President Biden must speak clearly and aggressively about these Republican shenanigans at the State of the Union address in early March. He’s been coming out swinging lately, and he needs to use that pulpit to show that Republicans have not only no interest in governing, but no interest in helping their constituents. Instead, they would rather help a foul-mouthed, lying, deranged criminal get elected again, which isn’t going to happen anyway.
On another note, sometimes a person is so aptly named that one just laughs out loud: case in point, Senator Crapo.
Very good point. Hopefully he can get the GQP to cheer themselves into a corner by admitting that either they are lying about the border "crisis", or they need to vote for the solution.
The First Amendment states, in relevant part, that: “Congress shall make no law... abridging freedom of speech.”
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Regarding the recent hearing that took place in the Senate, where Republicans and Democrats lambasted Internet-Tech leaders for not regulating content posted on their social media websites and threatened to pass a law outlawing disgusting, harmful content that threatens the lives of our country’s children, is it just me, or did everyone not note the extraordinary hypocrisy of Republicans?
If regulating speech (which is what content posted on social media websites is), is SO VITAL to and SO IMPORTANT to Republicans, then why do Republicans refuse to take action on regulating guns?
The GOP have not been logical since before I became old enough to vote (at least). And thru the decades they have become exponentially more illogical. Pretty sure that’s not going to change until voters figure out that if they want the world to make sense they better vote Blue, up and down.
Some of the articles accompanying the hearings I read regarding the growth in child porn were pretty disturbing, but you can be sure that the only reason Republicans are jumping all over it is because it helps fuel the psychotic pizza parlor stuff. They don't care about kids, or anyone for that matter.
I’m just laughing out loud at “the psychotic pizza parlor stuff.” These kooks have come up with a lot of crazy conspiracy theories, but the pizzagate one wins the prize. And then there’s that poor North Carolina father who shows up in DC at the pizza parlor to “take down the pedophiles.” What a world this Republicans have created.
I’m up to my ears with this Taylor Swift nonsense. It’s beyond absurd, and it does not help to give additional attention to these morons and their childish fantasies and conspiracies. I’ll read this now.
Not nearly as much as they once had. (The NRA is in all kinds of financial and legal trouble these days.) Not nearly enough to account for the Republicans’s eagerness to see kids murdered.
No, that level of depravity on display is due to their gun fetishes and the insecurities that fuel those.
Bipartisanship died the first time the Rs realized they could lose the popular vote and still win the presidency, and that they could replicate that situation. They realized they only need to pander to their base base.
Which is a direct result of winning the presidency without winning the popular vote. The electoral college did exactly what it was intended to do— keep the American caste system in place despite the will of the majority of voters.
The two party system is a set-up for failure. Its creates an "us versus them" mentality, setting up immediate conflict where nothing can be accomplished. When did elected officials lose their way? Perhaps they need to understand WHY they were elected... to actually HELP people. The power hungry, greedy, ego-driven personalities in the GOP are harming America. That Chuck Grassley would actually come out and SAY what he said is all we need to know.
I hope the Dems are ready to remind voters of all of this. 💙✌️
He sure is. I'm from Iowa.... 54 years old.... Moved around a TN now..... .that old turd Grassley was mucking in politics in Iowa when I was young and years now in DC. He's useless bag of shit. He needs to go bye bye.
I’ll never forget how Grassley strung along Democrats during the negotiation of the Affordable Care Act. Recall that Grassley was negotiating with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus for weeks, holding out hope that he might support the ACA if only the Democrats would make changes to provisions he found unacceptable. The list of issues Grassley had with the legislation was a moving target and Grassley was always evasive about what changes he wanted. Later, Grassley was caught stating “I had to negotiate with Democrats on the ACA in order to kill it “. He was never negotiating in good faith and was simply stringing Democrats along. And Baucus and Grassley were reportedly personal friends.
No offense to Iowans, but Grassley isn’t doing anything for the people of Iowa. And he definitely had a role in the Trump insurrection. Heck, I’m in Lauren Boebert’s district, but gratefully, she’s leaving to attempt to get through the primary in another district because she knows she’s going to be given the boot this year if she stays here.
