Thomas surely must now file amended returns for those years in which he received taxable "gifts" and "emoluments" but never accounted for them. That may get him off the hook vis-à-vis the IRS, but leaves him highly exposed on the ethics front, as he now appears to be a serial offender who has brought disgrace to his position and cast aspersions upon the Court.
HB simply failed to disclose income for a couple(?) of years...Thomas apparently cheated on his return regarding the failure to report gifts of appreciable monetary value.
What's even worse, as despite previous refiling to adjust for "gifts received but not noted", and what surely looks like chronic omissions, Thomas apparently has never been audited by the IRS...I say "apparently", as his failure to disclose per the latest PP report comes several years after he refiled for not reporting tangible and taxable gifts of one form or another, and seemingly NOT getting flagged by the IRS on subsequent tax-year returns. If that's the case, why not? Curiouser and curiouser.
I spent a career in Federal Service, eventually retiring from the Corps of Engineers, and then spent several years working for a mid-size city in Silicon Valley. If I had accepted so much as a lunch from a consultant, developer, or anyone else having business with the organizations I worked for, I would have been fired, and possibly indicted. To think a Justice on the Supreme Court could, and did, accept these kinds of gifts is appalling to me as an American citizen and former government employee, though given his political affiliation with the so-called "law and order Party" (gag!) it doesn't surprise me.
We absolutely need to yeet the 60 vote filibuster. It’s a cudgel. It only serves as a Republican veto to... anything good.
The Affordable Care Act is only as complicated as it is because it had to pass through the reconciliation process, a financial only filibuster sidestepping process which allows for simple majority. It can generally only be used once per legislative session. Ridiculous.
It is also why the monthly child benefit payments couldn’t be continued, because a simple majority requires reconciliation and the Republicans won’t vote for it as a 60 vote bill.
So on so forth. Get rid of the 60 vote cudgel. Then we can much more easily pass things, including incorporating DC and Puerto Rico as states. Expand and regulate the Supreme Court. Fix Medicare and Medicaid. Fix SNAP. Fix the immigration system.
That axe cuts on both sides. If the filibuster didn't exist, a lot of Republican mischief would have gone through on a simple majority the last several times they held the majority.
Folks say that, but I also feel if they really wanted something passed they would have just changed the rules. All their agendas are related to tax cutting, so they rarely need to overcome the filibuster
Yes, I feel the filibuster suits the Republicans fine as a de facto veto of all Democratic priorities and all Republicans truly want are tax cuts which they can get easily through the reconciliation process.
Most people don’t realize the filibuster exists, and see Democrats as not acting despite having the numbers on paper, and despair. Can’t see how that isn’t playing right into Mitch McConnell’s hands.
Thanks for your very helpful commentary. Very grateful for Politico's detailed investigation. No where to hide. The corrupt oligarchs have taken over elections and the court of last resort!
Roberts has allowed corruption and disgrace on SCOTUS. Roberts himself has shown his own dabbling in corruption. Scalia, Thomas and Alito could not have done - and for those surviving - do what they do if not for his support. Wonder what Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett have been up to?
What about the tax angle? It seems Thomas has intentionally and illegally failed to pay taxes on gifts and debt forgiveness ostensibly thinking if not disclosed, there is no amount due and no crime committed.
The campaign to disclose to the public the abject, arrogant corruption of SCOTUS must continue until action is taken! Restructure SCOTUS: increase size to match number of districts, term limits, clear ethics code supported by strong, clear laws ensuring accountability. Vote. Vote. Vote.
I don't know whether to thank you for this or cry, Jay. To know someone given the honor of serving our country on such a lofty institution as the Supreme Court yet compromise it and himself to such a degree is beyond disheartening. It is CRIMINAL, but will any of us live long enough to see justice for this betrayal? The fact Republicans would also compromise the very backbone of this nation solely in order to put one over on the 'opposing team' is disgusting. I want my country back! And believe me, if it was a Democrat behaving in the same manner, I would be just as willing to lock them up and throw away the key. It's abhorrent behavior and if Thomas thinks any of those billionaires would be his friend if he was no longer a sitting Justice, he's delusional.
One more thing. This makes me wonder who else those particular billionaires are spending their money on. Surely not just Thomas. I can't believe they're not continually casting around looking for others they can 'influence' (polite word for 'corrupt.').
“looking for others they can 'influence' (polite word for 'corrupt.').”
They’re not looking for people they can corrupt. They’re looking for people who are already corrupted.
People like Thomas, who are willing to be bribed, are not innocent souls who somehow were turned bad by somebody else. People like Thomas should not be absolved of the decisions they freely made to accept bribes by saying they were corrupted by some other party. Thomas has been corrupt from the beginning. Otherwise, he never would’ve excepted these “gifts” or intentionally failed to report them.
It’s painting with a (slightly) broadbrush, but in general Democrats are in favor of holding everybody responsible for their mis-actions including other Democrats, while Republicans are in favor of only holding people who are not Republicans responsible for their actions.
