In the category of Things I Liked to See -- a huge jury verdict against Fox followed by a settlement in which Dominion agrees to reduce the monetary award in return for a requirement by Fox that it (1) read the emails on air in which they - Carlson, Hannity, Murdoch etc. -- ridiculed Donald Trump and acknowledged that his election fraud allegations were complete lies and (2) acknowledge that Fox knowingly lied to its viewers.

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What really has me infuriated is that the GOP, while obviously and openly discriminating against one group (LGBTQ+) and claiming that it's "to protect children" are oblivious to the fact that if they truly believe that Drag Book Readings are harming children, refuse to place the blame where it truly belongs: on the parents! If Drag Book Readings are SO popular, it's not because the children are driving themselves to the book store to participate. It's because the PARENTS are taking their kids to these events. Isn't the better solution to require parenting classes or to go after the parents?? Or is that next on the GOP hit list? And while I'm at it, the GOP needs to stop saying that their purpose is "to protect children" when they do nothing at all about the escalating gun violence. They can't have it both ways.

FWIW, I think the idea of Drag Book Readings is great - it's a super creative way to get kids into reading. I fully support the LGBTQ+ community and it saddens me to no end to see what the evil GOP has brought upon them.

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IMO (only) I don't think the GOP really believe anything about children needing protection from all the demons they seem to try to summon to marginalize communities. All that BS about Drag Book Readings harming children, etc., is what is left of Q-Anon's pizzagate and HRC letting the blood of children for beauty treatments <note dripping sarcasm>

Drag Book Readings vs. Juvenile Beauty Pageants. The unborn shall not be killed vs. school shootings as well as cutting federal benefits for children. Save the Children (Q-Anon slogan, BTW) vs. How many Republicans within just this year alone have been arrested for either child porn or soliciting underage girls and/or boys.

It is all smoke and mirrors, parroting what someone else said an hour ago. Good Lord, Large Marge's "new" definition of pedophilia (per quotes from 60 Minutes -- no I did not watch) is certainly a new one.

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Exactly! The level of cognitive dissonance is so far off the charts with the GOP, it can't be quantified. How does anyone go from "must save the unborn because sanctity of life" on the one hand to "we can't do anything about guns" that are mowing down all the children? To force that level of suffering on their constituents is horrifying. The GOP has essentially prioritized the unborn over everyone else, no matter what, and has given up even trying to be helpful to those who are poor and the crazy part is.... people LOVE them for it! Where is the empathy, the compassion, the morality of any of this? I just can't wrap my head around it.

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CBS and 60 Minutes need to be boycotted for giving MTG a platform to spew her hate. This is similar to bringing on "that Hitler guy" so he can talk about whatever. Shame on CBS!

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While I didn't watch on principle, from what I can tell from the aftermath, Stahl let down her colleagues by dropping the ball.

Shame on her, and shame on CBS. Stahl's been in the game long enough to know better.

FWIW, though, you could say I boycott CBS because I never watch any of the mainstream -- or otherwise -- media. At least not live. I find Jay, HCR, and Joyce Vance, with a liberal dose of Jeff Teidrich enough. Then go and look into things from there.

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Yes. CBS should apologize to the nation. Their decision to "interview" MTG is abominable. Period. (I went to J-School back in the day; this literally makes me sick to my stomach. You are right; Stahl DOES know better. She is seriously past her prime.)

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BTW, I didn't watch, either. Refuse to give CBS my eyeballs for ad revenue.

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Speaking of ad revenue, NBC and MSNBC both hate my ad blocker. I refuse to turn it off to benefit their corporate overlords. Just sayin'.

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The way that it is supposed to work is that Trump should have been convicted in his first impeachment trial. Republicans would be committed to following the law and doing what is best for the country, not playing their games of power at any price. Trump would have been ousted from the WH and not allowed to abscond with boxes and boxes of secret documents. Once out of the WH, the DOJ would have pursued obstruction charges on several of the items already investigated by Mueller. However, AG Barr, instead of acting as an impartial leader of the DOJ, acted essentially as Trump's defense lawyer and did everything he could to protect him. That is how it is supposed to work.

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But it is moot because in the real world he was not impeached for all the reasons you gave. Instead it was a display of the worst of politics.

So, the second best thing is to remove politics and let the grand juries do their work, and the prosecutors, AGs, and DAs do theirs.

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Thinking about this a bit more, the way it is supposed to work is that Trump would have never become the GOP nominee after mocking disabled people and the infamous "grab them by the pussy" tape was released. Probably a few more items I can't recall offhand that also should have kept him off the ballot to begin with.

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You are absolutely correct, in another day and time, and in a civilized society. Think back on the scandals that ruined a candidate's chances not so long ago.

