Living in Florida because my family is here-not by choice-I have been increasingly horrified by this fascist dictator-wannabe. Honestly, he is responsible for countless deaths in this state due to his false, misleading, and absolute lies about Covid. This is a fact. My own family was impacted by his lies and we lost precious lives both directly and indirectly during the pandemic due to his policies.He will be responsible for the deaths of countless women who suffer because of the laws impacting women’s health. He will tank the agricultural economy because of his hatred toward workers of color. He has destroyed the (barely passable thanks to former Governors, ie Bush and Scott despite wonderful, caring teachers who persevere)) educational system with the book bans, the dismantling of institutions of higher education, the stacking of school boards and targeting those who don’t agree with him. His policies are raising a next generation of ignorant racists-not my opinion alone, but deemed so by national experts. He is attacking hospital boards that rely on science and not opinion in combatting Covid with the help of Mike (belongs in prison) Flynn. He will be responsible for the deaths of young people who need guidance and support in their life decisions, rather than abuse, condemnation, and neglect. His attack on Disney is disgusting and simply a grab for power like a toddler who demands compliance from those around him. He has urged people to exercise hate, act in hate, live in hate, respond in hate. Along with Texas because of Abbott, this is THE WORST state to live in. He and his wife are modern day Hitler/Eva Braun’s-and I don’t say that lightly. He can NEVER attain the Oval-democracy would be murdered. I’m a 64 year old white woman originally from the northeast, and I can honestly say that Ron Desantis is the worst Governor I’ve ever experienced. He attracts ignorant racists to move here-and the cult who slavishly stick to Trump accept him, too. The money donated to his campaign is frightening to behold. I don’t recognize my state nor many fellow Americans anymore. Sorry for the rant-I’m exhausted by the drumbeat of hatred. Exhausted, disillusioned by so many folks I thought I knew, and by the media who continue to highlight what is a blight on humanity. I’m grateful for the truth shared here and by Professor Heather Cox Richardson. These posts as well as hers are gifts to our nation.

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We moved from Texas to NC which is starting to look like the rest of the ridiculous red states. I definitely understand your exhaustion and frustration. I am 76 and feel the same way. Writing postcards and working at the polls are in my future. All my life I depended on the SCOTUS to find the high road in all the nonsense I've witnessed. Not any more.

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They cannot be trusted, thanks to McConnell. There are two sexual predators serving in addition to the rest of the ridiculous “Christian” right wingers controlling the highest court in our land. Frightening, sickening, and truly unAmerican-they step on the Constitution rather than upholding it.

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Hugging you.

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Thanks, Jen! Here's a hug back!

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I also live in Florida - and not by choice anymore, either. It truly has become unrecognizable! I agree with everything you've said. I don't know how we (here in Florida) will ever bounce back from the mini-fascist that is Ron DeSatan and all the racist, redneck trash he has attracted. It's so sad and I feel I have no viable options so I can get out of here.

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Clearly, we are not alone-I give thanks for that. I’m also grateful for this community here who are proudly woke, compassionate, decent Americans who want to see better for our state and our country. Hugging you.

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Hugs to you, too, Jen!

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Lifelong Floridian here; both kids born in Orlando and started my career at Disney. I agree with every word and ache just as deeply as you. I don’t feel safe anymore, anywhere. My neighbors and locals have lost their minds saying DeSantis is the best guv ever. 🤨Other than vote I’m not sure what else to do; I have to be careful nowadays. Not the same state I’ve always loved. 😔

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I am so sorry, Jen, I hope you and your family can get out of there. Heck, we need a nationwide campaign to rescue people out of states like Florida and Texas.

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Hugging you, too. The kindness here is do beautiful!

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We are of similar ages. I am blessed to live in a blue state.

I am so very sorry that it has come to this. I have family in Texas. I don’t visit. I enjoyed many good times with friends in Florida. Most have died or moved away. A few remain and have shown their true colors.

I would say to you get out knowing that it may not be possible. And knowing that we need people like you to stay and fight.

Sending hugs, blessings, and positive energy your way.