The GOP falling into line behind Caligula-lite is the most unflattering look imaginable, and the camera adds an extra 10 pounds of necrotic bulk to any appearance. Good luck keeping that out of the history ledger.
Also, Grassley.....he may be the walking embalmed, but we still and always want to know why he was so confident Mike Pence was gonna no-show the electoral count.
I don’t like the child credit as set up in this bill , I think it’s too little, especially for low income people, and work requirements penalize grandparents and/or Disabled people who are parents. I would have voted for it nonetheless, because it’s still an improvement.
Republicans in general seem to be serving opportunities for campaign ads to Democrats and President Biden for use against themselves. This time around, Dems are more willing to be more aggressive in their fight to win both the Senate and House in Congress and the White House. I say, IT’S ABOUT TIME! Our freedoms are on the line here so let’s not hold back!!
I've been wondering for a long time if the consistent Republican overreach would finally kill off the party, and especially Trump. I live in Georgia, so, sadly, I run into more than my share of Trump voters. One old guy yesterday texted me about immigration (he knows my political views), "WTF is Trump doing?" My reply, as always, was, "LOL" because he knows I think Trump is insane in every medical and psychiatric sense of the word.
Repubs remain pathologically obsessed about working-class and poor Americans "grabbing welfare and not working", which has a lineage going back at least to Reagan and his "welfare Cadillacs". Statistics show overwhelmingly that people who qualify for the Child Credit Tax use the funds for mandatory outlays such as food, housing, clothing, etc., NOT quitting their jobs and drinking and smoking up the benefits. It's the old 19th-Century "workhouse" attitude, and treating poverty
or near-poverty with as a "crime"or "character failure". I mean, a government welfare recipient such as career bludger Chuck Grassley whining about "shirkers", whatever, is just so in character for these phonies....feh!
Crapo is my Senator. You've called it correctly. I'll there's also the "if they get something, they're taking from me" thought process on both the legislative & citizen levels. We just managed to save Expanded Medicaid, again, as we have had to nearly every legislative session since it was finally upheld in court & ordered to be enacted. Because, you know, "handouts". 🙄
Well with tffg losing and losing and losing, one would think the GOP might want to get off that sinking ship. I suppose they just can’t stomach getting on board with a woman, especially being she is not lily white like them. 🤷🏻♀️
He's already said he wants the economy to crash in '24, and the entire GQP campaign approach for the last dozen years or so is all about how the country is a disaster and everything is awful . .
Thank you. Your last line summed it up perfectly: .. a loser of a position for the GOP and it will be up to Democrats to capitalize on it.
This is really the key - getting the message out, over and over and over since there will constantly be daily outrages that the mass media fixates on (Cheetolini's endless whining for example). I'd love to see every news story about the "crisis at the border" clearly state at the top of the story that the GQP refuses to pass bi-partisan legislation address the issue.
Jay, from this point on, it will not matter what the Bill is or what is is designed to do, these cowards who are apparently terrified of a addlepated, dementia ridden, obese, corrupt, criminal piece of crap, will not pass anything their GOD has told them not to.
The point is, they DON’T care at all about anything except holding on to power, convincing their followers that the alternate dimension they live in is the true one and that Trump is the nicest, most wonderful, most intelligent person to have ever walked the planet! Because that’s how Trump sees the world. In his head he really is adored by everyone, is far smarter than anyone ever in the entire history of the World, is handsome, erudite and a far better leader than anyone anywhere has ever been. He truly believes this, because he is a sociopathic narcissist and everything revolves around him, his wants his desires his needs, and nothing and no one else matters in the slightest!
It’s time for the Dems to ignore Michelle Obama’s ideal about “when they go low, we go high” and get down to the nitty gritty, and start using the same tactics that Haley is currently using….ridicule! Trump can’t handle being made to look like a fool! And having strong women ridicule him about his hair, his weight, his demented comments and his failing cognitive abilities seems to make his head explode.
It might not be nice and it might not be pretty, but it is the only thing that gets under his skin, and the more people can do just that, the faster he’s going to fall apart!
