And this is the "quality" of today's GOP so-called leaders. These folks could not lead elementary school children out of a burning building. And they are shameless about it.
Is she getting any support from military or other voters- from Iowa or not- to urge her to stay the course? I’m a military brat and used to be a Republican. But I don’t live in Iowa. Any purpose to me writing her? Does she feel there’s any support from the other side to not capitulate?
Ypu could address her in her capacity as a member of the Armed Services Committee, which is supposed to look out for the interests of the national military as a whole, and the whole nation through the military.
I would call her office. It is often hard to send an email if your zipcode is out of state and snail mail is too slow.
I'm planning to call and leave a message for Sen. Ernst. My mom was a Marine in WWII so obviously no combat. But later in life, she joined a Women Marines veterans group and I know she was extremely proud of her fellow Marines who did serve in combat.
Hegseth is an ethics nightmare, totally unqualified based on his work experience (or lack thereof) and every veteran should be extremely concerned about the idea of privatizing the VA. Military readiness, recruitment and morale would suffer under Hegseth.
I knew it was a matter of time before they "got to her". Although it's nice to see in the beginning that elected (Republican) representatives really were going to do the right thing by our country had they been allowed to do so. We know families and careers will be threatened until the trumpers contort the errant, naive straight shooters to commit whatever deed they want them to do, however dangerous or irresponsible the result will be for the country. I'm sure that "they" also suddenly got to Chuck Grassley, too. Why would Grassley, after seven years of no problem with FBI Director Chris Wray, just yesterday (Monday) see it as a sudden top priority to send a terse "termination letter" to Wray stating he has a "vote of no confidence" and it's time for Wray and his Deputy to now move on? Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you. But when the leaves hang trembling, kash patel is passing through. These cretins are using intimidation to get what they and trump want. It's a certifiable eventuality that the course of unforeseeable human events will cause them to experience for themselves that very same intimidation, just like an inevitable, unforeseen passing breeze.
And, as I keep asking, WHY has the conversation about tffg's mental deterioration stopped? Has he suddenly recovered from dementia? That would be a miracle.
Trump was in NYC during the mobster era. He knew of them.
AI Overview
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Vincent Gigante, also known as "The Oddfather" and "The Enigma in the Bathrobe", was a mobster who was often seen wearing a bathrobe and slippers in Greenwich Village.
Gigante's public behavior was a calculated effort to avoid prosecution for his role as head of a powerful crime family. He would wander the streets of Greenwich Village, mumbling to himself, and appeared to be harmless and disturbed.
Gigante's relatives hired psychiatrists to report that he suffered from Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and paranoid schizophrenia. However, in 2003, Gigante pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and admitted that his insanity was a ruse. He was sentenced to an additional three years in prison. Gigante died in 2005.
I’ve called elected officials who aren’t in my state on many occasions. If she is the deciding vote, then the reality is that she represents all of us. No need to say what state you’re in. Just say you’re calling to encourage her to stay the course. Most of the time you’re just leaving a voice mail anyway.
Senator Ernst isn't particularly open to hearing from people who don't agree with her and Iowa's political climate gives her no reason to change that. My state is lockstep with maga.
"Over two terms in the Senate, she has built a reputation for being a principled leader on matters of sexual assault and the military."
Well, we all know what happens to "principles" when tRump and MAGA come calling - jettisoned quick-smart like a bowl of cold porridge. And if Elno gets involved, and threatens to drop tens of millions into a primary challenger, bye-bye Senate career.
"Second thoughts", hmm, Joni? Another GOP backbone turned into cooked spaghetti.
Didn’t she vote YES on Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court? I have been around long enough to know that these senators don’t care just wanna keep their power.
She hasn't yet. She's just been wishy washy to get the pressure off. It's the media who says she's changed her mind. Murkowski hasn't and Collins will likely go along with them because she has nothing to loose. Her chance of winning in 2026 isn't great so she'll just retire.
