“In fact, Grassley had indicated, rather enigmatically the day before the attack, that it would likely be him and not Mike Pence presiding over the count and debate, a statement that he has yet to explain.” Sure seems to indicate that part of the plan was for the rally-goers to breach the capitol.

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Additionally, doing something illegal because you were told it was not illegal doesn't keep you from going to jail, so it's not relevant whether Trump was incorrectly advised that his treason was legal or he knew he was committing treason

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Book be throwing, time it is, Yoda says.

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And the conspiracy does not have to succeed to be a crime.

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Jay, I used your "Share" Link to send your anslysis to Merrick Garland, DOJ. For The Status Kuo Community, the DOJ Comment Line is 800 877-8339. Per CNN. the Jan 6 Hearing starts in 6 days.June 9 & features unseen footage & witness testimony to the nation. Updzete on the "Capitol Attack Cases": JOSHUA PRUITT (21-cv-23) pled GUILTY on 6/1 to multiple counts & entered into a plea agreement & "agreed to continue to be detained without bond". BRIAN BOELE arrested for the first time today, 6/3/22.

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Have you sent this to the DOJ? Preferably someone(s) you know in the DOJ? While they ‘might’ be looking at this and putting a case together, this lays it out very succinctly. I’m not saying they’re not aware of all this but it should help them to know we see the plot, which should mean we know they can see the plot as well. I just don’t have the confidence that the DOJ is particularly willing to see the plot. As always, thank you for these well written pieces.

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How to convince the 250 million followers or non believers....

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There are slightly fewer than 260 million Americans 18 and older. Most polling shows that 40% or less actually support Trump and the Republican fascist minority, which would be roughly ~100 million people. But we don't have to convince them. We have to turn out the 60% that are sane and don't believe in space aliens or peach tree dishes or fake meat.

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"I truly believed that robbing that casino was justified because they are only promoting gambling addiction and besides, it's run by space aliens."

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scary part is so many folks believe it. I mean... they really Don't see how they're shooting themselves in feet... over, and over, and over again.

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Even if they believed there was election fraud the remedy is not to take the law into their own hands by comitting illegal acts; just as I would not be permitted to kill someone who had murdered a member of my family, or break into a house to steal money from someone who had defrauded me.

The remedy for supposed election fraud is not to commit your own Illegal acts. The remedy is to go to the courts, which they unsuccessfully tried to do. If your sister's killer is acquitted you are not permitted to kill the murderer even if you "know" that he was guilty.

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This is a terrific explanation of the various threads of this criminal conspiracy, especially linking in Grassley’s statement that he would be presiding over the Senate. THEY ALL KNEW. I am not much of a Mike Pence fan, but in this case, I am glad he stood his ground and did his job.

Jay, can you file an amicus brief with this analysis? I think it would be extremely helpful.

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I appreciate the clarity you laid out here. You answered a lot of my questions. I had already been leaning in to "it doesn't matter - it was still illegal" I'm glad you confirmed what my gut was telling me.

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Excellent analysis. I learn a lot from The Status Kuo. Bringing to light all those pesky details that escape conspiracy theorists, Fox News, OAN, etc.

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if only the ones watching those vile channels would ... 'a house divided against itself can not stand?" Well, it's issues that need to be commonly discussed. The democrat who won in Maine did that... and won. Common issues. But with Tucker the m.f. and others, it won't happen.

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This is an extremely clear explanation - which makes it all the more terrifying! Thank you!

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Awesome analysis Jay. Thank you!

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There was a program in the 80's called V, that was about lizard aliens that put on human skin to conquer earth. It wasn't til the last episode, one shed it's skin to show it's self. It's amazing that morons think it's real.

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The hypocrisy, the blatant and constant lying, and yes, the grifting they seem to get away with is a poison that, for some reason, millions of Americans are swallowing... with pride and a sense of 'righteousness' about them. They are the ones being conned, but all good con artists never let marks realize they're being conned. This is really a decline of democracy... hope you folks can overcome and prevail. Love from Canada (where the poison also exists, just not as acceptable (yet?! eeeek). We look to you for civility and justice to prevail, yes we do!

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