I'm in WI now and have already voted, though the weather hasn't been too bad in Madison today. I just wanted to say, it's been really helpful to see your take on all this. I'm feeling pretty anxious about this election, so I really hope it goes how you're predicting it will go. Thanks for your insight!

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I hope I’m right!

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I'm also in WI. I was gonna vote later when I went to pick my kid up from school, but F it, I'm dropping everything and going right now. The fear of somehow forgetting and running out of time is giving me anxiety, lol. This state is going to go downhill fast if she loses.

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Cheering you on from neighboring Michigan❣️

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And cheering you guys from Germany - always remember, the world is watching what is going on in the US :)

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I was given to understand that an official can't be impeached without cause. Does WI allow no-cause impeachment? Just throw out all opposition party elected officials because they're from the other party?

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And here from North Carolina, too!

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Cheering and hoping in Arizona for you guys!!!

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Finished another session of phone calls and cheering you on from North Carolina 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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So, if the GOP could impeach and convict any state level elected role in WI, and that role is the state supreme court. As you noted the Democratic Gov would then appoint an interim replacement.

Couldn't that replacement be even MORE liberal than the elected justice?

And now that we are talking replacements and special elections. Don't special election cost the state a lot of money? Forcing unneeded and unwarranted elections seems a waste of tax payer dollars.

I guess when in pursuit of unvarnished power, cost doesn't come into play, especially when you aren't picking up the tab...

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As always, thank you for your matter-of-fact, yet soothing, analysis.

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Thank you. I sure hope you’re right.

It would really be nice if democracy was a reality nation-wide.

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Quite encouraging predictions--may you please be right! Thanks for the details.

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“So nice try, GOP. Looks like you’ll have to win fair and square at the ballot box.”

NOTHING terrifies Republicans more.

Because they know, they *know* that if they face a fair election they will never win.

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So you mention in this article the fake elector scheme, which happened in other States as well as Wisconsin…what is the status of any investigations and possible legal jeopardy for these fake electors? Seems like this who aspect of the election has been pushed onto the back burner, if not into the circular file?

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It’s all under investigation by state and federal authorities so it’s not clear where things stand as there have been few leaks…

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Is it really that easy to impeach a Supreme Court judge without serious cause?

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It’s not really been done before in WI

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What cause do they need when they have a supermajority?

If the democrats had a supermajority in the Senate when trump was impeached he would have been gone and likely never electable at the federal level again. No insurrection (well not the one we experienced in 2021), no classified documents, etc

And it likely would have been labeled political (which an impeachment is by definition) by conservatives

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Not sure impeachment is necessarily “political.” Trump’s first impeachment was about unlawful interference in an election and overturning the will of Congress.

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Technically, as Jay has described it in the past, impeachment is a political exercise in the sense that it's not executed by a typical prosecutor with the authority of the state. And can often be for crimes of abuse or overreach vs actual statutory violations. It's also used when the accused, like Donald trump when president, is otherwise immune but prosection needs to be executed swiftly.

That is a long way to say that impeachment is usually a political exercise prosecuting political crimes (it can include statutory ones as well but doesn't have to, ie "high crimes and misdeamonors")

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It's not just technical. Impeachment is entirely a political process as governed by the Constitution. The legislative branch alone is the final arbiter and its decision is final and irrevocable, i.e., it cannot be challenged by the other two branches. "High crimes and misdemeanors" is ill defined and can be interpreted by congress as whatever they want it to mean although the meaning usually comports with common understanding of the criminal code. Impeachment and conviction by the Senate is separate and apart from any prosectution at the state or federal level and does not, in and of itself, lead to anything but expulsion and possible sanctions, e.g., permanent disqualification from holding office.

As Teri Kanefield has explained, the "problem" of Trump cannot be solved by the justice system. It requires a political solution that can only come from the bottom up.

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Crazy how we are left craving normalcy.

Queue glam rock ballad "Don't Know What You Got..." , hoist the lighters, sing out for democracy.

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I really hope you are right about this. The Republican Party has morphed into the anti-democracy party. If they succeed, the America I know and love will be gone. So, they can not succeed. Thank you in advance to all the Wisconsin voters choosing democracy and fairness today.

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They have been the anti-democracy party for at least 15 years, probably closer to 20 (or even 40+ if you want to go all the way back to Reagan, who was a greater crook than Nixon ever could have dreamt to be). For a truly scary read, check out the novel Christian Nation... and then bear in mind that while some of the people have changed (good riddance to Bachman for example), many others are still out there, and they found Trump to galvanize the masses...

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... & OH My !!! Did she ever 'trounce' Kelly - won the State Supreme Court seat by more than 11 points !!! - & Thanks for explaining that disturbing idea of the Republican Super-Majority trying to get rid of her ASAP - relieved to hear that Gov. Evers would just appoint another Judge that would maintain the newly-gained (D) majority... Phew !! ...had me worried for a bit - after the elation of seeing her Win that hard-fought election.

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Thank you for explaining this. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

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This is why I subscribed yesterday Jay!!!! You called the Wisconsin win for the Democratic judge with all your data in a row..... Dems win in Wisconsin!!!!! keep on rocking !!!!!! And keep on writing.....

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How long do you think it will take for results? Tonight possibly or is that wishful thinking?

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Jay, can you explain why an election in WI matters to the rest of the country. I am not saying that it doesn't matter, but would like to hear the details..

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Go Janet P!

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