Great description and analysis. I loved the analogy with the dispute over the will. Looking for convictions, and maybe, as you suggest, some contrite "electors" who come to realize that they may have some valuable testimony to share.

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Another point against the secret slate of “alternate” electors is that an official recount had already taken place.

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Robert Sinners 😂

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There's one thing that keeps bugging me: when we vote for President, we're actually voting for a slate of electors pledged to vote for that candidate in the Electoral College. Therefore, there already was an official slate of Trump electors. So why would they need to create a NEW slate of electors "just in case." In the event the count (for example) showed a change, wouldn't the "duly elected" slate of electors just be changed from one candidate to the other? Is that what was the case in Hawaii when there a different set of elector ballots was send to Congress on Jan 6?

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Jay, why don't they use the term "counterfeit" instead of fake...seems to me that's what they really are.

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So, this is Georgia. What are the other four states doing about their fake electors?

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Thanks for the detail, Jay. Been missing you on the Book of Faces!

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