I need more popcorn and a refill on my drink! Those "planted" documents by now are fingerprinted to identify who else touched those documents aside from the heavily dyed previous occupant of the Whitehouse.

You have an ex-judge heading the hunt for the orange man's head. You have agents and attorneys with the sole mission to build a case against the same previous occupant and all of his minions. Then you have the side legal activities of NY and GA.

Please, please, PLEASE let this be like the movie/book Titanic where I know how this will end. And I want to read the summaries at the end of the movie where they provide the outcome of the major players. For example, Rudy 5 to 10 for lying; Lyndsey voter recall, fined and doing 1 - 3 for lying; DJTJ found passed out in seedy motel, currently in rehab pending sentencing; Eric case pending; Ivanka and Jared currently residing somewhere in the Middle East; Mitch retired from the Senate never to return as leader of the Senate; Kevin resigns in disgrace; Hillary and Liz get together annually to celebrate the fall of the "deplorable's" leader and the disbandment of MEGA/Q/whatever. Then we can fully move on to focus on how we can save our planet.

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i'd be laughing my arse off if it just wasn't quite so tragic. Yes, more popcorn please. Maybe throw in a bag of 'Good N Plenty'. The suspense is killin' me.

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I still cannot wrap my head around who got this volume of documents seemingly so easily out of where they were kept. I'm sure it's not like checking out a library book! I hope at some point we get a chain of possession.

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This is what bothers me too. I was going to ask a former archivist but didn’t really think it was appropriate.

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Nice burn of “Gym” Jordan at the end, Jay!

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I couldn’t help it.

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My husband says, according to wrestlings rules, you get two points for that takedown.

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I heard that George Clooney's Documentary on the Ohio State Athlete scandal is going to HBO. Should be out next year sometime.

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That’s what I was thinking! 🙌🏼 I’m SO glad he got that in there. ✊🏼

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An old saying comes to mind here, regarding the Trump supporters like Jordan, “There are none so blind as those who WILL not see””

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Jordan sees.

He just has no defense for what he saw.

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Just unbelievable to me that Jordan would publicly open his mouth and make such a stupid statement about a picture with obvious national security implications. Better off just sitting down and shutting up.

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Following in his leader’s (45*) footsteps. He can’t resist fanning the flames w/no regard for the consequences.

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We need to know who exactly has been visiting Mar-a-lago during the time Trump had possession of those documents.

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Apparently, a descendant of the Rothschild family.

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That story was wild. And terrifying.

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It's difficult to deal with the fact that had it been anyone else on this planet, they would've been in handcuffs within hours of the documents being retrieved. I'm sick to my stomach thinking also of who has seen those documents. The visitors to MAL weren't just average, private citizens, there were some heavy hitters in the vicinity of top secret information, and I would not put it past the orange turd to pull some out of hiding and say, "looky what I have! Would you like a copy? It'll cost ya!" 😮🥺

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Absolutely. Yet the grand orange one is still walking around, spreading his "I'm innocent" lies and firing up his base. And by not locking him up his base assumes his "I'm innocent, they are out to get me" lies are true. When does it end? When do we say enough is enough? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it most certainly is a duck.

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Thank you yet again, Jay. I am definitely one of those nerds. FYI, I alerted the LFAA digital community to your thorough analysis.🙏

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My biggest concern is no longer whether he will be prosecuted; there's no way he won't be. But it sounds like you're saying, Jay, that his case would be before a jury rather than a judge or tribunal. Will jury selection really be able to weed out any secret *trumpers who would gladly hang the jury regardless of the evidence?

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my concern also. And I'm sure his lawyer will argue he could never get a fair trial due to people who hate him and would not look at the evidence objectively in the other direction. So either way a jury trial is screwed IMO. I mean I HATE the man but if I were put on a jury I could throw out my personal opinion and look at the evidence in front of me. But I think that's hard to find, on both sides of the coin at this point

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Trump would never select a Judge Trial, although very difficult, qualifying jurors could be found after Voir Dire. As a trial attorney, I once had 270 human beings in a jury pool. I loved Librarians. Archivists would be diaqualified, "Don't mess with Archivists."

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Yes, I agree, though many (most?) of us on the *trump-hating side would be too honest not to admit our bias, thereby disqualifying ourselves. Ironic, isn't it, that our honesty could actually get the lying asshole off?!

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I have read on Twitter that venues for a trial is DC or FL. Bets were on DC

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He is probably the toughest person in the country to find an unbiased jury for, regardless of the venue.

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Made my day!

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Chuck Rosenberg: "Make your bed; Eat your vegetables & Don't lie to the FBI".

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I’m just wondering if trump’s latest diatribes and illogical mish-mash of words are maybe predecessors to getting an insanity plea instead of going to jail. Unless Jared sneaks him out to Saudi Arabia or Dubai (my original guess).

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I personally don’t think the Saudi’s would put up with his mess if he did end up there. He’s just too crazy (IMO). I think the only reason they need him around is if he can provide some kind of “top secret” information & barring that, he’s toast to them.

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3 passports?! Who needs 3 passports unless you're planning to run? A shame that he has possession of them.

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It’s odd, but the president often has one personal and one official, and one of the others was expired.

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Expired. Oh that one could use that verb regarding other things that need an imminent expiration date.

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So, if 45* does flee to another country, can he still be tried <and hopefully convicted> here “in abstentia” or something like that?

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There is the Blue passport we are all familiar with, but also Green ones & Red ones for "official" or diplomatic purposes. BTW, those Red & Green are also USG property & must be voided when expired per an authorized protocol.

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One can have more then one passport. I supported an executive that traveled to a restricted country and therefore needed to have 2 in order to travel abroad.

But as a government official I'm sure they more.

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Got that right, Paula.

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There are just too too many to choose from, but that wretched wrestling coach from Ohio is a vile excuse of a human being.

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Looking good for prosecution we can only hope

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Your last paragraph about Jordan was priceless!

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What a s..t show. How can they not get him on obstruction with documents in his desk drawer?!

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