I’m fascinated by the concept of a place where you have a “right to be.” Is your car always such? If you drove onto a playground? Through a store window? How about the far side of a street where a red light intervenes? If you t-boned another car after running the red? If you were a BLM protestor who ran a red light into a bunch of counter protestors would you have the same right to be there as Perry did?

We know that there are at least 12 people in Texas smarter than Gov Abbott

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Any pets of those 12 people are smarter than Gov Abbott.

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Not to mention non verbal offspring of same, born or "unborn."

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Texas and Florida, racing each other to be the best of the worst. Frightening.

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Race to the bottom.

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Hardly surprising from a governor who allowed vigilantes to go after Uber drivers helping women find a safe abortion. And how can Kyte Rittenhouse exert any pressure on anyone? How does he have any power? His good friend Tucker does, sure.

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Young Mr.Rittenhouse was sobbing like a baby when he was waiting to hear his own verdict. Now he’s da man

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The logical, horrible, next step, would have been for Foster to open fire on the car as soon as he got the chance. Seems like he could have claimed the car and its driver posed an imminent threat. We either get rid of guns--might happen in a few hundred years--or we just randomly shoot anyone that makes us nervous. And in states that let everyone walk around armed, only fools wouldn't be nervous.

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This is a great point. For responsible gun owners, this should give much pause. Are you going to be targeted because some other gun-toting lunatic *thinks* you might pose a threat? Does it behoove you to shoot first and claim defense later? It’s a terrible policy that results in terrible consequences.

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THIS is the argument I've been trying to make with my gun-loving family members. What's being legitimized is this "shoot first" mentality. It's on it's way here in my state of Ohio, and your state is next if you don't join in the fight to end this madness. The only defense we have left - while we still have it - is voting.

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

“or we just randomly shoot anyone that makes us nervous”

Now why would we do that? We’re not cops.

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While the notion of a pardon for an overt murder in formed by crass bigotry is unthinkably horrid, it is, sadly, not shocking issued from Greg Abbott; we have crossed the threshold of shock long ago, and more's the pity.

A certain segment of our cohabitants have relinquished decency in favor of insatiable powermongering, unscrupulous and nefarious and bottomless penchant for malfeasance.


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Anyone else think Abbott is aimiing-- maybe "gunning" is a better word-- for the 2024 GOP VP nomination,, with ane eye to a White House run in 2028? Like DeSantis and Trump, he'll do absolutely anything to please "the base". Repulsive!

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Do people of Texas know this asshole was driving a vehicle with a friend(drunk???) And got in a car accident where he became paralyzed. His car was on fire and the friend got him out but what did Abbott do was sue his friend for 9million bucks ! He is a narcissist just like the other repugnants!! He sure as hell doesn't care about his constituents unless they are white Christians (repugnants Christian zealots). I think these repugnants get perverse pleasure of putting out these absurd laws just to blame the Democrats for everything! They need to be voted out !!

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Kimberlee, you are confusing Abbott with Madison Cawthorn. Abbott was struck by a falling tree while jogging. I'm not defending him because he is truly despicable, but I wanted to make sure that we don't confuse the two.

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Even the tree was onto him.

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Hmm… trees vs idiots. Who can forget the Manly Madison videos of him punching a tree!?

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Abbott doesn’t care about his constituents even if they ARE white Christians.  He cares only about himself, and keeping himself in power.  And he uses Christian zealots as his means for doing that. 

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No. That was the former "representative" from my district Madison Cawthorne AKA Madcow. They all belong in the same basket of deplorables.

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I remember when the Federal government told states that wouldn't raise their drinking age to 21 that they would cease getting Federal transportation dollars. Can't they threaten these rogue states with a loss of monies for law enforcement if they undermine the system in this way?

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That's what I was going to say too ! Are there any good people in Texas anymore ! They don't give a damn about children being blown apart by assault weapons! They do not give a damn about women only if they are able to be an incubator! They don't give a damn about minorities ( proved that in Uvalde) and they don't care about the LGBTQ +! THEY only care about sticking it to the Dems ,their fucking guns ,the rich and the NRA and their corporate donors ! Power and control ! That's it ! They ARE a fascist state !