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We were just in Sarasota visiting son's family. Conversation with attendant at a chain of shops that sells crafts from around the world, she stated how much she loves Desantis and everything he is trying to do. I told her I felt exactly the opposite. That was last December, I don't think I could not have stopped from reading this column to her.

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What does it say about a man of privilege, of $, of education who has made it his life's work to punch down on those less privileged than himself.

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Don't forget that he has already proven himself to be a hardcore non-consensual sadist when he was in the military in Guanatano Bay.

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and a JAG attorney no less, and with, iirc, degrees from the uni's w/ best reputation, Harvard, iirc. He is truly dangerous, I'd say moreso than Hawley, though it's hard to pick. Had an ultra-weird dream w/ him as car salesman, where he was talking about himself using his actual style of speaking. Eery as bleep-all. My dreams almost never let evil in.

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It says he's a Republican. That's the m.o.

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We're making a big mistake, tarring all people who self-identify as "Republican" as being TFG-loving, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, white supremacy-loving cretins. While all the election deniers, white supremacists, Jew-, women-, trans-, and homosexual-hating may be calling themselves "Republicans," they are not the majority in the party, they're just the most vocal. Just as many Democrats express frustration with extreme left- and right-wing minorities in the party, so too do the decent, middle-of-the-road Republicans disdain the loudmouthed extremes.

We need to find ways to empower decent men and women to step up and flush the extremists and radicals in both parties, and stop "othering," with labels that we use as insults, as those decent men and women are the very people we need to join us in the struggle to strengthen and sustain our democracy.

What Lincoln told us is still true today: A house divided against itself cannot stand.

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They will be considered the majority as long as those in the party who disagree with them say nothing. They are the face of the party until you all stand up.

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I agree with some of this. However if someone identifies as Republican aren’t they associating themselves with the Republican Party? We already know that that party is currently fielding two corrupt primary contenders with autocratic histories.

I find it hard to separate a person identifying as a Republican from all the horrendous stuff the party has going on. If they vote straight Republican surely they are supporting all of that?

If they don’t vote straight Republican surely it is better to identify as ‘conservative’ if that represents their views.

I agree that it is sad that now to identify with one of our only major parties tars one with such awful vibes.

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Certainly, nothing good!

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The amount of hate for anyone not a cis white "Christian" male coming out of the current GQP is absolutely horrifying. I hope his policies do result in workers fleeing the state and wiping out the economy. Although innocent people would be casualties, I'm sure there are fewer of them than of those being directly targeted. If people continue to elect hate, they can live with it. No longer visiting Florida, although I really miss spring training baseball.

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here's another pitch for "Christoid" as distinct from Christian. Those of us who believe that the teaching of Jesus is diametrically opposed to what these radical right demagogues are peddling continue to be distressed by the co-opting of the word Christian to describe them.

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Yeah, that's why I put Christian in quotes. Because their behavior is anything but.

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I wonder how long Disney is going to stand for DeSantis's baloney before they move themselves, or scale back their operations to the point where it starves Florida of tourist dollars.

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Just started- they stopped a huge project that would have boosted the economy and provided a very large number of jobs.

So another one of those things that have shown to be true - There are none so blind....than those who “refuse” to see.

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AZ has lots of spring training.... we may be making changes slowly, but change nonetheless...

I am sorry you have to deal with not 1 but 2 of the most deplorable among us. While I am no longer religious, I do remember some of the teachings.

Love thy neighbor, you don’t worship false idols, you do not judge others - look at yourself and see what needs to be “fixed”, and... the love of $ is the root of all evil. They pick and choose what they themselves want for themselves.

They would say the same about the things I just mentioned. But they don’t need to be preaching to others and calling them out when they themselves DEFINITELY are not are not true Christians.when they act and live against everything they profess to be

Good luck to those in FL who are not able to live elsewhere. The people who want to make laws that back all the things anti everything are anti American. Yet they call themselves “real Americans”? based on what I see they are anything but Christian or American.

