Great read as usual. It's so hard to fathom how what was once such prestigious and sought after high positions in the government of our great nation has been turned into a sleazy clown show for all to see and shake their heads in shame by these awful shady characters. I really hope we learn from this and find a way to prevent this from happening again no matter what your political leanings are. (I know very wishful thinking)

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Not wishful thinking Douglas, Eastman's blunders are quite useful under Rule 804 of the Federal Rules of Evidence if Eastman becomes "unavailable" for any reason. As Jay pointed out, the direct communications are direct evidence of criminal intent that likley will be a part of June public hearings.

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*trump: "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am back in the middle with you."

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trying to make some sense of it, but it makes no sense at all...

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Eastman "has not learned his lesson" & has filed a Motion to Reconsider under FRCP rules. I certainly want to see the basis, if any, of Eastman's Motion; I am not certain whether Eastman has any toes on his feet left to shoot off. Eastman has also exposed many of his communications by abusing his former university's email network. Be cautious with a drowning man.

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There was a university still in his life? It boggles the mind to know the majority of trump's administration consisted of highly "educated" players. They just twisted their "knowledge" for evil deeds. They twisted badly, but it's lucky for us now...

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Yup. Chapman University, Orange County, CA also the hiding place of John Yoo, author of the

"Torture Memos" circa 2000's.

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Why are these people not in prison already? The proTrump crowd was pushing for Clinton and Pelosi to both be in prison for whatever offense. Clinton and Pelosi are not in prison because any offense was just imagined by right wing nut jobs. We see all this evidence against traitors and yet, not one of those in power is in prison or even indicted. This lack of consequences for an attempted coup makes it look like it's all in the imagination of the left. Are they hoping Trump will die of old age before doing anything?

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That's why this time they're collecting all the evidence, verifying it, sending subpoenas, trying to enforce the subpoenas, & questioning the ones that comply. It's frustrating but very thorough. But the timing will be perfect, the bulk of incriminating evidence FROM REPUBLICANS will be before the midterms. Hard to deny their own work...

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Right? And sadly, I suspect most of them won't pay any price at all. All these lawyers should be disbarred and many should be in jail.....but do I expect that wealthy/powerful participants will? Nope.

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This is delicious...as is all revenge when served cold. Love watching the house of cards come tumbling down.

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I think people are beginning to consider the ramification of acts of obstruction and clearing that risk.

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And yet people still stand behind the orange clown and his circus of criminals

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