Thanks for a good article. How can anyone support Trump? Boggles my mind

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“How can anyone support tRump?

I used to think that it was “buyer’s remorse” (or, better yet - “buyer’s embarrassment”) when he never delivered on any of his promises. -

- Now, I’m just afraid that it’s their ignorance, racism, and greed that keeps them loyal to the empty promises!

They just don’t (or Won’t) hear the dangers to their democracy!

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There are people who LIKE attacking perceived enemies, democracy, the Other, etc. We delude ourselves if we believe everyone cherishes democracy, the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, etc. 'Tain't so. Just look at Trump's enablers, funders, and supporters. And apparently, nearly half of Americans.

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Alas, Laurie! You're right!

A sad situation, but true! (Ignorant, but true!)

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I'm reading a fascinating book, "Jesus and John Wayne" by Kristin Kobes Du Mez. The author is Calvin University and talks about the long journey from the teachings of the Gospel to where we are today. Highly recommend.

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It’s past time for people with platforms to point out that ALL presidents represent ALL citizens and are required, by the constitution, to protect them, not harm them. Trump should be called out everywhere for putting targets on the backs of fellow Americans INSTEAD of setting an example that violence against other Americans is never the answer in a country where they have the freedom to use their voices, votes, and money to put their preferred candidates into office.

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We don't know as yet whether Gen. Milley is actually on the DC case witness list, but even if he weren't, tRump's increasingly hysterical and vicious SM posts taken in toto present a clear and present danger to - yes - law and order, and by extension, to his upcoming court cases. SOMEBODY has to take the lead here, and drive home the proposition that the man, remaining unchecked, is recklessly endangering all and sundry, and sorely abusing 1st A privileges, blatantly so. By all means, invoke the "stochastic terrorism" argument to try to arrest his venomous and threatening SM output...deal with him as with anybody who constantly promotes violence against his perceived " enemies".

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It seems he is forcing a confrontation with this judge. A part of me doesn’t want to give him what he seeks, but a part of me wants to see him get what he deserves.

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I think we all feel the same.

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On the subject of stochastic terrorism, the photo circulated yesterday of tRump at a gun show, with a gun in his hand is, I believe, a signal to his cult followers to get/be ready to fight. He knows he can’t legally possess a firearm, so the only explanation for his photo op was to send a signal to his “base”.

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Lots of dog whistling, I agree.

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"Stand down and stand by"...wink-wink nudge-nudge. "And, oh, check out this cool Glock I'm fondling!"

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Oh, it's worse even than that. If you look closely at the photo, you will see that there is a likeness of Trump on the grip. Mary Trump posted a great article about the whole thing yesterday.

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In 2015, when Drumpf (name before anglecization) decided to rule and ruin the US, it occurred to me nominated presidential candidates, should be required to spend two days at Walter Reed, having a thorough, independent physical and psychological examination. Now, I'm conviced.

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ah, but being sane is not a constitutional requirement for being president!!!!

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No, but being diagnosed as being insane, might dampen support.

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You really think so??? Not with MAGATs

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True, but at the moment, each side believes the other's leading candidate to be cognitively impaired. Perhaps this is the ideal time to press for this sort of amendment, arguing to each that the "other side" wouldn't be able to "rig the election" as easily if it's passed.

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And each side is wrong. We have a very disturbing and oppressive tendency in this country to attribute actions we don't agree with to mental illness or cognitive dysfunction. The vast majority of actions or beliefs we judge in this manner are, in fact, committed by people who, if evaluated, would not be diagnosed with any mental illness or disorder. "Sane" people (all people, really) are capable of terribly heinous acts, and ascribing deplorable behavior as insanity or mental impairment unfairly associates people who are actually mentally ill with any behavior we consider bad. As a group, mentally ill people are much more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators of it, and applying assumptions of sanity/insanity to others based on how much we agree with them perpetuates ableism that marginalizes Mad and Neuro divergent people.

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Requiring psychl exams as a prerequisite to running for office is a very dangerous road to go down.

1) Based on the many ways psychiatric diagnosis has been misused in this country's history, along with the inexact nature of making a diagnosis, requiring a psych exam for political candidates is an invitation to politicizing diagnostic interpretation and/or applying biased cultural attitudes about mental health and neutodiversity, to unfairly exclude candidates.

2) Stop for a minute and think: do you truly believe that if Trump had been given a psych eval that raised red flags, that anything would have happened differently than it has? Years before he even ran for office, it was obvious, based on Trump's public behavior, that he is not fit for office; we (the public) chose to ignore those signs, and that is on us. It is up to the public to choose election winners based on the candidates' prior actions and statements of future intentions. If we (the public) don't pay attention to dangerous patterns of rhetoric and behavior and choose to elect a candidate in spite of numerous and very clear signals as to the probable future behavior, that is on us, and no psych eval is going to help with that problem.