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster”? I agree, yet I don’t think you will because most people of good will and character, usually know how far to go and have a moral and ethical line they will not cross. The problem with the MAGA crowd is there is already no line they will not cross.
Besides, humour is the best way to get people to think about something they wouldn’t normally think about. When people laugh at something because it’s made to look silly, it becomes less scary. 🙂
Republicans are taking a huge gamble by stymieing the border issue. Say Trump does win, it doesn’t mean that Republicans will control the House. That means Trump won’t get the draconian border laws he wants. And with the way that Republicans are running the House now, why WOULD they maintain control? They’ve done NOTHING with their majority. It’s a clown show. Yet if they lose control, count on every single one of them to claim voter fraud. Nevermind they didn’t do the job they were “hired” to do.
If Biden wins again, and say by some miracle Republicans continue to hold the House majority, will they still wring their hands over the border “crisis”? Will they wait another TWO years to make it, yet again for the last two decades, an election talking point while doing NOTHING? if Biden wins and Democrats gain control of the a House….Republicans can maintain their fury over not getting what they want.
They need to take what they’ve got. I think republicans will be losers on this issue from any direction if they don’t learn to compromise on it.
That’s the way the Freedom caucus operates. They refuse to ever compromise. Since life is a series of compromises, they’re shooting themselves in the foot.
Pardon my language, but I am so fucking tired of this kind of crap. We really need a mechanism to throw the lot of them out for not doing their jobs. If they knew they could actually be fired maybe some of this nonsense would stop. "By the People, For the People", my ass.
(sorry, I just wanted to state the not-so-quiet part out loud.)
President Biden must speak clearly and aggressively about these Republican shenanigans at the State of the Union address in early March. He’s been coming out swinging lately, and he needs to use that pulpit to show that Republicans have not only no interest in governing, but no interest in helping their constituents. Instead, they would rather help a foul-mouthed, lying, deranged criminal get elected again, which isn’t going to happen anyway.
On another note, sometimes a person is so aptly named that one just laughs out loud: case in point, Senator Crapo.
Hard to type that name without smiling.
Yeah, it’s a doozy. Thanks for another great newsletter. 😊
Very good point. Hopefully he can get the GQP to cheer themselves into a corner by admitting that either they are lying about the border "crisis", or they need to vote for the solution.
From your lips, George.
I agree - clear, conduct explanations if what they are up to!
Ms Janet, if the shoe fits.....
The First Amendment states, in relevant part, that: “Congress shall make no law... abridging freedom of speech.”
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Regarding the recent hearing that took place in the Senate, where Republicans and Democrats lambasted Internet-Tech leaders for not regulating content posted on their social media websites and threatened to pass a law outlawing disgusting, harmful content that threatens the lives of our country’s children, is it just me, or did everyone not note the extraordinary hypocrisy of Republicans?
If regulating speech (which is what content posted on social media websites is), is SO VITAL to and SO IMPORTANT to Republicans, then why do Republicans refuse to take action on regulating guns?
The GOP have not been logical since before I became old enough to vote (at least). And thru the decades they have become exponentially more illogical. Pretty sure that’s not going to change until voters figure out that if they want the world to make sense they better vote Blue, up and down.
Some of the articles accompanying the hearings I read regarding the growth in child porn were pretty disturbing, but you can be sure that the only reason Republicans are jumping all over it is because it helps fuel the psychotic pizza parlor stuff. They don't care about kids, or anyone for that matter.
I’m just laughing out loud at “the psychotic pizza parlor stuff.” These kooks have come up with a lot of crazy conspiracy theories, but the pizzagate one wins the prize. And then there’s that poor North Carolina father who shows up in DC at the pizza parlor to “take down the pedophiles.” What a world this Republicans have created.
The Taylor Swift stuff was a close second. It inspired me to write a Medium post (friend link, no Medium account required):
This is very funny.
Thanks! They would be, too, if they weren't so dangerous.
I’m up to my ears with this Taylor Swift nonsense. It’s beyond absurd, and it does not help to give additional attention to these morons and their childish fantasies and conspiracies. I’ll read this now.
It's satire, so you many enjoy! :-) I try to spread smiles during this national emergency.