Dems in her area should start now with a media blitz asking "What did it take for you to sell out (the military), (abuse survivors), (women), (veterans), Joni?" If she can be cowed by threats of being primaries, might as well get her started on defending herself in the general too.
“I wont dri nk if confirmed” is pure alcoholic blather
“I wont abuse women or do any of the 10,000 things I shouldn’t do that I’ve been doing my entire life if confirmed,the desperation and lies seem pretty clear to me.
Maybe military leadership should step in and handle it, I have more faith in them then I do hegseth or dump.
Ernst should grow a spine and stick to her principles. So what if she was threatened to be primaried. Follow the example of Liz Cheney, Joni, and show a bit of the grit a veteran should have developed.
In addition to drug abuse, sex abuse, and financial mismanagement, Hegseth and Sean Hannity pressured then President Trump to pardon Clint Lorance, which Trump did. Lorance led a platoon in Afghanistan and ordered the platoon to murder 3 unarmed Afghanis simply because he believed them to be members of the Taliban. Lorance, like Hegseth, hates Muslims. The platoon members, young men who signed up to serve their country with honor, suffered from alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide as a result of Lorance's actions. Hegseth is a disgrace and his selection demonstrates Trump's shallowness, stupidity, and penchant for what he thinks is toughness.
Hegseth is for sure a disgrace. I'm sure Rubio, and the other trump cabinet members, are wondering how they can ever rely on anything Hegseth, or any duly-intimidated governmental entity says is the "truth". How do you do an excellent job under those circumstances?
Sen. Joni Ernst and the rest of them are cowards; they deserve no further respect. As a disabled veteran this one is personal for me; I stand to lose a lot. If Hegseth gets in any veteran on disability is as risk.
My husband was a Vietnam veteran and as a result of Agent Orange died of lung cancer at age 62. I was a widow and I was able to get my secondary insurance through the VA. I am a breast cancer survivor so I do have a pre condition and I don’t know what I’ll do for insurance, not to mention if Social Security benefits are cut. I’m just terrified of what’s to come.
I know it is cold comfort, but know that you are not alone.
In between 2 corporate jobs with excellent Group healthcare, I had to have individual insurance in the pre-ACA days and it was a nightmare. I'm retired now and on now on Medicare and am also concerned about healthcare expenses skyrocketing in the next few years under Trump's mismanagement.
My current active military SIL, says most military are Republican and support Trump. WTF! He’s bragging about the benefits he’ll get after his 20 years. I guess we’ll see.
Ernst hasn't voted yet! Don't fall for the media's questionable reporting! She's being vague to get the aho.... off her back. She's not stupid. She knows how to play the game and she knows if she caves it's all over for any career she might want. Have faith. Hegseth can't get through any hearing. And if by some chance he does? Can you imagine what his life will be like in the Pentagon? As a disabled vet I am also concerned but more by Musk. The Pentagon will make sure Hegseth takes to drinking again. Although he says he's stopped. Over the holidays. LOL! Keep the faith, we will prevail.
As a veteran myself, when Hegseth rages against veterans’ benefits, I have to wonder what the status of his own discharge might be? Perhaps he is barred from receiving certain benefits? A dishonorable discharge, and bad conduct discharge (BCD) specifically eliminate or limit eligibility for benefits — but these are terms we use for enlisted military personnel. Hegseth was a commissioned officer (the terms around officers being punitively discharged from the military are far more opaque). We absolutely should be asking more about his service record, and nature of his leaving military service.
He claims he just wants to stop fraud, but the ways he talks about that “fraud” in veterans’ benefits is painfully ignorant of what the legitimate needs for veterans are. The VA has often failed dismally to meet those needs, though it seems to have been slowly improving.
I'd be VERY interested in seeing his records now that you've brought it up. The way he lashes out at benefits that have been literally paid for in the blood of servicemen and women across decades definitely makes me think it's personal.