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If I had as much money as I have imagination, I'd financially support all of DeSantis' present and future targets: teachers, families, migrant workers, health care providers, etc. Want to leave Florida? Let's make arrangements. There are teacher shortages all over the country, so why stay in Florida in classrooms without books? We need nurses, doctors, truckers--all kinds of workers. Leave Florida to DeSantis' true believers and see if they still think it's paradise when the bottom falls out of the state.

I know, I know. Just a dream.

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Not a dream; people choose to move for many, many reasons. Finding an acceptable political climate is not an unreasonable motivation to relocate. I don't wear either red or blue, but I surely don't wish to live anywhere that the rights of vulnerable people are trampled on as a sport...

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This is Reason Number One as to why I'm looking to gtfo of South Jersey. People think NJ is a blue state, for the most part, but the southern half of the state is a red cesspool. I used to live in Northern Jersey, right outside of NYC, and moved down to this Hell because the cost of living is lower. Now I'm seeing that it's just a Republican ghetto. All the worst stereotypes are proudly on display here. My goal is Vermont (because I like snow), a state that is solidly blue. Or Germany, depending on how bad it really gets here. But seriously, political affiliations of the people in the community I will choose to live is right at the top of the list.

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I lived in Germany a ways back. With over 60 million people, it has its conservative strongholds as well, but a certain dictator from the last century substantially inoculated them against overt autocracy. Their idea of "right" is our idea of "moderate", IMHO.

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I am headed to Germany tonight. Both of my sons' families choose to not live in the states.

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I love Germany. I would go back in a heartbeat. My friend lives near Luxembourg, and I've been all over southern Germany. Someday, I'll go back. Safe travels, and I daresay your sons' families are very wise indeed.

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I know. They have their wingnuts there, too. I have a very dear friend there who is ready to sponsor me. He has plans to retire in a few years and wants to winter in South Carolina. I'm trying to talk him out of that madness. I'm not sure he really understands what's happening here.

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Well, we moved to South Carolina in 2008. Beautiful, friendly, lots of socialising. Then came 2016 and all the Trump flags. Gigantic ones like they were selling cars. Covid, more idiots exposed. It has settled down post covid. No more Trump flags or stickers. We did elect Joe Cunningham. Nancy Mace, I did not vote for but at least she is standing up to some of the Republican crazies. Join us and turn South Carolina purple like Georgia.

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I do have friends in Bluffton, and I know my friend in Germany wants to be near the beach. But he will remain a German national, therefore unable to vote. He wants to remain in the US for more than the 90 day visitor's visa limit, so I jokingly suggested we get married so I can live in Germany for the colder months, and he can remain in the US for as long as he wants! ;)

Seriously though, I totally get the flag thing. Same here, if you can believe it. There's even a flag that says Ivanka 2024, but I've only seen one, and it's terribly faded and in tatters. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea? But the FJB flags, big stickers on roachy old pick up trucks, tRump flags 2020/2024, LGB flags, white supremacy flags, Confederate flags, Gadsden flags, and all manner of banners with the same nonsense. Last week I posted on my FB page a photo of a big crappy pick up truck that had a $w@$t!k@ painted on the transfer case (pumpkin). It was clearly visible, with the white background and all, to make sure people saw it. Shameful. In NJ!! This is what we're coming to, and my friend in Germany was HORRIFIED. We should all be.

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Come to Vermont! There are some uneducated lowlifes here too but they are definitely in the minority.

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That is Plan A. I've only been a few times to visit, but... priorities. If the federal government situation doesn't take a turn for the worse, I'll be there. If so, it's off to Germany.

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Except there are many good people there who can’t leave and are trying to make a difference.

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One could also make the opposite case: encourage these kinds of people (and anybody who would not vote Republican), especially US citizens, to move into Florida in order to tilt the electorate back to something reasonable.

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Absolutely. But I think it's a hard sell when DeSantis and the Florida Legislature are making the state less and less welcoming and increasingly unsafe. As a parent and grandparent, I'd never move to a place where books are removed from classrooms. And that's only one small example. What if another pandemic starts, or a new Covid variant arrives? Both quite possible. Florida government no longer believes in viruses, apparently. What a mess.

