Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

I heard a couple of funnies last night. 1. There are two kinds of people, those who support DeSantis and those who have met him. hahaha 2. Who won the GOP debate? Joe Biden. :)

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And to read how the NYT and WaPo, to take two examples, treated last evening's Bozo-the-Clown audition as "straight" political news, naming "winners and losers" yadda-yadda, was even more cringingly embarrassing than the "debate" itself.

I mean, those six cowards - ashamedly, one hopes - raising their hands in answer to the question about who would vote for tRump in '24 was right there enough to condemn the entire proceedings, and should have called for their immediate dismissal as candidates for president...come on already!

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FWIW, a couple of shrewd political observers have elevated the uber-smarmy Vivek Ramaswamy to pole-position in the tRump's VP sweepstakes, as his high-energy MAGA-ism got a thumbs-up from the Orange Cancer...a former hot pick, Nikki Haley, has fallen hard, as she recently comes up short as a loyal bum-sucker and no longer is on the VP radar.

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People like Ramaswamy and Trump, amongst others, are enough to make you just want to slap the smarmy stupidness right off their face hard enough that it might put the marbles they have for brains back into place so they can at least have some sense of right/wrong in life.

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Send them off for a couple of sessions of colonic irrigation, that should alleviate much of the stopped-up aggro.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Meadows, amongst all the defendants, is said to have a "high-powered" legal team presenting his arguments for (a) dismissal of charges, and (b) removal of trial to federal court. But DA Willis' use of the Hatch Act and the report by the US Office of Special Counsel naming Meadows as one of several violators during the 2020 campaign certainly puts his lawyers in new territory when trying the "color of office" argument to justify his conduct in GA as detailed in the indictment. Willis has the receipts, Meadows can only rely on skill of his lawyers and a sympathetic judge. "Fani Willis for two hundred dollars, Alex".

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"Fani Willis for a thousand dollars, Lance".

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Thanks Jay. But isn’t today Thursday, or did I lose a day somewhere this week? Also, one minor typo in your first WTFAQ (and I love that, BTW). “If the removal successes”, should be succeeds. I also refused to watch the clown car debate but am looking forward to your weekly Xeets and Giggles.

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Haha, right you are. Maybe I was wish casting too hard that it was already the weekend.

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I seem to have fallen off the space-time continuum since the start of the pandemic.

So I have no problem with the “it’s Friday somewhere” point of view.


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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Jay, I think you found your backup editor 😉

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Technically Friday for us readers in New Zealand...

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Actually Maureen, you missed another error or two.

"That most certainly does not including political campaigning in violation of federal law."

The word should be include, not including.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but in the beginning of the paragraph above that one, he writes WIllis, and it should have been Willis, correct? Not that I am a specialist in editing by any means, but as part of my previous job as an Executive Secretary, these are both glaring errors that JUMP out at me, and I rarely miss a spelling error or misuse of a word, though I would not make claim to citing any others as I am in no way any kind of editor. Spelling errors and misuse of words I guess one could say are just minor annoyances to secretaries. : - )

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I am one of those people sitting on the edge of my seat waiting and watching all of this play out. Since the day he rode down the escalator I have been waiting for this. If you followed him at all, you had to know, he’s been a crook for all his life. He was too wealthy and powerful to touch. This all brings me some satisfaction. I hope he never steps a foot in the White House again. He has done more damage than anyone can possibly ever repair. He not only damaged our country but he’s managed to brainwash millions of people. He once said..”If you repeat something often enough, people will believe it.” Yes, they will. The damage is done.

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From escalator to mug shot, the Trump years.

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A crook and a crock, hopefully up the creek!

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Without a paddle to return!

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Kudos to Fani!! I find the Hatch Act argument brilliant. Do you think the Extremes would decide that the Hatch Act itself is unconstitutional? Ironically, it was the LIBERAL court members who dissented from the decisions already finding it constitutional. Could the like of Thomas BEAR to be in the same company as Douglas or Marshall?

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“The Extremes” - love it! 😂

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I agree that the blatant disregard for the HATCH Act for so many years will be the thing that does them all in. Fani came with receipts!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Jay, I'm sure you considered this title for your piece, but didn't want to push the bounds of propriety: Meadows is forked!

One of my friends called last night's debate the GOP Vice-President Audition.

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Mark Meadows is forked! LOVE IT!

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This is very helpful. I’ve been trying to understand why Meadows would want the change. Let’s hope Fani Willis lives up to her sterling reputation! I am so impressed by her apparent strength. Black women in this country have survived the worst, and if survival of the fittest holds any merit, we are the recipients of that terrible winnowing.

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Black women are saving our country.

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Facts! Isn’t it weird how this is working out?

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I'm here for it with popcorn and adult beverages!

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Isn’t it strange that (2) Black Women in GA Mother and Daughter along with Fani ended up being the ones that got the mugshot and now Tish James (another Black Woman) has a trial of 250mil in NYC in 2 months. Which will be followed by Alvin Bragg (a Black Man)… the subtle rhetoric and dog whistling puts DJT and Meadows in the crosshairs of a Black Judge as well. Now the difference is that all of these black folks will fight fair, using legal arguments and facts since they will all be scrutinized. Which sets the bar that much higher…but that’s ok, because Fani has receipts. Being a Black Woman she’s always had to do things twice as hard and double check and taking twice as long to rise these days. So she said, “ohhh you want a Federal Hearing…no problem. You want a speedy trial…see you October 23rd” she isn’t messing around’. LOVE this!