In a piece written about his military decorations I noticed the absence of a Good Conduct Medal. I wonder if any Dem will ask about that. The GOP won't because it's no longer a requirement for them.
Nicknamed ‘the good cookie,’ apparently Good Conduct Medals are also really just for enlisted personnel, and not commissioned officers.
From experience as enlisted, I can say I have seen officers tend towards quietly hiding the garbage they & their fellow officers get up to. They get away with it so long as 1) it stays out of the media, and 2) it is not witnessed by enlisted personnel (whom they cannot otherwise discredit, or dismiss their account of events). It might be really tough work to find anything fully spelled out about Hegseth’s service record. Somebody needs to try though, and work hard at it.
I feel there is something here that will be mostly obvious to enlisted veterans but may just be too quietly written between the lines for people not familiar with the military and the social dichotomy between commissioned officers and enlisted personnel:
The Good Conduct Medal is the “good cookie,” because you earn it after each block of time served without getting into trouble. Keep your nose clean long enough & you get another cookie. It stands out on your uniform for those who know, and can highlight to knowing eyes whether you have ever been in trouble during the course of your military career.
As commissioned officers do not have such an award, there is no obvious physical indicator on the uniform to show any of their transgressions. It is hidden from the uniform, and likely hidden from their record, depending upon the attitude of their leaders. I saw commissioned officers get up to and away with a lot that none of my enlisted peers would have ever dared. That’s part of their culture, outlook, and mindset. Out of sight, out of mind. Like it never even happened.
Again, someone who is able, please dig into Hegseth’s service record. It will not be easy but it is so important.
Re: Hegseth - Musk in brazenly full-on in Authoritarian mode. Publicly threatening any GOP opposition to T nominees. John McCain was truly the last hero in the Republican Party.
Musk won't care. Unless a disgruntled former supporter comes after him with a ghost gun. (Just to clarify, I am NOT advocating violence, only trying to point out that something has to effect him directly for it to be a concern for him and his ilk.)
Almost always, I agree with Jay’s take on things. But I’m going to take a different path on this one. And I’m going to keep saying this every chance I get. All this cr*pola about Hegseth’s personal peccadillos is just a set of shiny objects that keeps attention off what really matters: the man is totally unqualified for this job! What in his work resume creates confidence that he can run a trillion dollar organization of 3 million employees that is the most lethal force on the planet? Can you picture him being hired to run, say, IBM, or PepsiCo, or General Electric? I hope Jay will do a piece on his resume vs the requirements of this job.
If Ernst is as spineless as she appears to be maybe Hegseth is right about women in combat (sarcasm). She can't even stand up to those in her own party. This piece also leaves out Hegseth's fiscal incompetence in leading 2 different veterans groups
I did not mean to imply or suggest that about women in combat, from what I have read and heard it is quite the opposite. I forget how sarcasm does not always translate well in writing.
Thanks for the follow-up. I figured you didn’t mean to demean women in combat but wanted to make sure another commenter wouldn’t take your sarcasm and run with it.
Shame on Joni Ernst. Hegseth is NOT suitable for this position and she damn well knows it. What is wrong with Republicans that they can't grow spines and tell tRump NO.
It's completely awful that she is trying to out a victim of rape. That is the last thing a victims advocate would do. I hope she gets some pressure from victims rights groups. Not a single spine to be had among these people.
Let's not forget that the victim agreed to an NDA. She is damned if she violates that (possibly resulting in legal action against her) and damned if she doesn't (possibly resulting in Hegseth's confirmation.) Talk about a no-win dilemma!
Hegseth behaves like a molested child who is desperately projecting his "Manhood" to compensate for any doubt of his sexuality. Violent behavior is the ultimate cover for those poor souls. Thank you,Jay, for keeping it all in perspective.
Joni sounds like a typical GQP wimp. Talks a good game until it matters and the trolls come out of the woodwork, then forgets everything she claimed to believe in and support.
Shame on Joni. If she votes yes all of her good work will be for naught. She will never be believed again.