Democrats look at what was done and hold the responsible parties accountable. Republicans lie about what was done so they can make sure that Republicans aren’t held accountable, and Democrats are blamed.
It's so disheartening that the Republican Party has fallen this low point. They do seem to delight in flaunting their unethical behavior... it's disgusting. MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER to get out the vote in 2024!
The most remarkable aspect of the Clarence "Gatemouth" Thomas reveals by PP is the sheer number of people who supplied the confirming evidence about his presence in various luxe venues, on private aircraft, "Skyboxes", football games, etc., etc., and etc. Sure, PP got access to tax returns and other paperwork, but Thomas was ID'ed hobnobbing with billionaires all over the planet, and in only rare cases were all this gifts ever reported to the IRS. You know, all of those "very good friends" of his became as such AFTER he was elevated to SCOTUS, and when the shit really hits the fan, let's see how many stick around to support their corrupt "dear friend".
It is within the power of John Roberts to take some actions. I am not qualified to know what to ask for. But he is the head of the organization, and when members of his organization behave in this way he should be under pressure to act.
As @judyplayer notes here, Roberts has his own issues. Even so, the Chief is supposed to take action.
It's all just hospitality. Clarence Thomas being a Supreme Court Justice had NOTHING to do with it. He's just THAT charming and interesting. Like the Dos Equis guy - Clarence IS the Most Interesting Man in the World.
What, you couldn't tell from his witty repartee from the bench all these years?
But you, know... that brings up another good point. Perhaps all those years of no questions from the bench are because he hasn't read the briefs and already knows how he'll vote because his billionaire handlers have told him.
Anita Hill deserves a huge apology from the Senate.
Thomas needs to be swapped out for Ms Hill on the Bench.
Yes, this!!!! 👏🏾
So - when does failure to report millions in gifts become a tax compliance problem?
It probably already is an issue. This will have to be looked into further.
Thomas surely must now file amended returns for those years in which he received taxable "gifts" and "emoluments" but never accounted for them. That may get him off the hook vis-à-vis the IRS, but leaves him highly exposed on the ethics front, as he now appears to be a serial offender who has brought disgrace to his position and cast aspersions upon the Court.
HB simply failed to disclose income for a couple(?) of years...Thomas apparently cheated on his return regarding the failure to report gifts of appreciable monetary value.
Fortunately, HB is not a Supreme Court Justice. Even if their offenses were similar (they're not), greater power entails greater responsibility.
What's even worse, as despite previous refiling to adjust for "gifts received but not noted", and what surely looks like chronic omissions, Thomas apparently has never been audited by the IRS...I say "apparently", as his failure to disclose per the latest PP report comes several years after he refiled for not reporting tangible and taxable gifts of one form or another, and seemingly NOT getting flagged by the IRS on subsequent tax-year returns. If that's the case, why not? Curiouser and curiouser.
That's what I was wondering
SAME. Hey, IRS! Are your paying attention here???
Good question
I spent a career in Federal Service, eventually retiring from the Corps of Engineers, and then spent several years working for a mid-size city in Silicon Valley. If I had accepted so much as a lunch from a consultant, developer, or anyone else having business with the organizations I worked for, I would have been fired, and possibly indicted. To think a Justice on the Supreme Court could, and did, accept these kinds of gifts is appalling to me as an American citizen and former government employee, though given his political affiliation with the so-called "law and order Party" (gag!) it doesn't surprise me.
We absolutely need to yeet the 60 vote filibuster. It’s a cudgel. It only serves as a Republican veto to... anything good.
The Affordable Care Act is only as complicated as it is because it had to pass through the reconciliation process, a financial only filibuster sidestepping process which allows for simple majority. It can generally only be used once per legislative session. Ridiculous.
It is also why the monthly child benefit payments couldn’t be continued, because a simple majority requires reconciliation and the Republicans won’t vote for it as a 60 vote bill.
So on so forth. Get rid of the 60 vote cudgel. Then we can much more easily pass things, including incorporating DC and Puerto Rico as states. Expand and regulate the Supreme Court. Fix Medicare and Medicaid. Fix SNAP. Fix the immigration system.
That axe cuts on both sides. If the filibuster didn't exist, a lot of Republican mischief would have gone through on a simple majority the last several times they held the majority.
Folks say that, but I also feel if they really wanted something passed they would have just changed the rules. All their agendas are related to tax cutting, so they rarely need to overcome the filibuster
True, like they did with Judicial appointments.
Yes, I feel the filibuster suits the Republicans fine as a de facto veto of all Democratic priorities and all Republicans truly want are tax cuts which they can get easily through the reconciliation process.
I truly do think Sinema and Manchin are being played in refusing to drop the filibuster. Here’s a free link to Sinema’s oped defending the filibuster.
Most people don’t realize the filibuster exists, and see Democrats as not acting despite having the numbers on paper, and despair. Can’t see how that isn’t playing right into Mitch McConnell’s hands.
And then we wouldn’t throw our hands up and go they’re all the same! Yes, it cuts both ways. It should.
