Re: "Save America" PAC and fund-raising under fraudulent circumstances: recall that Steve Bannon and associates were convicted of wire fraud for running a "Build the Wall" scam, collecting millions under the guise of "supporting construction of southern border walls to deter migrant flow into the US". The tRump PAC was conceived in a similar manner -- to solicit money based upon a fictitious and fraudulent premise. If a successful prosecution was mounted against Bannon et al, the odds are such a prosecution would equally succeed against tRump's PAC and those behind it. Bring it on!

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Juries understand cases about money a lot better than cases about political intrigue.

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We can only hope that Jack Smith is able to tie this all up with a pretty bow and all the conspirators get caught up and are held accountable.

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ok, your titles never disappoint, but you're on a roll this week. Getting a Rachel Maddow segment title pun vibe. Love it.

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Thanks again for offering insight into what is going on. I am so sad/mad/ashamed that this is happening and did happen in the US

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You outdid yourself on this one Jay. Loved it. And the humor is spot on. Thanks.

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I have already mentioned this elsewhere, but it certainly is applicable here. In short form, I suspect that Giuliani, who as I understand the matter, had no security clearance during the Trump Administration will probably use the proffer situation to detail Trump's mishandling of classified documents.

To be perfectly clear, does anyone actually think that Trump did not show and talk about classified documents, of which he had full access to while in office, to and with Giuliani, who as I suspect did not have any legitimate security clearance? Rudy's survival instincts are probably kicking into high gear as he realizes that he might also be charged with Espionage charges in conjunction with possibly being party to Trump sharing classified information with an uncleared individual. Albeit it might be that as the then sitting executive in office at the time he might have been considered the final arbiter of who can and who cannot be allowed to have classified information shared with, I expect that the law is quite clear that there are other government entities who have final authority over the dissemination of classified information.

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The Mangp Moron showed military maps to Kid Rock. Lord knows what he showed/said to Rudy and the whole lot of seditious, vile people. He's got the most fragile ego, is a braggart and not that smart...

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All true *IF* SC Smith decides to seek an indictment under 18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information...if he doesn't, then tRump's actions re: classified docs at Bedminster simply adds to the evidence presented in the Mar-a-Lago indictment, which concerned itself with retention and improper handling of classified docs under the Espionage Act.

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Additionally, confirming that Trump knew good and well he couldn't declassify documents once out of office despite his oft repeated claims that he had done so by various absurd means.

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Problem for Rudy is that the DOJ is going to want info on all the crimes, not just the document crimes.

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I have questions. 1) Did any person who was unwilling to act as a fake elector have the brains to notify the FBI? 2) For the life of me, I still don't see the gain of trump remaining as "president". Didn't anyone notice what a crappy job he had done? 3) Where is the tape of the TV "studio" that was set up in a tent right near where trump gave his speech. Kimberly "Gargoyle", Mark Meadows, both of trump's little boys, and others were all grinning like idiots and giving the thumbs-up. Where did that tape go?

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Also re: 2) - once again:

They. Don't. Care.

It is not now and never was about whether or not he was a "good" or "bad" President. It is a cult. There is nothing rational in play. The main thing for most so-called "Conservatives" these days is to completely remake the Federal judiciary according to the Federalist Society's blueprint, followed by the co-option of the DOJ (they think Biden has weaponized the DOJ because it's what they would do, and they cannot conceive of anyone else being different) and the destruction of the IRS. DeSantis would add Commerce and Education to that, and I'm pretty sure those are at or near the top of the list for ALL the "small-government conservatives".

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Regarding #2, IMHO it's not that they want Trump, but wealthy Republicans DON'T want Biden because he wants to tax the rich.

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My best guess for you is to look up the source catalog for watching January 6th tapes and type your search in those collections. I believe the video archives were made public shortly after the committee’s final hearing.

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1) Haven't heard that anyone did; 2) inexplicable; and 3) I'd bet that it's in the possession of the Special Counsel, probably from the archive of the Jan. 6 Committee hearings. I recall seeing some of the footage. IIRC, that tape also was available to news organizations, I'm pretty sure I saw snippets on CNN/MSNBC.

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Whoa. Today's missive was absolutely worth the price of subscription -- what a great synopsis of the intricacies of what a proffer to Giuliani might mean to the prosecution.

