I'm with you. Accountability is indeed the key. It all goes back to the civil war insurrectionist who never had to pay for their transgressions. And then Nixon didn't have to pay. There are consequences for bad acts, and those who choose to commit acts against the state need to face those consequences
However, the MAGA party is so full of crooks they are stretching the criminal justice system to its limits. One reason to get rid of this party is it gives them too many additional opportunities to commit crimes. If crime rose during the Biden administration, which it has not, it is because Trump and everyone affiliated with him is a big ass criminal!
I think it’s truly astounding how many former tRump aids have bus tire tracks on them. One wonders how Stephen Miller stays a step ahead of him. He must have some pretty good kompromat on the Orange diaperload.
Miller, like his avatar Heinrich Himmler, keeps careful notes and an updating dossier, and therefore maintains strong leverage...plus tRump just likes his anti-immigrant fascism, so there's that.
I really don't think the pee tape would bother Trump. I mean his followers wear golden painted diapers over their clothing in honor of him. I would assume it is something else. How about something like having provided Putin with intel on our intelligence community.
Everyone who decides to sell their soul and step into trump's black orbit, dies. And yet, they always seemed surprised when it happens. Frankly, I'm always surprised that they're surprised.
Agree. I spend anywhere from 25-50% of the year in Weld County. It's sad that Boebert moved from the Pueblo district to here because she thinks her chances are better. Not a glowing recommendation for NOCO.
Ms. Ellis was voted "most likely to turn" when she wept in court. Since then, I have wondered what on Earth got into her to do so many obviously illegal things?
Was it the heady excitement of going from a virtual nobody to enduring Giuliani's flatulence in a private plane? The illusory concept that she was finally running with her peers? Tossing away her legal knowledge in service to the most corrupt president in American history seems like a ridiculous thing to do.
Jenna Ellis is literally the only Trumpian Post-Election Schemer that I pity to any degree. So I am glad that she's decided to turn on a bunch of criminal narcissistic sociopaths. They richly deserve what's coming.
I want to have sympathy but one of her first acts in public life was to play footsies with the foul James Dobson. As far as I'm concerned, that's the time to start paying consequences.
I think that people like Dobson, who she'd been conditioned her whole life to defer to, told her that this was a way for her to do something for "God's plan" and she fell for it. I wonder when she realized that these people were not doing anything like "God's will"?
She has probably not realized it. Read this discussion of the difference in End of Days beliefs of Christian Nationalists and The New Apostolic Reformation by Andra Watkins. One has to understand this to understand the motivations of the people voting for Trump, Project 2025, and the people working with Trump. If you believe that you have to get everyone on the planet to follow a narrow set of rules for God to return to Earth and you to go to heaven, then you will use your positions of power to accomplish that, however impossible a task that is.
The idea of putting people in prison for being pornographic basically means all women could go to prison for being titillating to men, which is just crazy. Our bodies are treated as pornography in this cruel world of theirs. I for one would rather have Hope, Joy and Freedom being offered by the other campaign. I think lots of women and many men will feel so too.
Thank you, Linda Weide, for sharing Andra Watkins' substacks. What I find mind-boggling is the Christian Nationalists' support for tRump, considering him to be the next Messiah, yet, he paid a Porn Star to cover up his sexual encounter with her. Not even to mention the naked pictures of Melania when she was a model which would certainly violate the NC's proposed "pornography" prohibitions.
She "turned" on them with Tears in court briefly then made the same claims of election fraud many times in public statements. Her redemption was brief but fake. I have no pity.
While it's taken her This Long to See the Light. Again. We'll see...
She deserves no sympathy. Well before her trumpcapades she falsely billed herself as a constitutional expert, and had a history of at least exaggerating if not flat out lying about her experience. It's one thing to eagerly pursue career advancements, it's quite another thing for anyone, much less a lawyer and self professed Christian to fabricate their resume. She's cut from the same cloth as Hannity, Tucker,.. who'll say anything if they think it'll benefit them. At least they rose up from genuine experience.
