. Also, why do her supporters still vote for her after her stunning 180? People mystify me. Also - doesn’t it seem Harvard excels at teaching its grads how to win over everything no how power is the whole point?

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People in her district are largely MAGAs.

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Gee! She is really damn bad. How to get rid of her? Publish this information on Fox news! 😂

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Silly you! Faux News only tells stories that they think reflect positively on MAGAs.

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Me silly ? How ? Where ? Did you not see my smiley? Who does not know that fox news is a shitty channel belonging to the infamous murdoch who just had to cough a few hundred millions for fake news regarding voting machines... and now my dear, where is the silly one? Before insulting think twice. Cheers! Plenty of success for 2024

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Wow. Not meant as an insult. Good heavens.

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Typical of today’s GQP.

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