I fear the new normal with the GOP is to capitulate under pressure from the extremists.
And this is the "quality" of today's GOP so-called leaders. These folks could not lead elementary school children out of a burning building. And they are shameless about it.
The swamp is filling up . . .
And Overflowing!
If I may offer a slight correction: "These (so-called) leaders WOULD not lead elementary school children out of a burning building."
They would be like George Costanza in that Seinfeld episode where he bulldozes over a bunch of children. They would leave the children behind.
They've NEVER had the ability to Govern!
Is she getting any support from military or other voters- from Iowa or not- to urge her to stay the course? I’m a military brat and used to be a Republican. But I don’t live in Iowa. Any purpose to me writing her? Does she feel there’s any support from the other side to not capitulate?
Ypu could address her in her capacity as a member of the Armed Services Committee, which is supposed to look out for the interests of the national military as a whole, and the whole nation through the military.
I would call her office. It is often hard to send an email if your zipcode is out of state and snail mail is too slow.
I'm planning to call and leave a message for Sen. Ernst. My mom was a Marine in WWII so obviously no combat. But later in life, she joined a Women Marines veterans group and I know she was extremely proud of her fellow Marines who did serve in combat.
Hegseth is an ethics nightmare, totally unqualified based on his work experience (or lack thereof) and every veteran should be extremely concerned about the idea of privatizing the VA. Military readiness, recruitment and morale would suffer under Hegseth.
My mom was also a WWII Marine Corps vet, and she’d be horrified at what’s going on now.
My mom was also a proud member of the Women Marines in WWII! She would be ashamed of what is happening to our country.
I knew it was a matter of time before they "got to her". Although it's nice to see in the beginning that elected (Republican) representatives really were going to do the right thing by our country had they been allowed to do so. We know families and careers will be threatened until the trumpers contort the errant, naive straight shooters to commit whatever deed they want them to do, however dangerous or irresponsible the result will be for the country. I'm sure that "they" also suddenly got to Chuck Grassley, too. Why would Grassley, after seven years of no problem with FBI Director Chris Wray, just yesterday (Monday) see it as a sudden top priority to send a terse "termination letter" to Wray stating he has a "vote of no confidence" and it's time for Wray and his Deputy to now move on? Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you. But when the leaves hang trembling, kash patel is passing through. These cretins are using intimidation to get what they and trump want. It's a certifiable eventuality that the course of unforeseeable human events will cause them to experience for themselves that very same intimidation, just like an inevitable, unforeseen passing breeze.
Oh please! Grassley is in the throes of dementia, worse than trump. I dare him to spell his own name.
And, as I keep asking, WHY has the conversation about tffg's mental deterioration stopped? Has he suddenly recovered from dementia? That would be a miracle.
Can we nominate him for an Emmy? Best performance by a politician up for prison.
Trump was in NYC during the mobster era. He knew of them.
AI Overview
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Vincent Gigante, also known as "The Oddfather" and "The Enigma in the Bathrobe", was a mobster who was often seen wearing a bathrobe and slippers in Greenwich Village.
Gigante's public behavior was a calculated effort to avoid prosecution for his role as head of a powerful crime family. He would wander the streets of Greenwich Village, mumbling to himself, and appeared to be harmless and disturbed.
Gigante's relatives hired psychiatrists to report that he suffered from Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and paranoid schizophrenia. However, in 2003, Gigante pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and admitted that his insanity was a ruse. He was sentenced to an additional three years in prison. Gigante died in 2005.
If Trump had lost and all his legal woes had come crashing down on him there would be cries of "Oh the poor man, how can we sentence him to prison?"
I’ve called elected officials who aren’t in my state on many occasions. If she is the deciding vote, then the reality is that she represents all of us. No need to say what state you’re in. Just say you’re calling to encourage her to stay the course. Most of the time you’re just leaving a voice mail anyway.
I live in Iowa and I’ve emailed twice now about this.