Thanks for your very helpful commentary. Very grateful for Politico's detailed investigation. No where to hide. The corrupt oligarchs have taken over elections and the court of last resort!
Roberts has allowed corruption and disgrace on SCOTUS. Roberts himself has shown his own dabbling in corruption. Scalia, Thomas and Alito could not have done - and for those surviving - do what they do if not for his support. Wonder what Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett have been up to?
What about the tax angle? It seems Thomas has intentionally and illegally failed to pay taxes on gifts and debt forgiveness ostensibly thinking if not disclosed, there is no amount due and no crime committed.
The campaign to disclose to the public the abject, arrogant corruption of SCOTUS must continue until action is taken! Restructure SCOTUS: increase size to match number of districts, term limits, clear ethics code supported by strong, clear laws ensuring accountability. Vote. Vote. Vote.
ProPublica is the investigative outlet taking this on -- these tough journalists have earned my deep respect.
Many of us knew of his dishonesty and corruption before he was appointed he was appointed. Anita Hill warned us all. Ah, but she was merely a woman…
I don't know whether to thank you for this or cry, Jay. To know someone given the honor of serving our country on such a lofty institution as the Supreme Court yet compromise it and himself to such a degree is beyond disheartening. It is CRIMINAL, but will any of us live long enough to see justice for this betrayal? The fact Republicans would also compromise the very backbone of this nation solely in order to put one over on the 'opposing team' is disgusting. I want my country back! And believe me, if it was a Democrat behaving in the same manner, I would be just as willing to lock them up and throw away the key. It's abhorrent behavior and if Thomas thinks any of those billionaires would be his friend if he was no longer a sitting Justice, he's delusional.
One more thing. This makes me wonder who else those particular billionaires are spending their money on. Surely not just Thomas. I can't believe they're not continually casting around looking for others they can 'influence' (polite word for 'corrupt.').
“looking for others they can 'influence' (polite word for 'corrupt.').”
They’re not looking for people they can corrupt. They’re looking for people who are already corrupted.
People like Thomas, who are willing to be bribed, are not innocent souls who somehow were turned bad by somebody else. People like Thomas should not be absolved of the decisions they freely made to accept bribes by saying they were corrupted by some other party. Thomas has been corrupt from the beginning. Otherwise, he never would’ve excepted these “gifts” or intentionally failed to report them.
I agree - I would hold everyone accountable including Democrats. I don't care we should not have a different set of rules to follow
It’s painting with a (slightly) broadbrush, but in general Democrats are in favor of holding everybody responsible for their mis-actions including other Democrats, while Republicans are in favor of only holding people who are not Republicans responsible for their actions.
Democrats look at what was done and hold the responsible parties accountable. Republicans lie about what was done so they can make sure that Republicans aren’t held accountable, and Democrats are blamed.
It's so disheartening that the Republican Party has fallen this low point. They do seem to delight in flaunting their unethical behavior... it's disgusting. MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER to get out the vote in 2024!
The most remarkable aspect of the Clarence "Gatemouth" Thomas reveals by PP is the sheer number of people who supplied the confirming evidence about his presence in various luxe venues, on private aircraft, "Skyboxes", football games, etc., etc., and etc. Sure, PP got access to tax returns and other paperwork, but Thomas was ID'ed hobnobbing with billionaires all over the planet, and in only rare cases were all this gifts ever reported to the IRS. You know, all of those "very good friends" of his became as such AFTER he was elevated to SCOTUS, and when the shit really hits the fan, let's see how many stick around to support their corrupt "dear friend".
It is within the power of John Roberts to take some actions. I am not qualified to know what to ask for. But he is the head of the organization, and when members of his organization behave in this way he should be under pressure to act.
As @judyplayer notes here, Roberts has his own issues. Even so, the Chief is supposed to take action.
Exactly! Roberts has some culpability here inherent in his seat as Chief, to allow this to go on and on and on!
Time to clean up the Supreme madness!
You can dock a yacht in Jackson Hole Wyoming? Now that's what I call privilege!
I had the same thought!
me too!
It's all just hospitality. Clarence Thomas being a Supreme Court Justice had NOTHING to do with it. He's just THAT charming and interesting. Like the Dos Equis guy - Clarence IS the Most Interesting Man in the World.
What, you couldn't tell from his witty repartee from the bench all these years?
But you, know... that brings up another good point. Perhaps all those years of no questions from the bench are because he hasn't read the briefs and already knows how he'll vote because his billionaire handlers have told him.
Have heard that idea floated previously
Thanks. I needed that.
"While none of these men appear to have had any direct business or cases before the court ..."
"Are you having a good time, Your Honor? BTW, I have a friend who could use your help on a little matter."
Or how 'bout this one?
"Good time, Your Honor? Be a shame if something were to happen to these little 'excursions' you've been enjoyin' ..."
Absolutely THIS!!!
You are a joy to read, Jay.
What is preventing the DOJ from indicting him for the laws he broke? I know this would be political, but maybe that's another special prosecutor?
I mean, he's the not the king ... er, president.
I have the same question.
Me too