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The Florida government IS a virus; one that keeps multiplying and infecting it’s healthy neighbors.

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yeah, exactly. It's a tricky mess at the moment. I started looking into moving there over 10 years ago, but i want to start a family & that makes FL impossible at least for now. DeathSantence's behavior in the past two yrs is sooo alarming, mindboggling so. We need eagle eyes on ppl like him and on the other style rwnj's like Mike Flynn. The two styles are different, dangerous in different ways. Together, truly dangerous.

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It's flooding anyway

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Not necessarily.

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We on the left need to start calling this sort of hateful behavior unAmerican (and I stress, not the people, just the behavior). That might be the only label that has meaning for these folks on the radical right.

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Your correct it's past UnAmerican. Also this little runt forgets he crawled out from his rock when Trump let him. They are ALL the same. And Trump gave them all permission. If Trump was NEVER a U.S. President it would've never got this bad. We had BAD but not like this.

People have got to STOP sitting back wringing their hands saying how much they hate it then don't vote, don't show up at the polls, don't show up at Town Halls, We CAN NOT put this all on one demographic again. We WE NEED TO DO IT TOGETHER - We need to DO IT AGAIN.

They (Rep) can't take over our Government OUR COUNTRY. You think this is BAD ? Imagine every day life if a Republican is President Again! We are Screwed As A Country!!

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I have to wonder if you're right; I used to think that tfg was the Genie that got out of the bottle. Now I think his biggest impact has been all the additional ones that came out after him. Most of my life I tried to distinguish the issues from the persons, but when high ranking public officials make it their mission to trade in such odious policies, I can't help believing that there's something inherently evil within. Can you imagine what it would take to dial back all that garbage even if they "saw the light" and were converted to kindness and unconditional positive regard?

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TFG is more like the soul that escaped from Hell and left the gate opened. Because to date TFG has been largely unchecked and suffered zero (so far) consequence for his actions, he has empowered others to follow in his footsteps. It is disgusting what he and his fellow hell mates have gotten away with.

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I absolutely 100% agree if they don't start paying some consequences & fast Starting with Trump who knows where we end up. People like Rittenhouse are trial run's along with Jan 6th. People get mad at home behind their keyboards & scream at their T.V. We need to do more. Town, Cities, States it's gotta start at the small areas first but we have to get everyone out voting if we gotta drag them there in a wagon PLEASE!!

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Pandora’s box….

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He's such an evil disgusting little man!

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And what happens when a doctor refuses to treat a woman having a miscarriage because she isn't married? Or to treat any divorced patients for anything? If a doctor has long been an advocate of Zero Population Grow can they refuse to treat a third pregnancy? Or the third of a set of triplets?

Can they refuse to treat Muslim or Jewish patients--no, the actual bill doesn't allow discrimination on the basis of "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin". This strikes me as making the law pretty hard to enforce. What happens to someone with conscience based objections to the particular details of someone's religion--like the fact that they don't eat pork. Or, as noted, marital status.

How about a doctor who refuses to treat DeSantos when he is having a heart attack?

It does seem to be aimed at those who lead an "immoral lifestyle." But in the right mindset, that can go far beyond LGBTQ.

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Good point

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People need to keep track of his stream of new laws. There's one to hamper teacher unions though it wouldn't do the same to police and fire unions (a coincidence they are more likely to vote Republican?).

A law that he doesn't have to report where he travels to.

A law that allows greater summer fertilizer limits which will hurt Florida's waterways.

A law that there's no more menstruation education in fifth grade.

I am not sure how many of these are laws at the moment. The Florida lawmakers just rubber stamp anything he puts forward and they're often signed into law at 11 pm or so, so that people aren't even aware.

This guy is mean and crazy. A little napoleon with the same small msn syndrome.

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He just made it illegal for teachers to have union dues taken out of their paychecks - a sure way to kill the unions and collective bargaining.

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The same thing happened here in Spotsylvania, Virginia. You may have heard of us: with all over the news because of book burning and burning come out and accused outboard mill member bond before his trial, etc., etc. So terribly sad for our children and teachers.

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Oh dear, bad typing. Trying again.