Senator Ernst isn't particularly open to hearing from people who don't agree with her and Iowa's political climate gives her no reason to change that. My state is lockstep with maga.
It’s been their normal since 2016.
I agree. None of them will vote against Trump. If we were hoping they would, Ernst's change of heart has crushed that dream.
What do you mean “new”?
"Over two terms in the Senate, she has built a reputation for being a principled leader on matters of sexual assault and the military."
Well, we all know what happens to "principles" when tRump and MAGA come calling - jettisoned quick-smart like a bowl of cold porridge. And if Elno gets involved, and threatens to drop tens of millions into a primary challenger, bye-bye Senate career.
"Second thoughts", hmm, Joni? Another GOP backbone turned into cooked spaghetti.
She will certainly lose any whiff of being "principled" if she votes for Hegseth.
Her party hasn't cared about principles since Lee Atwater and Newt Gingrich.
“Cooked spaghetti” - how descriptive!
Didn’t she vote YES on Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court? I have been around long enough to know that these senators don’t care just wanna keep their power.
They all did except for Murkowski who voted present. Thank God for Murkowski because Susan Collins has no backbone without her.
I mean, being primaried by KARI LAKE isn't exactly a threat. She should've laughed it off, but she's proven that she'll buckle under pressure.
Indeed. She should welcome that whack-job as a primary opponent . . .
How could Kari Lake run for the Senate in Iowa? Any day now she'll get the phone call that she's the governor of Arizona! ANY. DAY.
Heading to Mexico City as tRump's nominee for Ambassador.
She hasn't yet. She's just been wishy washy to get the pressure off. It's the media who says she's changed her mind. Murkowski hasn't and Collins will likely go along with them because she has nothing to loose. Her chance of winning in 2026 isn't great so she'll just retire.
Dems in her area should start now with a media blitz asking "What did it take for you to sell out (the military), (abuse survivors), (women), (veterans), Joni?" If she can be cowed by threats of being primaries, might as well get her started on defending herself in the general too.
Reap what you sow Joni.
Hegseth is the definition of a steamin’ pile 💩
“I wont dri nk if confirmed” is pure alcoholic blather
“I wont abuse women or do any of the 10,000 things I shouldn’t do that I’ve been doing my entire life if confirmed,the desperation and lies seem pretty clear to me.
Maybe military leadership should step in and handle it, I have more faith in them then I do hegseth or dump.
Ernst should grow a spine and stick to her principles. So what if she was threatened to be primaried. Follow the example of Liz Cheney, Joni, and show a bit of the grit a veteran should have developed.
Exactly! Be like Liz (Cheney) not like Susan (Collins), who more than likely will cave; she always does.
Collins won't cave with Murkowski for support. Unless she is threatened with loosing her chair. She'll have a tough choice.
I hope you are correct. She's caved in the we shall see.
And I mean honestly, Kari Lake? Not exactly a threat.
In addition to drug abuse, sex abuse, and financial mismanagement, Hegseth and Sean Hannity pressured then President Trump to pardon Clint Lorance, which Trump did. Lorance led a platoon in Afghanistan and ordered the platoon to murder 3 unarmed Afghanis simply because he believed them to be members of the Taliban. Lorance, like Hegseth, hates Muslims. The platoon members, young men who signed up to serve their country with honor, suffered from alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide as a result of Lorance's actions. Hegseth is a disgrace and his selection demonstrates Trump's shallowness, stupidity, and penchant for what he thinks is toughness.
Yes, his meddling in the court martial proceedings for war criminals was reprehensible.
Hegseth is for sure a disgrace. I'm sure Rubio, and the other trump cabinet members, are wondering how they can ever rely on anything Hegseth, or any duly-intimidated governmental entity says is the "truth". How do you do an excellent job under those circumstances?
I don't think "excellence" is what they have in mind in the next administration.
Judging by his first Administration/SHITSHOW, absolutely not!