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And when the ‘bunch of lying, evil Trump-hating Democrats and RINOs’ who comprise the medical team declare him mentally and/or physically unfit?

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I would really love to see Judge Chutkan call trump into court to answer for this filing! No one could possibly think his lawyers wrote this response, and the fact that they signed their names to it doesn't bode well for any of them. I want to hear that Judge Chutkan said to trump and his lawyers: "WTF is this meritless garbage?" I know she won't, but I really wish she would.

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That would be a show, wouldn't it?!

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So much time spent by Trump's team to claim he hasn't done any of the things that the gag order is proscribing. I had similar experience when chief of the medical staff at my hospital. The doc who was being told to follow the rules spent lots of energy claiming they hadn't broken any. All I had to do the shut down that folly was to ask, going forward, do you agree to follow rule 1? Rule 2? etc. It doesn't really matter if Trump has violated any of the orders thus far. Does he acknowledge that going forward he is forbidden to 1. attack participants in the case; 2. discuss potential witnesses' testimony or credibility beyond inside the court or in filings; and 3. survey potential jurors without prior court approval? Those are the rules that any defendant already must follow.

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The difficulty in commenting on Trump's claims is that you are forced to state them. The amount of space taken up by this repetition makes the whole document seem crazy.

This is the same problem - writ large - in the television coverage of Trump. His speeches and interviews are shown, occupying a lot of time. They are shown repeatedly. This becomes both disheartening and confusing.

The Maddow approach of minimizing the repetition of complete nonsense has much to commend it.

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It is a tactic of the gaslighter to make you repeat the lie in order to address it, yes.

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Jay, As the descent from normalcy has picked up speed, collectively we watch

and hope that the last-standing institution will catch him and hold him fast.

Much of the media has failed in an epic disaster. The Rs are trapped and mum.

!!!!>>>>We hold our breath for the judges to do their best.

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The very idea of Trump being able, in the first place, to formulate any kind of criticism of anybody's policies or platforms is almost funny. Trump wouldn't know or understand a policy if it came up and slapped him in the face, let alone be able to come up with even a semi-intelligible critique of same.

Trump doesn't appear to have enough self-control to keep his tongue away from the issues that take up the entirety of his tiny mind. The man is a walking pyschosis with a stew of hatreds, envy, insecurity and self-loathing. That bubbling stew in what passes for Trump's brain has a direct connection to his mouth with absolutely no filter.

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This is why I believe any gag order will be swiftly violated by him.

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Like you, I believe he actually HOPES that Judge Chutkan will impose a restrictive gag order on him which he will not only immediately violate, but he will try to make it into a cause célèbre (1st A) of his trial, instead of what his trial is really about. I suppose Trump figures he might be able to squirm out of this trial without being convicted if only he can make it about something--anything--else. I hope and pray--as hard and earnestly as possible--that he is wrong.

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Jay: Do you have any thoughts on what will happen when (not if) Trump violates the order? Do you have any predictions on the likely fallout of the various options the judge has (jail, move trial date up, etc.) in response to a violation of the order? Also, I have not heard any discussion of fines as a response to violation of the order. Is that a possibility? It seems like that would both hit Trump where it hurts worst for him, and would also skirt the issue if jail/not jail and the the consequences of that choice.

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As a honest human, I am not naive enough that I don’t know there are evil people in the world. There are serial murderers and child predators, along with kidnappers and thieves. There are just plain dishonest people. But I have never in my almost 67 years seen a man so wealthy and so privileged come to be our Commander in Chief and then watch him morph into the Godfather! Seriously I’m worried for our country. I’m worried that there’s no hope for these people and I’m so confused as to how did this happen? Where did it all go off the rails? How the hell did we get here? Thank you Jay, I appreciate your time on this!

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He was already a Godfather and slowly morphed into Conman in Chief. He'd been craving and striving for that role and the power it provides for decades. He probably thought he would also gain the usual dignity and respect afforded that role, but his nasty persona, awful reputation, and even worse behavior precluded that!

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I agree with you...it feels so surreal. His supporters havent figured it out yet that THEY will also have to live in the dictatorship he wants. Wake up people!

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I love the comment that Biden would win in 2024 by at least the same electoral count as 2020. Thanks for that.

