Jay, I understand over 44 million have alfeady voted by mail through yesterday; perhaps that number will be over 1/3 of the Total electorate this Midterm.
The cynical optimist in me is looking forward to some close races in which Repugs are ahead and they're demanding that the counting stop, while in other close races where Dems are ahead those Repugs will be screaming their heads off to "count every vote!" Of course, my optimist says that Dems will win all those races while my cynic expects the other side to call for a holy war.
Thank you for the election process in simple terms. You nailed it. Tired of the Republican propaganda. It is so devisive for our election and the public trust.
Tired of the Republican’s whiny, crybaby, loser syndrome. I can’t wait until the MAGA threats and violence go away and the adults are back in politics. I won’t be happy until they shut up and crawl back under their rocks.
In fact, both parties are very wary and a primary reason is the massive increase in mail and early voting which in some of its contexts is much more vulnerable to fraud and mistake. You slant your comments against the Republicans because you frankly are Democrat/ liberal partial, but you should mention the vote security concern of both parties. It is John Fetterman, Democratic candidate fur the Senate in Pennsylvania, who already has filed a lawsuit.
I seems to me that they know they are going to lose. We just need to stay strong throughout the BS lawsuits they will throw at us.
Jay, I understand over 44 million have alfeady voted by mail through yesterday; perhaps that number will be over 1/3 of the Total electorate this Midterm.
The cynical optimist in me is looking forward to some close races in which Repugs are ahead and they're demanding that the counting stop, while in other close races where Dems are ahead those Repugs will be screaming their heads off to "count every vote!" Of course, my optimist says that Dems will win all those races while my cynic expects the other side to call for a holy war.
Thank you for the election process in simple terms. You nailed it. Tired of the Republican propaganda. It is so devisive for our election and the public trust.
Tired of the Republican’s whiny, crybaby, loser syndrome. I can’t wait until the MAGA threats and violence go away and the adults are back in politics. I won’t be happy until they shut up and crawl back under their rocks.
Vote vote vote please vote
Vote blue!
In fact, both parties are very wary and a primary reason is the massive increase in mail and early voting which in some of its contexts is much more vulnerable to fraud and mistake. You slant your comments against the Republicans because you frankly are Democrat/ liberal partial, but you should mention the vote security concern of both parties. It is John Fetterman, Democratic candidate fur the Senate in Pennsylvania, who already has filed a lawsuit.