*these republicans
In answer to the final paragraph, because the firearms industry has deep pockets, and powerful lobbyists
Not nearly as much as they once had. (The NRA is in all kinds of financial and legal trouble these days.) Not nearly enough to account for the Republicans’s eagerness to see kids murdered.
No, that level of depravity on display is due to their gun fetishes and the insecurities that fuel those.
Bipartisanship died the first time the Rs realized they could lose the popular vote and still win the presidency, and that they could replicate that situation. They realized they only need to pander to their base base.
It has really helped the Rs to have a supreme court majority bought & paid for.
Which is a direct result of winning the presidency without winning the popular vote. The electoral college did exactly what it was intended to do— keep the American caste system in place despite the will of the majority of voters.
The two party system is a set-up for failure. Its creates an "us versus them" mentality, setting up immediate conflict where nothing can be accomplished. When did elected officials lose their way? Perhaps they need to understand WHY they were elected... to actually HELP people. The power hungry, greedy, ego-driven personalities in the GOP are harming America. That Chuck Grassley would actually come out and SAY what he said is all we need to know.
I hope the Dems are ready to remind voters of all of this. 💙✌️
The two party system is the worst, except for all the other systems in the world that also seem to elect fascists to power.
Grassley is just the worst!!
He sure is. UGH.
He sure is. I'm from Iowa.... 54 years old.... Moved around a TN now..... .that old turd Grassley was mucking in politics in Iowa when I was young and years now in DC. He's useless bag of shit. He needs to go bye bye.
I’ll never forget how Grassley strung along Democrats during the negotiation of the Affordable Care Act. Recall that Grassley was negotiating with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus for weeks, holding out hope that he might support the ACA if only the Democrats would make changes to provisions he found unacceptable. The list of issues Grassley had with the legislation was a moving target and Grassley was always evasive about what changes he wanted. Later, Grassley was caught stating “I had to negotiate with Democrats on the ACA in order to kill it “. He was never negotiating in good faith and was simply stringing Democrats along. And Baucus and Grassley were reportedly personal friends.
His name is Charles but it should be Richard.
No offense to Iowans, but Grassley isn’t doing anything for the people of Iowa. And he definitely had a role in the Trump insurrection. Heck, I’m in Lauren Boebert’s district, but gratefully, she’s leaving to attempt to get through the primary in another district because she knows she’s going to be given the boot this year if she stays here.
The GOP falling into line behind Caligula-lite is the most unflattering look imaginable, and the camera adds an extra 10 pounds of necrotic bulk to any appearance. Good luck keeping that out of the history ledger.
Also, Grassley.....he may be the walking embalmed, but we still and always want to know why he was so confident Mike Pence was gonna no-show the electoral count.
Grassley and Mitch both. 😂
I don’t like the child credit as set up in this bill , I think it’s too little, especially for low income people, and work requirements penalize grandparents and/or Disabled people who are parents. I would have voted for it nonetheless, because it’s still an improvement.
Better to help some than none, yes.
I also think it needs to be paid monthly, presumptively, not filed and paid once a year.
Republicans in general seem to be serving opportunities for campaign ads to Democrats and President Biden for use against themselves. This time around, Dems are more willing to be more aggressive in their fight to win both the Senate and House in Congress and the White House. I say, IT’S ABOUT TIME! Our freedoms are on the line here so let’s not hold back!!
I've been wondering for a long time if the consistent Republican overreach would finally kill off the party, and especially Trump. I live in Georgia, so, sadly, I run into more than my share of Trump voters. One old guy yesterday texted me about immigration (he knows my political views), "WTF is Trump doing?" My reply, as always, was, "LOL" because he knows I think Trump is insane in every medical and psychiatric sense of the word.
Repubs remain pathologically obsessed about working-class and poor Americans "grabbing welfare and not working", which has a lineage going back at least to Reagan and his "welfare Cadillacs". Statistics show overwhelmingly that people who qualify for the Child Credit Tax use the funds for mandatory outlays such as food, housing, clothing, etc., NOT quitting their jobs and drinking and smoking up the benefits. It's the old 19th-Century "workhouse" attitude, and treating poverty
or near-poverty with as a "crime"or "character failure". I mean, a government welfare recipient such as career bludger Chuck Grassley whining about "shirkers", whatever, is just so in character for these phonies....feh!