The same thing happened here in Spotsylvania, Virginia. You may have heard of us: We have been all over the news because of book banning and burning, a school board member arraigned on a felony charge, cronyism, et., etc.. So terribly sad for our children and teachers

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You are correct. Some that you mentioned were just passed in the last couple nights and over the weekend. The worst and most dangerous governor I’ve seen in my lifetime and I’m in my 70’s. We voted in person in the last election and the intimidation was palpable, even in a small retirement community in a Republican stronghold. We’re trying to stay and “be the change”, because we’ve made Florida our home for the past 20 years. I’m not sure how long we will last, but I fully understand those that are fleeing to protect their families. DeSantis only has the next 2 years and can’t run again. I seriously doubt he has a chance at the presidency, but I was wrong about Trump. I guess I gave Americans too much credit in 2016, but it looks like many are opening their eyes to what the GQP and these Authoritarian Dictators are doing.

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I'm also in my 70's. We live in kings ridge. We liberals here have found each other. Stay strong❤️

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This really is scary this is how Germany in the 30's started one man one idea. One two three groups of people being destroyed though words and anger . Soon will be more wake up!

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So now I’m wondering how my Catholic anti-abortion cousin living in Florida will feel when she or one of her family goes to the emergency room and is refused treatment because the doctor/nurse, etc. is Jewish or Muslim and dislikes Catholics and/or anti-abortionists. Be careful what you hate - it may turn around to bite you. I, for one, do not plan to spend one dime in Florida - so goodbye Caribbean cruise!

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A reminder, though that conservative MAGAs are not the majority. They are a minority with an outsized amount of power, in a press environment that treats them as if they're the mainstream. Polls show that most Americans do believe in the protection of LGBTQ+ rights and the rights of other minorities.

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the trouble is that hate-crimes have increased dramatically, and are under-reported. And when these hate-groups do their agitation activity, like i saw in a video taking place near Orlando, harassing jewish ppl going to their places of worship/activities, there were no good sam's there to either protect these ppl, or confront the highly animated neo-nazi's whose hate speech was like absolutely nothing i've ever seen anywhere in the world! (and i've seen a lot and studied a lot of history!) We absolutely have a social problem, and we regular ppl need too show up, and, if safe, confront these usually relatively young males doing their screaming agitation-harassments.

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DeSantis is anti-charming, and subtle as a sledgehammer, has no panache or appeal, but peddles the fast-food acrimony to good effect as those seeking a quick fix of bigotry simply have to drive through Florida to drink their fill. Those who subscribe to his propaganda will use him for easy satisfaction but will discard him as a candidate. However, as you point out, his message endures.

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He would do well to register Trump as a sex offender in Palm Beach County.

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True. He’s been convicted. Shouldn’t he be registered as a sex offender? Where’s the Florida pseudo-morality police and Governor???

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And now breaking news:

DeSantis signs bill to defund DEI programs at Florida’s public colleges

Gift article: https://wapo.st/3BwV7Xe

Little by little he wittles away our lives

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Cancel culture at its finest. Brought to you by the people who want to stop cancel culture.

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He truly is a pig... and I'm sorry that I just insulted pigs

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He’s even scarier than Trump!

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It's a close call who would be worse...

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I don’t want to find out Jay. Frightening beyond belief!!!

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Yes, because he's far smarter!

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I'm not sure if he really is smarter. That chocolate pudding episode suggests that he is pretty ignorant, too, as it probably will be a lot of fodder for negative campaign ads.

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I sure hope you're right!

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Are there any corporations in FL standing up against this? I really wish Disney would shut down their operations there. I know they can't, but that would be a real wake up call.

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Disney tried and look what happened there. My money is on Iger winning in court though because he's smarter, sneaky, has better lawyers, and very deep pockets.

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If I was running Disney, I would have a plan for doing just that. Especially when the tourists stop coming. "How to shut WDW down."

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DeSantis is Counting on Disney being too big to move. OTOH, I’d love for them to come out and say, “February is a slow month for us. Next February, we are going to close for four weeks and furlough everyone. That would send some shock waves.

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