"Personally, I’d rather see the whole thing handled quietly and seriously instead of the spectacle of a cuffed perp walk of Trump in his old home town. "

100% agree. No perp walk. We need to keep our heads and make sure we win in 2024. Stupid revenge moves would hand the election to the Republicans.

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TFG should be searched upon entering the court building. He may have brought his own cuffs.

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I think he left those with Stormy. LoL!

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Hey, I’m a Barbara M, too! Just saying hi. And completely agree!

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Not too many Barbara's around these days.

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I'm one too

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True! I keep waiting for it come back around!

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I've got 22 nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. No Barbara.

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As much as he has it coming, the former guy being cuffed and perp-walked would just inflame the MAGAs. So yes, I hope it happens "quietly and seriously." A mug shot will be delicious, though, I must admit.

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I found it odd Trump announced his own arrest or here's what I really believe.

Trump grifts for burgers. He'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a cheeseburger today.

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I'm with you Jay. I would rather see the mugshot after the fact and there is no fanfare on the arrest itself.

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I would LOVE to see T perp walk but everything Jay said about the optics of that makes perfect sense. I'll settle for a mug shot I can print several copies of. I'll buy a 10 pack of giant sharpies and a new set of darts, pop the champagne and enjoy myself 😁

And regarding the muted response about protests I love the deliciousness of the MAGA crowd fully realizing they are NOT above the law. Listening to some of the Jan 6 insurecctionists complain about jail and missing their families was priceless. Black Americans have been suffering under our justice system for a long, long time. It was good to see some middle class white men fully realize what it's like. Now maybe we can get some upper class white men to understand it too.

Thank you, Jay.

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Oh, hands in cuffed and perp walk.......why waste energy on theatric??? This is no game. It's our democracy at stake. Domestic terrorist leader Trump must be held accountable. Let just get a conviction! Or two! Or three!!!

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Great read! Excellent analysis of a variety of possibilities, but always with the thread that the arrest be low key, handled with dignity on the part of the people doing the arrest. I see the response of public opinion (of those who don't believe in the Big Lie, et.al) as taking actions like restating and reposting the facts along with the references upon which the facts are based. And making sure to *vote* in local, state, and national elections. In presidential elections and in the midterms.

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" . . . Trump could in theory start to claim that the prosecution is falling apart and that the grand jury is somehow deadlocked . . . We need to be ready to rebut that claim in the court of public opinion." I disagree. Responding to Trump (and even writing the "what-if" in various forms) is taking up too much air in the MSM and with the public. Trump once again is taking over the media.

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I understand the sentiment. But letting false narratives go without rebutting them will create an even more difficult public discourse.

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I'm suggesting that the media wait until there are facts to report, rather than supposition or responses to Trump's posts.

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Even if this proceeding was intended for Tuesday (and Trump was accurate and reliable in saying so... for once), I wonder if the DA would move it to a date later in the week to quell the possibility of protests.

If the protesters are geared up for Tuesday, they can't just hang out in NYC indefinitely, right? I mean, not that they *can't*, but they likely won't. So, Trump looks silly for calling in his people on Tuesday. Nothing happens. DA arrests him on Thursday or Friday. Protesters have gone home.

I can see that as enough of a reason for the DA to wait a few extra days.

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It so far looks like the MAGA crowds have not responded to his calls for protests in NYC, and that the police presence there will deter them.

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If Trump can defend that the payment was legal, how will that affect Michael Cohen? Does he get a apology? “Sorry you went to jail for nothing!”

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He can't

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I absolutely agree with everything you say. But damn, a perp walk in handcuffs would be so satisfying. I understand why it shouldn’t occur though.

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I agree--regrettably....

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Pointedly, *trump's calls for protest and taking the country back never once used the word "peacefully." McCarthy apparently thinks this a pro-*trump protest directly implies violence, even though he adamantly denies that *trump's Jan. 6 insurrection speech did that. "I don’t think people should protest this, no . . . Nobody should harm one another . . . We want calmness out there.” *trump's call for protest is understood as a call for violence. Whether he gets it remains to be seen, though it is unlikely to accomplish anything other than to confirm for any judge his established behavioral and motivational pattern.

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Oh, OK, I guess he can't be tasered either. We need to act with dignity and respect for the law to avoid triggering the nutso MAGAs. They'll be bad enough on their own.

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This made me lol

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Laughing is good for you--glad to help!

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But seeing him tasered would be fun :)

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OMG, yes!

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Omg, your first sentence made me laugh! Still, the fact that we can't taser him is a little disappointing. Maybe he'll make a sudden move for the doors?

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Nothing I can do about it, but this isn't the crime that should be prosecuted first. His actions after the election destabilized our democracy and we need to find out if your legal system is capable of protecting us. This case is easily dismissed (rightly or wrongly) as targeting. No, it's not Al Capone going to prison for tax evasion.

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We don’t always get to choose our own adventures. On the other hand, if this happens and MAGA stays home or lets it slide, then the next prosecutorial announcements might be made with less trepidation. It truly will have been the warm-up band.

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Totally agree with it being handled quietly-no need to put him in the limelight, which is what he thrives on. 👍🏻

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There will be no way to keep the MAGA crowd from reacting. The criminal in question has no dignity to damage. The justice system needs to do what it needs to do and treat him like it does every BIPOC charged with less serious crimes. Smashing all the bullies in the mouth is the best way to dissuade them. Those charged with the insurrection have started to figure it out. If the people that missed the insurrection come out for the arrest they can be taken out of the equation and prosecuted as well. Remember if Bragg goes first it should not be the last one to occur.

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Cohen says he's off to rebut to the grand jury this afternoon. Sounds fired up about it on his tik tok.

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