Setting aside the drinking and abuse, Hesgeth is in NO WAY qualified for this position. FGS this is the U.S. military!
Sen. Joni Ernst and the rest of them are cowards; they deserve no further respect. As a disabled veteran this one is personal for me; I stand to lose a lot. If Hegseth gets in any veteran on disability is as risk.
Thank you for your service. We will fight for you!
I know you will Jay; I'm just beyond enraged right now. Thank you for your kindness.
My husband was a Vietnam veteran and as a result of Agent Orange died of lung cancer at age 62. I was a widow and I was able to get my secondary insurance through the VA. I am a breast cancer survivor so I do have a pre condition and I don’t know what I’ll do for insurance, not to mention if Social Security benefits are cut. I’m just terrified of what’s to come.
"I’m just terrified of what’s to come".
I know it is cold comfort, but know that you are not alone.
In between 2 corporate jobs with excellent Group healthcare, I had to have individual insurance in the pre-ACA days and it was a nightmare. I'm retired now and on now on Medicare and am also concerned about healthcare expenses skyrocketing in the next few years under Trump's mismanagement.
I hope Advocacy groups like the Disabled American Veteran's are voicing their Displeasure!
Thank you for your service Sir.
My current active military SIL, says most military are Republican and support Trump. WTF! He’s bragging about the benefits he’ll get after his 20 years. I guess we’ll see.
I hope you laughed at that, and told him, not if this clown is appointed! He's bankrupted every charity he was head of!
Ernst hasn't voted yet! Don't fall for the media's questionable reporting! She's being vague to get the aho.... off her back. She's not stupid. She knows how to play the game and she knows if she caves it's all over for any career she might want. Have faith. Hegseth can't get through any hearing. And if by some chance he does? Can you imagine what his life will be like in the Pentagon? As a disabled vet I am also concerned but more by Musk. The Pentagon will make sure Hegseth takes to drinking again. Although he says he's stopped. Over the holidays. LOL! Keep the faith, we will prevail.
As a veteran myself, when Hegseth rages against veterans’ benefits, I have to wonder what the status of his own discharge might be? Perhaps he is barred from receiving certain benefits? A dishonorable discharge, and bad conduct discharge (BCD) specifically eliminate or limit eligibility for benefits — but these are terms we use for enlisted military personnel. Hegseth was a commissioned officer (the terms around officers being punitively discharged from the military are far more opaque). We absolutely should be asking more about his service record, and nature of his leaving military service.
He claims he just wants to stop fraud, but the ways he talks about that “fraud” in veterans’ benefits is painfully ignorant of what the legitimate needs for veterans are. The VA has often failed dismally to meet those needs, though it seems to have been slowly improving.
I'd be VERY interested in seeing his records now that you've brought it up. The way he lashes out at benefits that have been literally paid for in the blood of servicemen and women across decades definitely makes me think it's personal.
In a piece written about his military decorations I noticed the absence of a Good Conduct Medal. I wonder if any Dem will ask about that. The GOP won't because it's no longer a requirement for them.
Nicknamed ‘the good cookie,’ apparently Good Conduct Medals are also really just for enlisted personnel, and not commissioned officers.
From experience as enlisted, I can say I have seen officers tend towards quietly hiding the garbage they & their fellow officers get up to. They get away with it so long as 1) it stays out of the media, and 2) it is not witnessed by enlisted personnel (whom they cannot otherwise discredit, or dismiss their account of events). It might be really tough work to find anything fully spelled out about Hegseth’s service record. Somebody needs to try though, and work hard at it.
I feel there is something here that will be mostly obvious to enlisted veterans but may just be too quietly written between the lines for people not familiar with the military and the social dichotomy between commissioned officers and enlisted personnel:
The Good Conduct Medal is the “good cookie,” because you earn it after each block of time served without getting into trouble. Keep your nose clean long enough & you get another cookie. It stands out on your uniform for those who know, and can highlight to knowing eyes whether you have ever been in trouble during the course of your military career.
