Imagine a solar flare - like the one that got the Earth back in the nineteenth century - hitting the Earth now. Scientists have said that such a flare is likely to hit within in our lifetimes and it could wipe out much our technological infrastructure for decades including the Web/Internet, streaming services, satellite services, and much more. They've said a flare like that could send us back to the early twentieth century or late nineteenth century for decades. That would wipeout our economy and much of the industrialized world's economy in one major blast; non-industrialized countries would fare much better and might thrive under such circumstances.
Annnddd fuck Musk’s “star link!!!”
Imagine a solar flare - like the one that got the Earth back in the nineteenth century - hitting the Earth now. Scientists have said that such a flare is likely to hit within in our lifetimes and it could wipe out much our technological infrastructure for decades including the Web/Internet, streaming services, satellite services, and much more. They've said a flare like that could send us back to the early twentieth century or late nineteenth century for decades. That would wipeout our economy and much of the industrialized world's economy in one major blast; non-industrialized countries would fare much better and might thrive under such circumstances.