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Just from reading what his half baked attorneys had to say,I'd like to know,1)What planet did you people just beam in off of, because tfg runs his mouth just to hear himself talk("Help I'm talking and I can't shut up...)and everyone here on planet Earth knows this,so that argument don't hold water,2)Have y'all been hid up under a rock for the last 7 years?He bullies everyone who breathes funny anywhere near him,and calls everyone out of their name like a child taunting another child,it also shouldn't be"Free Speech"to threaten anybody at all,let alone a JUDGE!But yet he does stupid crap like this as automatically as breathing.And another news flash:He always has!

3)If he was ANY other American citizen,running off at the mouth on camera and/or social media,making anything-but-"idle"threats against anyone else,AFTER being specifically told by a Judge to NOT DO SO,his carcass would be unceremoniously hauled right to jail for contempt of court,his bond revoked,and sit there right in that cell cooling his heels until trial.There wouldn't have ever been a second,or third,or ever how damned many chances he's already blown through,it would be,"Go directly to jail,do not pass Go,do not collect $200."The FIRST time it happened.

(If you ask me,his sorry ass should've already been sent to jail,just to prove,yes,mofo,this is a thing that CAN happen to you.)

4)Y'all know most of not all of the attorneys who bailed on him already,usually did so because he don't listen to a WORD anyone tries to tell him,for his own damned good,and literally can't shut his jabbering to save his stinking worthless life.He basically hangs himself,digs himself into yet another hole,and then sits on TV on front of GOD and everybody and proceeds to tattle on his own self!!He has done so over,and over,and over,and is compelled to do so!He just can't help himself,and he believes he can get away with it, because he believes nobody can or will call him on it.Guess what,people,this is the time to do so.Shock the living crap out of him.Make him suffer the consequences.

5)And just to clarify,it should NOT be free Speech to threaten the life of any person for any reason,let alone a JUDGE!He has gotten away with this crap for years,and it should have LONG ago since been put a stop to.And don't even,EVEN,tell anyone his insane moronic"worshippers"don't take everything he says as a command to action!!We have seen it in real time, remember what happened to Paul Pelosi?This 80-something year old man was attacked in his own home, because of something he heard tfg say!What about January 6,2021?He told these thugs to stand up and stand by!They would have killed actual Congress people,had they not been gotten out of the line of fire.We all know there are many more instances.This is why this loudmouth shnook needs to be under a gag order.It isn't bad enough he runs off at the mouth making random threats against people,these hell-forsaken half-wits take it VERY seriously,and have every intention of following up on whatever he spouts off the top of his empty head.And don't get us started on the guns these people have,that most of them probably shouldn't even legally be able to buy,let alone stockpile.

You know, something really has to give in all this.This has long ago reached way past the point of no return.So really,before this buffoon talks some half baked nitwit into doing something really stupid,and irreversible,someone has to become the big boss here,and do what needs to be done.All this needs to be put a stop to,before it all ends very,very badly.The decisions need to be made that this is the very last time you will be told to shut up.The next time you will be jailed.Period.And don't let him say you can't do that or you wouldn't dare.Show him exactly what can and will be done.Without hesitation.

The time has come to tamp down hard on this,to get the clearest message across.It has to be done.Someone has to stand up to him and make it understood you don't rule the roost here,and you won't be given anymore free passes.Shut up,or else.

(Sorry I'm so long winded here,I've wanted to say this for a long time,and hope that y'all understand what's really at stake.)

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We can surmise any emesis from the Trump camp, including his attorneys, is overt or thinly-veiled campaign-age.

Yes, he will violate any restriction post-haste, much as he violated the entirety of this country with his words, vulgarity in body language, attitude and crass ignorance.

May every misdeed move up the trial; we'll be reviewing courtroom sketches in no time....

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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop saying Trump has the support of half the electorate! He doesn't even have the support of all Republicans! Please stop making it sound like his supporters number more than roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of REPUBLICANS. That is a much smaller group. Thank you.

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Thank you - I came here to day that. About 2/3 of registered voters voted in 2020, which means somewhere around 1/3 of the electorate supports this guy.

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Trump's a danger to the world, this Nation, and the people involved in his prosecutions [prosecutors, staff, judges, court personnel, and, most particularly adverse/cooperating witnesses]. But, restraining speech is tricky business. And, in this Country. the government has far more frequently repressed the speech of people on the Left and minorities asserting their civil rights. When Trump inevitably strikes out at people tied to his case, I hope the Court admonishes the defense and moves up Trump's trial date. I would rather he meet his justice then have 1st amendment rights repressed.

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It just boggles my mind that millions of Americans want HIM back in the White House. I can't wrap my mind around it.

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