Legacy media carries a huge responsibility for the thinking and resulting behavior of red voting Americans who are not what we’d call full MAGA.
Rather than provide factual information delivered in accurate context, which would have felt -at least initially- uncomfortable to the masses, they took the easy path; they massaged the bias.
Legacy media carries a huge responsibility for the thinking and resulting behavior of red voting Americans who are not what we’d call full MAGA.
Rather than provide factual information delivered in accurate context, which would have felt -at least initially- uncomfortable to the masses, they took the easy path; they massaged the bias.
What is particularly maddening, and frankly unforgivable, is that it was done eyes wide open to the outcome. While the average human has not a clue how their thinking happens, the people running legacy media do. They had an opportunity to shift awareness, and with it thinking and behavior of the masses.
There was a time, long gone, when those at the helm of our major media sources recognized that they held an instrument of massive power within society and with that power came a responsibility to align to the truth; to do and print the facts and the context of those facts even if that carried risk.
Bezo’s decision was the final nail in the coffin of a what was once one of America’s most laudable achievements, a free and fair press.
Legacy media carries a huge responsibility for the thinking and resulting behavior of red voting Americans who are not what we’d call full MAGA.
Rather than provide factual information delivered in accurate context, which would have felt -at least initially- uncomfortable to the masses, they took the easy path; they massaged the bias.
What is particularly maddening, and frankly unforgivable, is that it was done eyes wide open to the outcome. While the average human has not a clue how their thinking happens, the people running legacy media do. They had an opportunity to shift awareness, and with it thinking and behavior of the masses.
There was a time, long gone, when those at the helm of our major media sources recognized that they held an instrument of massive power within society and with that power came a responsibility to align to the truth; to do and print the facts and the context of those facts even if that carried risk.
Bezo’s decision was the final nail in the coffin of a what was once one of America’s most laudable achievements, a free and fair press.