I shuddered in horror from the first descent down that escalator - I had my dealings with TFG in NYC in the '80s and only knew him as crass, rude, and full of it. Heck, Bill Buckley, another I had to work with, was charming and endearing -- and that says a LOT. I watched his bankruptcies in Atlantic City, oh, and the gawdy casinos, and thought "no, no, no." I thought when the Access Hollywood tape came out, it would be enough. No. Then the stalking debate. No. The mocking of a disabled reporter (my brother is severely disabled), then the mocking of the Gold Star family (I am the daughter of a career military officer).

I cannot tell you the depth of my disgust. Yet. NOTHING happened.

Then the nomination and that circus of a convention. Then Comey being an ass right before the election, then the election, aNOTHer Republic candidate losing the popular vote and I watched in horror as his numbers racked up.

I don't know what to say. I agree and feel like a dinosaur.

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Absolutely! And what sickens me is I had so many friends that didn't seem to care what he said. My sister actually told me she liked him because he "wasn't a political mouth piece and spoke his mind". So what sickens me obviously was refreshing for her.

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The glass now seems to be better than half full, thanks to you, Jay.

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The mis-use of the term “conservatives” to describe right-wing ultranationalist racist misogynist radicals is widespread and wildly incorrect. The regressive politics we oppose has no respect for precedent or for the principles upon which our society is built. Like their fascist brethren, these radicals hide behind a mask of distorted history, and we should all avoid acceptance of their disguise.

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I’ve cut back on the use of it and try to only use it where it makes sense, but it is hard to find that line.

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Call them by their name, their actual descriptive name. "right-wing ultrationalist racist misogynist radicals" suits pretty well. Maybe RWURMR?

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Just add fascists and I’m good with that!

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Speaking of another way that things AREN'T supposed to be - Trump Lite signed permitless concealed carry into law today here in Florida. I am absolutely horrified. Who could possibly think that this is a good idea? How can we stop this?

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Well, Ohio did it just a little while ago and people are being shot (at least in greater Columbus, where I live) right and left. Judging by my recent trip to Florida, I can see why you are concerned.

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And it's quickly becoming the wild, wild west here in Cleveland. DeWeenie is every bit as soul-less as tfg and the Florida goof.

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On the "How it's not supposed to work" side, I think acknowledging the holocaust is now against Florida law. His Stop Woke Act forbids books or instruction of anything that might make students feel bad about themselves or their ancestry. Surely someone in the state is of German descent. Or Russian. Shoot, all of history was a cherry, and no one has ever done evil.

Hmmm, he also attacks non-binary youth. I think that is mutually contradictory of the main premise of the law.

Yup, how it's no supposed to be. Thanks for your work, Jay.

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Well now. Given that genealogy has a HUGE following these days, that seems to me like a grand back door. I use it quite a bit in historical research, and lawsa mercy, the things you can discover just over the course of reading a series of census returns, or birth, death, and marriage records. Or town hall records. It is all there, but doing the work? That's what TEACHERS are for.

Auntie lived with the same woman for 50 years and neither ever married a man? They were buried next to each other? Boston marriage. Auntie takes someone's grandmother aside a few months after her beau went off to WWI, "for a vacation"? Abortion. Hard raw data in record, much now digitized is the best way to bring some of this nonsense out. HOWever, that requires the teaching of liberal arts and critical thinking. That requires TEACHERS, and they are fast leaving the venerable profession.

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Critical Thinking is exactly what has been outlawed here. Fall in line and goose step, or leave this man's narrowly won state.

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:-( yes.

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In terms of the way it ought to be and the punishment fitting the crime, the losing parties in ALL of these cases, but especially *trump and Fox, should be compelled to publically confess and and tell the absolute truth about their crimes. *trump has his own social network and Fox has its own TV and radio network. They should be required to make multiple and timely announcements, and perhaps news "specials" giving objective coverage of what they did, why they did it, and how they will change their ways to compensate their respective audiences in order to correct past and prevent future abuses.

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Excellent take as always.

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Thank you for a wonderfully crafted perspective.

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Look forward to your thoughtfulness

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Things I'd like to see. Overturn citizens united. Reinstate the fairness doctrine. Eliminate gerrymandering. Expand the supreme court. Get rid of right to work laws. Tax the rich. And then ban assault weapons and fix the climate.

Next week for all that would be nice...

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Oh. And end racial, gender and orientation discrimination. And global poverty. And dismantle the military industrial complex. And universal healthcare.

Thanks. There may be more.

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Pass the ERA, abortion legislation, John Lewis voting rights act & while we’re at it legalize marijuana. 😋

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Release the large fraction of African American males in jail, held as virtual slaves for trumped up charges. And pay them restitution.

Fix housing.

Invest in technology, not weapons.

Broadband for all.

Immigration fixed.

Grr. Mutter mutter.

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Thank you so much. It's damned scary out there.

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Thanks for this perspective…it really helps.

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Lovely, thank you 😊 ✅❤️

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