Well done.

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What would be icing on the cake is if RudyGiuliani not only ties Trump directly to the conspiracy and the violence, but if he also ties Ginny Thomas, the deranged wife of InJustice Clarence Thomas to the case, and ties her husband to it too. Clarence's lies need to come out. In fact, there might be good reason to wiretap their house and then call him up and ask him whether he and his wife discussed the case. I imagine he and she would have a conversation after that ,which could be quite revealing.

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They will never get Clarence but they might get Ginny. If she goes down for a felony... would that be enough for him to "retire?"

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If she goes down for a felony they might get him.

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I doubt it. She will protect him. And it's likely all kinds of pillow talk stuff that is between the two of them.

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We shall see. If facing prison time, she does not strike me as someone who has enough character not to cut a deal.

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She'll definitely try to cut a deal but I doubt she'd sell out the hubby. She'll sell out others though.

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Um... good luck getting an admissible wiretap on a sitting SCOTUS Justice. Lovely fantasy (warming my heart RN) - never gonna happen.

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I recognize, that on a sitting justice would never work. Still, it would be an interesting conversation that ensued. Perhaps the thing is to apply to be the housekeeper.

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The recital of the interlocking plots to destroy our democracy make me want to throw up. And the fact that so many Americans still believe the Big Lie (as well as Big Lie II--that Trump is the victim (HA!) of an illegal conspiracy between the Biden White House and DoJ), and so many more appear to be completely oblivious and apathetic to what went on, and continues to go on, makes me want to throw up again.

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I've heard from other sources that Rudy was likely steered to the proffer by his own counsel. And the probable reason is he's going broke for attorney fees. Too many lawsuits, too much potential for prosecution.

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Likely - good attorneys know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. Looking like folding time from here...

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It’s too late now but I’m saddened the use of the word “fake” will forever be used in reference to the unauthorized nonofficial, unelected representatives who planned and/or attempted to submit fraudulent documents. There must be a better word in English, French, Spanish or Latin to use rather than fake, but it’s too late now! Perhaps there is but it’s to vulgar to use in the media!

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TFG actually bragged about (and believes, I think) that he invented the word "fake"!

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“Fake” should be included in history’s description of him, including “Fake POTUS”. He didn’t like or do the actual job when he had it; cannot for the life of me figure out why he’d actually want it again.

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Trump was a PINO.

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He didn't actually want it, his wife utterly hated that he won, but once he's had it - it's HIS and nobody better try to take it away from him. He's a damned child.

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The only weakness I see in all this is that Giuliani has been a schemer and a liar from the get-go, specifically during his days as prosecutor in NYC. Those of us New Yorkers who are old enough to remember that time and up through the years of his mayoralty know this full well. That's why none of us found it strange that he became Trump's top attorney (and, again, most New Yorkers were on to Trump from his early dealings here and ultimately around the globe). The wild card in all this is the reactions of Trump's ardent followers when their idol is ultimately brought to justice and the media freaks who ride his coattails try to inflame the mob. Stay tuned for more sad and dangerous drama as the year progresses.

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Thanks for the detailed explanation. Lots of moving (and slimy) parts/people. . . .

So much swampiness . . .

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I guess by now, at my age, I should know better, but I can't help it. Where are morals and ethics of these people? Of anyone that was around Trump from the minute he went down the escalator. Being close to power is one thing, even wanting to change the nation to a view you hold is laudable, but losing your morals is another. Where are the morals and ethics of his base? I just heard a talk show (Forum on NPR) and they discussed how his strong base "doesn't care" about ANY of the charges or the indictment! I cannot fathom that. I'm a good person. I have morals and ethics and do my best to live by them. It's terribly sad that I feel like an outlier. Maybe I am foolish to think morals and ethics have a place in politics these days.

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Steven, I don't think you are foolish. I feel the same way. Morals and ethics certainly have a place in politics these days but we're seeing less and less of it.

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All of those involved, from Trump all the way down, behaved and still behave like children. Pouting and screaming and throwing tantrums (or ketchup) because they didn’t win. And we, the people, are paying in so many ways for their childish behavior. I wonder that most of them might be dead before this goes away.

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