I was speaking to my niece Camille last night about my journey as an appellate lawyer turned Broadway composer turned Substack writer. I wanted her to understand that lives and careers don’t have to be linear! She asked when I began The Status Kuo, and I realized that, assuming I’d written nearly every day since I began this endeavor, I must have nearly 1,000 pieces penned.
So I checked, and sure enough, I’ve just recently passed 1,000 articles! As with many milestones, I arrived at this one word by word, piece by piece, without even realizing how far we’ve come together.
I can’t thank you enough for being loyal readers of my work and for all your encouragement and support along this path. I’ve the day off today and tomorrow (I’m taking Sundays and holidays off for real, I promise), but I stopped by here to say it does feel rather amazing to have come so far and written this many!
On to the next 1,000 together—
And it’s not just 1000 pieces, it’s 1000 excellent pieces that truly serve democracy. Congratulations, Jay. MA is so proud.
Love your work. And the funnies on the weekend are something I really look forward to… here’s to another 1000!