Crapo is my Senator. You've called it correctly. I'll there's also the "if they get something, they're taking from me" thought process on both the legislative & citizen levels. We just managed to save Expanded Medicaid, again, as we have had to nearly every legislative session since it was finally upheld in court & ordered to be enacted. Because, you know, "handouts". 🙄
Well with tffg losing and losing and losing, one would think the GOP might want to get off that sinking ship. I suppose they just can’t stomach getting on board with a woman, especially being she is not lily white like them. 🤷🏻♀️
I truly believe that Trump would be fine with the country going to hell whether he wins or loses.
He's already said he wants the economy to crash in '24, and the entire GQP campaign approach for the last dozen years or so is all about how the country is a disaster and everything is awful . .
Thank you. Your last line summed it up perfectly: .. a loser of a position for the GOP and it will be up to Democrats to capitalize on it.
This is really the key - getting the message out, over and over and over since there will constantly be daily outrages that the mass media fixates on (Cheetolini's endless whining for example). I'd love to see every news story about the "crisis at the border" clearly state at the top of the story that the GQP refuses to pass bi-partisan legislation address the issue.
Jay, from this point on, it will not matter what the Bill is or what is is designed to do, these cowards who are apparently terrified of a addlepated, dementia ridden, obese, corrupt, criminal piece of crap, will not pass anything their GOD has told them not to.
The point is, they DON’T care at all about anything except holding on to power, convincing their followers that the alternate dimension they live in is the true one and that Trump is the nicest, most wonderful, most intelligent person to have ever walked the planet! Because that’s how Trump sees the world. In his head he really is adored by everyone, is far smarter than anyone ever in the entire history of the World, is handsome, erudite and a far better leader than anyone anywhere has ever been. He truly believes this, because he is a sociopathic narcissist and everything revolves around him, his wants his desires his needs, and nothing and no one else matters in the slightest!
It’s time for the Dems to ignore Michelle Obama’s ideal about “when they go low, we go high” and get down to the nitty gritty, and start using the same tactics that Haley is currently using….ridicule! Trump can’t handle being made to look like a fool! And having strong women ridicule him about his hair, his weight, his demented comments and his failing cognitive abilities seems to make his head explode.
It might not be nice and it might not be pretty, but it is the only thing that gets under his skin, and the more people can do just that, the faster he’s going to fall apart!
As long as we don’t become the things we fear, I agree.
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster”? I agree, yet I don’t think you will because most people of good will and character, usually know how far to go and have a moral and ethical line they will not cross. The problem with the MAGA crowd is there is already no line they will not cross.
Besides, humour is the best way to get people to think about something they wouldn’t normally think about. When people laugh at something because it’s made to look silly, it becomes less scary. 🙂
Republicans are taking a huge gamble by stymieing the border issue. Say Trump does win, it doesn’t mean that Republicans will control the House. That means Trump won’t get the draconian border laws he wants. And with the way that Republicans are running the House now, why WOULD they maintain control? They’ve done NOTHING with their majority. It’s a clown show. Yet if they lose control, count on every single one of them to claim voter fraud. Nevermind they didn’t do the job they were “hired” to do.
If Biden wins again, and say by some miracle Republicans continue to hold the House majority, will they still wring their hands over the border “crisis”? Will they wait another TWO years to make it, yet again for the last two decades, an election talking point while doing NOTHING? if Biden wins and Democrats gain control of the a House….Republicans can maintain their fury over not getting what they want.
They need to take what they’ve got. I think republicans will be losers on this issue from any direction if they don’t learn to compromise on it.
It is my hope as well.
That’s the way the Freedom caucus operates. They refuse to ever compromise. Since life is a series of compromises, they’re shooting themselves in the foot.
Pardon my language, but I am so fucking tired of this kind of crap. We really need a mechanism to throw the lot of them out for not doing their jobs. If they knew they could actually be fired maybe some of this nonsense would stop. "By the People, For the People", my ass.
(sorry, I just wanted to state the not-so-quiet part out loud.)