And it’s not just 1000 pieces, it’s 1000 excellent pieces that truly serve democracy. Congratulations, Jay. MA is so proud.

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Love your work. And the funnies on the weekend are something I really look forward to… here’s to another 1000!

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Your writing and Heather Cox Richardson's keep me balanced and motivated.

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Add Joyce Vance and you have the trifecta of thoughtful commentaries on current events.

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Yes, I totally agree! These two, of the 20 I follow, are my must reads of the day. Without their steady, calm assessment, I would have been in panic mode these many years.

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I know the feeling. My daily tranquilizer. That gets me through the day.

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Hi Jay, I’m a recent subscriber. I live in the UK but I love your work and look forward to it every day.

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So grateful I found you...you help keep me sane and I love all your personal tidbits you share. Congratulations on your milestone.

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We are the ones who should be thanking you! Your tireless efforts help us daily understand complicated issues and also give us the strength to move forward every day! Thank you for being a defender of democracy

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So proud of you little brother!!

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Daily must-read for this free-loading, fixed-income pensioner...so thankful that you've made the comments section open to all. Roll on to the next thousand posts...and a thousand after that.

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Jay - I can't remember when I first discovered you, the life you write about, and this wonderful community of readers that is included into your thoughts, memories, expertise, and fun (and sad) times. I feel intellectually informed, and my heart is warmed. Having a baby will thoroughly, happily, and sleep-deprividly (is that a word?😊) change your availability to us, your readers, and I think all of us realize we may see your posts less, but your posts are an important part of my online life. I am grateful to you for being included. Congrats on this milestone!😊🎉🎉🎉

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I worry about that sleep deprived part!

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Don't worry about sleep deprivation. You will be 😊. Not to worry!😊❤️

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I am a trial lawyer turned executive coach turned Substack writer of book reviews (mainly Black History books), articles and essays. Ya’ never know.

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So grateful for you and everything you have done—I myself have switched careers several times since getting my theatre degree 😃 I also recommend your Substack to all my family and friends! THANK YOU!! ♥️

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Thank-you for sharing your brilliance! I depend on you to maintain hope for our country and our Democracy. And thx for sharing with honesty and sharing your vulnerabilities! ❌⭕️❌

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And here's to the next thousand!

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Jay, you deserve time out. When I need to know what is going on, I turn to you to keep me up to date. PS> I love Xeets and Giggles!

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You are a treasure!

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