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Excellent and thorough review. It answered all my questions and showed the nonsense of meadows efforts.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Great read! Thanks . . . But that part about “if tRump regains the presidency” overlooks the 14th Amendment--tRump participated in a coup attempt. He’s NOT QUALIFIED FOR ANY FEDERAL OFFICE. His entire campaign is a Repug sham, even ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO SUBVERT OUR CONSTITUTION.

As for Meadows--his claims amount to Nazi defenses of being “a good soldier,” which is not an excuse for criminal behavior no matter who or what you think you are entitled to. For that matter, the 1st Amendment DOES NOT PROTECT criminal speech like perjury, libel, sedition, slander. Republicans have gotten away with too much violation of 1st Amendment rights under the guise of “political” speech. BS to THAT. The RNC churns out weaponized propaganda meant to subvert this democracy; they operate as an organized crime syndicate with billionaire puppet masters manipulating government for their neonazi, fascist agenda. We need to revoke Citizens United and imprison traitors.

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I’m not overlooking the 14th Amendment, rest assured. I just lump it in with all the other “ifs” right now. I don’t know how the Supreme Court will rule on its applicability in his case.

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You’re so right Jay, there are so many “ifs” thank you for your insight!

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Although I absolutely agree that TFG is not qualified for ANY federal office, I've come to agree with the point of view that going after removal from state ballots will be a waste of time and effort when we need to be focusing all of our time, effort and money to ensure his defeat in 2024. It will also take a long, long time for lawsuits for & against to work their way up to the Supreme Court. Tempting as that route is, I would advise against it.

Pursuit of Article 3 of the 14th Amendment is an incredibly steep uphill climb and, even if successful in some states, will not be successful in most states. It also will provide one more cudgel for TFG supporters to argue that the 2024 election will have been stolen from him when President Biden succeeds in gaining a second term in the White House. THAT is where we need to focus.

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I agree in all of what you replied, however, according to a joint report or statement issued by Judge Michael Luttig and Professor Lawrence Tribe, somebody such as the person responsible for deciding who is qualified to be put on the ballot in any one of the states has to refuse to do so on the application of Trump, and they can cite the judge in New Mexico that refused another person to hold office for having been involved in an insurrection, as precedent. IMO, this is why nobody is able to use the 14th amendment to stop trump from running as a candidate again. I guess until they receive an application from trump to be put on the ballot in any state, it is something they cannot be proactive in getting a decision on?

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Hatch Act!! I’m still p*shed that the criminal ex-guy held his convention extravaganza at the White House. The witch in neon green descending the curving staircase like a Disney princess.

(I clearly have a lot of anger issues.)

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I can guarantee you are not alone in clearly having "a lot of anger issues" and many people including myself were disgusted by the performance you described above, along with sooo many others in his theater of dramatic plays. Don't be so hard on yourself, it's easy to become angry at abominable audacity.

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This may be the best: "I did not watch it because so much of it is useless, kiddie-table posturing, especially without the former president in the room and on that stage." A sensible response for not wasting time...

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

“arranging Oval Office meetings, contacting state officials on the President’s behalf, visiting a state government building, and setting up a phone call for the President.” It all sounds so innocent until you look closer. Willis, as you pointed out, is a Grand Master on the legal chess board. She seems to have thought of every objection and a reply to is. She will go far!!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

I tried to watch the GOP Tantrums last night, but I only lasted a couple of minutes. The audience booed anyone who didn't bow to Trump, so an audience selected for BO himself. When they led, not with a substantive question about policies, but rather "Biden has destroyed the economy, how much do you hate him?", and DeSantis began his counterfactual grievance politics, I couldn't take it. I skipped forward and watched a few interactions, but saw nothing of value. I didn't hate some of Haley's remarks, not as policy I wanted, but as a sane, adult, ultra-conservative in a crowd of grievance politicos.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

All of these defendants- Meadows, Clark, Ellis, Trump, of course, who has now moved on to shaft a new attorney, are all consumed by the dank fog of their own arrogance, their own cringe nudity, and still no one dare even direct an elbow to their lack of attire.

MAGA has no clothes.

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They have red hats.

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And it is ugly.

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Just a couple of points. Meadows was hardly the only Trump minion who disregarded the Hatch Act, but no real price was imposed for their bad behavior. It’s would be appropriate for Meadows to be impaled upon it now in order to show that willful disregard of the law has consequences. Second, even if Trump somehow gets re-elected, firing special counsel Smith is not so easy. Cause must be shown and it is doubtful Trump would be able to do that through his new Attorney General. I would be surprised if Trump could get any nominee confirmed who would say firing Smith is something they would do.

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You state cause must be shown, but you are going by the laws and rules of today. Under trump as a dictator, there are no laws or rules that are not subject to the whim of trump saying "to hell with that, I said change it or do it, now!"....and who in any position in the WH or his admin under him as ruler and law maker in chief won't JUMP to do whatever he says, knowing they will be subject to being imprisoned simply because he says so? Seriously, do you honestly think there is a person alive in America today, that will be untouchable if he becomes the dictator he says he will be? I don't believe there is even one law that will be unbreakable under his rule over our nation, and if you think there is, you better learn right now how to rethink that because NOTHING is a guarantee of being held up under a dictator in charge of our nation, NOTHING!!!!

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Thank you for not wasting your time with the GOP clown show last night. I read some of the NY Times coverage and it seemed pretty laughable. As for the typos, I turned off my English major proofreader switch and ignored them.

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