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W. T. F. I cannot reconcile that I am surprised and not surprised at the same time. It is becoming gang warfare, with the fascists against the civil population who does not seek violence with their fellow citizen.

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Abbot is an avowed Catholic anti-abortionist - ‘pro-life’.

Yet he’s jumping ahead, pre-sentencing, to pardon a red-light running killer cop.

Abbot = Hypocrite

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How about laws to rein in rogue Governors and legislators?

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Given the recent publicity about how the Tennessee legislature acted, would there be anyone on the Board (which is required to approve a pardon) brave enough to say "no, we don't approve." Would Abbott, who appoints the Board members, try to fire them?

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To the first - no. To the second - Yep. All day every day. He is a spineless POS who will do whatever he thinks the base wants of him. Kyle effing Rittenhouse? Abbott's taking notes from HIM?! That should tell you everything you'd ever need to know about Greg effing Abbott.

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I long ago learned everything I needed to know about Abbott

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Yet another abuse of power by fanatical GQP scum. Sad.

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Praying for justice for Garrett Foster and his family 🙏🏻 Abbott must be stopped! 😡

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I only feel numb and sorrow for Foster’s girlfriend. With our judicial system already held suspect what Abbott did was undermine the jury’s decision and further erode the trust of the people in government. Abbott is a clown making a circus of his Administration.

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This is appalling. And they are winning. My feelings of despair are justified.

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Despair is what they want you to feel. Resist it. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

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They are causing a lot of pain and anguish (their true goal. The cruelty is the goal.) But they are not winning.

They’ve been doing consistently worse in national elections. They lost in the mayors race in Chicago. They lost in the supreme court race in Wisconsin. They lost in their efforts to expel legislators in Tennessee.

They want you to think they’re winning, so you lose hope and surrender. Don’t help them with that.

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I am sorry to say it Christopher, but Frances is probably even more right than she realizes. They are not winning, they have already won on many levels. Hardline Christian Nationalist opinions and talking points have become mainstream instead of fringe. People whose goal is to replace democracy with theocracy (or at least theonomy) are put in positions of power throughout the US. The number of Christian Nationalist militias has skyrocketted in the last twenty years. Don't become complacent because the Scions of Rushdoony are suffering some temporary setbacks in the presidential elections. They are playing the long game, they are not thinking in single elections, they are thinking in decades, even centuries... And people getting jaded and shrugging them off as a lunatic fringe that is going through its final death throes is just playing into their hands

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I’m not getting complacent, Carsten. Recognizing the fact that there are examples, several examples, where we are pushing back the tide does not mean that the tide has stopped coming in.

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They are playing the long game. Watch the documentary on the Duggars “Shiny happy people”. Talk about making your skin crawl.

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Frances, the closer they get to the end of their "reign" the harder and more dirty and vicious they will fight. So you need to understand that it may get even worse before it gets better. You need to do as Jay says and resist the despair. Take a well deserved break and get away from the news for a week or more. Focus on friends, nature, funny comedy movies, hugging your loved ones. Go find someone with a puppy or kitten and spend time playing with it. Anything that will help heal your battered soul. We all need to do this from time to time. And there are still enough of us holding things together and fighting the good fight so you can get the break you need.

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This is a sad commentary on many things wrong with America. Yes, Perry was rightly found guilty, and Abbott should be politically pilloried for his pre-emptive actions of "mercy." But to deify Foster as a martyr is also wrong, in my view. Yes, he was within his rights given the insanity that is Texas, but had he not been waving around - and maybe aiming - an assault rifle, it is very unlikely he would have been shot. I think there is plenty of blame and shame to go around in this case, but it is the barbaric state of Texas and its lawmakers that deserve at least as much as anyone.

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Your bias is showing. You say Foster was “waving around“ his weapon, when PERRY's OWN WORDS made it clear that Foster never raised his gun high enough to get it into a firing position.

You’re desperately searching for a reason to blame the victim.

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