As commissioned officers do not have such an award, there is no obvious physical indicator on the uniform to show any of their transgressions. It is hidden from the uniform, and likely hidden from their record, depending upon the attitude of their leaders. I saw commissioned officers get up to and away with a lot that none of my enlisted peers would have ever dared. That’s part of their culture, outlook, and mindset. Out of sight, out of mind. Like it never even happened.
Again, someone who is able, please dig into Hegseth’s service record. It will not be easy but it is so important.
Re: Hegseth - Musk in brazenly full-on in Authoritarian mode. Publicly threatening any GOP opposition to T nominees. John McCain was truly the last hero in the Republican Party. Musk warns Republicans against standing in Trump's way — or his
Musk’s going to have to shell out a few billion once Trump’s tariffs start sending his supporters to the poor house. And it still won't work.
Musk won't care. Unless a disgruntled former supporter comes after him with a ghost gun. (Just to clarify, I am NOT advocating violence, only trying to point out that something has to effect him directly for it to be a concern for him and his ilk.)
He’s a MAGA creep!! As are all the new ‘CABINET’ appointees — HUGE JOKE!
If he had two brain cells to rub together, held realize this position is way beyond his capabilities. Ego.
Jay, I hope hundreds, thousands will read and follow your columns!
Is he going to bring his mom to the hearings? That should do it.
Good point.
Is there any Republican left with an ounce of courage? It seems not.
Unfortunately there hasn't been since McCain passed away. He was the best the Republicans have had in decades.
No. Sadly.
Was there ever?
Almost always, I agree with Jay’s take on things. But I’m going to take a different path on this one. And I’m going to keep saying this every chance I get. All this cr*pola about Hegseth’s personal peccadillos is just a set of shiny objects that keeps attention off what really matters: the man is totally unqualified for this job! What in his work resume creates confidence that he can run a trillion dollar organization of 3 million employees that is the most lethal force on the planet? Can you picture him being hired to run, say, IBM, or PepsiCo, or General Electric? I hope Jay will do a piece on his resume vs the requirements of this job.
If Ernst is as spineless as she appears to be maybe Hegseth is right about women in combat (sarcasm). She can't even stand up to those in her own party. This piece also leaves out Hegseth's fiscal incompetence in leading 2 different veterans groups
Not all women in combat are spineless. Seems Joni is.
I did not mean to imply or suggest that about women in combat, from what I have read and heard it is quite the opposite. I forget how sarcasm does not always translate well in writing.
Thanks for the follow-up. I figured you didn’t mean to demean women in combat but wanted to make sure another commenter wouldn’t take your sarcasm and run with it.
Jay wrote about that in a previous post
She hasn't voted yet. Don't fall for the media's bs.
Shame on Joni Ernst. Hegseth is NOT suitable for this position and she damn well knows it. What is wrong with Republicans that they can't grow spines and tell tRump NO.
Self preservation. She was visited by patel.
It's completely awful that she is trying to out a victim of rape. That is the last thing a victims advocate would do. I hope she gets some pressure from victims rights groups. Not a single spine to be had among these people.
Let's not forget that the victim agreed to an NDA. She is damned if she violates that (possibly resulting in legal action against her) and damned if she doesn't (possibly resulting in Hegseth's confirmation.) Talk about a no-win dilemma!
She needs cover to vote for Hegseth. She knows this woman isn't going to come forward.
Hegseth behaves like a molested child who is desperately projecting his "Manhood" to compensate for any doubt of his sexuality. Violent behavior is the ultimate cover for those poor souls. Thank you,Jay, for keeping it all in perspective.
So does JD Vance for that matter, and far too much of team Trump.
They are all broken people, many of whom are victims of an abusive father, verbally abusive for sure.
Joni sounds like a typical GQP wimp. Talks a good game until it matters and the trolls come out of the woodwork, then forgets everything she claimed to believe in and support.
Shameful cowardice.