It's too little too late. The damage has already been done. We will remain a hit spot until he suspends travel to our state and requires proof of vaccination instead if prohibiting it, but he won't do that. We will continue to suffer until we can vote him out and hopefully replace him with a Democrat for the first time in 20 years. As a Floridian I am beyond furious at what has happened here. It never should have been like this. And we have the added issues of the horrible Red Tide nightmare in my area (Tampa Bay) which is turning the beaches into dead zones. All due to the GOP deregulation of Big Sugar and Big Phosphate and allowing them to literally poison our waterways an aquifers.

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So now he thinks an about face will save him he is such a hypocrite I hope to hell Florida vote his lying disingenuous ass out

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Very succinct article. So sad that COVID was so politicized to begin with. Full disclosure, I have not been and am not a fan of Gov DeSantis, nor will I ever be, but the fact remains that it’s pathetic for his “woke up” moment to be “by the math” in terms of finally realizing he’s singly and solely responsible for killing his GOP base.

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Thank you for the clear writing. I have a better understanding of this person who wants to be president, but who I will oppose vigorously, if it comes to that!

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