As someone who has studied cults and have treated people who are trying to deprogram from them, you are absolutely accurate. I saw this developing even before Trump was elected- thus the very real clinical depression I suffered for a while after the election. This movement has got to be stopped.
If you want to follow up on this post, do some research about what it takes to deprogram a death cult member. It is incredibly difficult and requires intensive face-to-face, one-on-one intervention. Which means that we are going to be stuck with 30 million or so cultists for the foreseeable future. They need to be ostracized, ridiculed and removed from social media platforms that allow them to reinforce each others' delusions. Each of us must militantly oppose their lunacy, loudly and in public.
sadly too say my brother--in-law was a fox news fanatic did not take the vaccine and now has covid. my sister is a die hard liberal could not get through to him, shows the power of this cult i pray he recovers. but I wonder if that will change his mind about aii the consperities
Thanks for the clear message about what is really happening. Everyone should pay attention and find out what is their part in solving this frightening and dangerous situation.
As someone who has studied cults and have treated people who are trying to deprogram from them, you are absolutely accurate. I saw this developing even before Trump was elected- thus the very real clinical depression I suffered for a while after the election. This movement has got to be stopped.
If you want to follow up on this post, do some research about what it takes to deprogram a death cult member. It is incredibly difficult and requires intensive face-to-face, one-on-one intervention. Which means that we are going to be stuck with 30 million or so cultists for the foreseeable future. They need to be ostracized, ridiculed and removed from social media platforms that allow them to reinforce each others' delusions. Each of us must militantly oppose their lunacy, loudly and in public.
Wonderfully stated, and incredibly sad. Willfully ignorant death cults do not end well for their members ...
As always, right on spot. I know so many people who really need to read this but I sadly know they would not get it.
sadly too say my brother--in-law was a fox news fanatic did not take the vaccine and now has covid. my sister is a die hard liberal could not get through to him, shows the power of this cult i pray he recovers. but I wonder if that will change his mind about aii the consperities
Wow! One of the very best posts of yours I've ever read. Thank you.
Thanks for the clear message about what is really happening. Everyone should pay attention and find out what is their part in solving this frightening and dangerous situation.
So should the death cult be rounded up and... you know... for the survival of the sane world?