The more I read and learn about the filibuster the more I’m concerned as an

citizen of these United States.

The use of the filibuster allowed Southern states the freedom to create the Jim Crow system that lead to a reign of terror and oppression to the free Blacks of the South. It helped in a way to birth the KKK when it was used to fight against laws that would recognize that free Black peoples had the same rights as whites. Yup that’s how they use the filibuster to blatantly without regard start the Big American lie. So here we are in 2021 presenting arguments on a unconstitutional practice that is archaic and racist at its core of concept and use.

We’re changing the names of schools, university, buildings, public spaces, military bases, that were named to honor confederate generals. The naming and the erection of statues was a constant daily reminder to southern and northern Blacks to stay in their place. The intent was to intimidate and provoke fear in the hearts and mind of southern Blacks. ( guess what it worked for awhile #civilrightsmovement ) Yet somehow the GOP

which is predominantly made up of white men is still trying to hold power and cripple the Biden’s administration agenda by using this archaic practice.

Yes it does seem we’re in a battle for the soul of our Nation

God help us, Amen

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Chuck Schumer should read up on this. I don't think he has the courage to get rid of it. Shameful that the people who lost the election, on every national level, seem to still be in charge of everything, with very little pushback from the party that did win. It's the Democrats playbook of how to lose the next election. When are they going to get that Democratic voters don't like representatives who seem to cave to every whim that the Republicans have? Pisses me off.

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We certainly haven't controlled the narrative well. Our own Dem senators, Manchin and Sinema, are the reason that we can't end the filibuster. But Manchin is something of a unicorn, a Democrat who represents a deeply red state. There's no changing his mind on this easily. I could see Sinema leaning away from the hard stance though, but it's not enough. We don't have the votes, so we can't get it done outright. But in future posts I'll outline some ideas for how to chip away at it which might well make a difference.

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Why indeed?

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Unfortunately, this story is incorrect. The deletion of the previous question motion from the Senate's rules did not "doom" the chamber, as it has other procedural paths to limiting obstruction. Nor did the previous question motion have much power to stop runaway filibustering in the 19th century House. For more details: https://www.mischiefsoffaction.com/post/aaron-burr-is-not-to-blame-for-the-senate-filibuster

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