Just the mere fact that any vote for legislation when it comes from the "other" party is considered defection just shows how Congress is no longer about the people. And adding tRump back into the mix would only make it worse. The continued backing of this moron is disgusting, he needs to just go away

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Seems to me that matters are just getting worse. Republicans are moving farther and farther to the right, if that's even possible with how far to the right they already are, and in response, Democrats are just trying to hold their position so as not to seem so far left in comparison to Republicans. It's like middle-of-the-road is so far into right-leaning territory that there's no such thing as a true middle-of-the road anymore. Moderates are called traitors by their parties, and there's just a whole lot of intolerance--mostly from the right, from what I can tell. I see a simmering pot about to blow the lid. And it's going to get ugly.

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