Oh, and she wrote that the Constitution must be interpreted in light of biblical values, in total contradiction to the 1st Amendment prohibiting respecting an establishment of religion.
I have absolutely no pity for her. The entire Biden administration time has been marred by the actions of her and her fellow MAGAs. I say send them all to North Korea.
The entire country has been misled! A lot of people, including state legislators, genuinely believed her that the state could simply take the power of certification away from the election officials. While it didn't work to overturn the 2020 results, some states have changed their laws to put more power in the hands of partisan politicians. A potential Republican success 'stealing' the 2024 election could very well be the direct result of her antics.
The only legal body that can potentially steal the election from a Harris/Walz win is SCOTUS. If this happens the American people need to do what the people of Venezuela are doing as their autocratic leader is trying to steal the election, which is take to the streets and not accept it. As long as Biden is still in power, he can call out the military to maintain order and protect the people from the White Supremacist militia that will be sure to intimidate. We are also going to need the world to back us. It would be great to have independent poll watchers from the UN too.
Which of course is the purpose of appointing loyalist 2020 election deniers to election positions. Creating confusion, causing a dispute, is how it can end up in the court(s) hands.
It is my understanding that many states' election laws specifically prohibit, or severely limit international poll watchers. I don't know if that includes swing states and/or the states embedded with loyalists. But just inviting the U.N. will almost certainly end up in courts even before election day.
The U.S. has long been the "world police." I've wondered since 2016 who would come to our rescue if needed. I'm not convinced anyone will.
Trump's frequent threats of violence if he loses seem far less likely and more like wishful thinking now that so many Jan. 6 insurrectionists are locked up and his helpful conspirators like Giuliana & Co. will likely join them. I would think (hope) his remaining rabid followers would think twice before following their examples, but then again, MAGAts aren't exactly known for their intelligence or critical thinking skills.
I wish I could agree. But when he looses, the MAGA will see it as a "final stand" situation. I think the prospect of violence is much higher simply because they will believe they have nothing left to lose.
Except only the lowly "foot soldiers" have been locked up. None of the principals involved in planning the coup attempt have been brought to trial after nearly 4 years.
I wonder why all of this truth coming out doesn't affect "normal" Republicans! All I can say is that while Jenna sings and Kamala "Waltzes," the rest of the country comes out full-force in support of Democracy, the grand experiment in Government by the People.
A big part of it is that they don't see it. They are in their own silos. Social media, Sinclair local news channels, Fox News not covering select stories: they are curating their news intake, as are many liberals.
True. I live in a deep blue area and since the lead-up to the 2016 election to this morning's walk with the dog, I have yet to see a bumper sticker with the name Trump. In my defense, my bookmark line includes the three major networks that I check everyday (but I could be attacked for also having CNN but not Fox, both of which I think of as sources of opinion rather than news. I also believe we need an honest Conservative partyto provide balance and I have voted for Republicans (including a president) and as a registered Democrat, knocked on doors to reelect our then current Representative to Congress, Brad Morse, the best Republican who ever lived.
Morse sounds like he was maybe a Rockefeller Republican. (The bio for him on Wikipedia is sadly very sparse.) As Suzanne said, the days of any real moderates having a say in the Republican party are quite gone. 100% agree we need a sane, honest conservative party. More than that, we need a *real* party system, not this awful duopoly forced on us by the first-part-the-post, winner-take-all system the duopoly has forced on us. It's actually quite possible to reach something more like what other modern democracies have, where yes, there are two major center-right and center-left parties, and then you have other smaller parties to their flanks, maybe even a straight up centrist party too, and on each issue there can be coalitions formed in Congress. We need ranked choice voting and some kind of end to winner-take-all elector apportionment (or an end to the electoral college, which is much harder). So many needed reforms, but each state that adopts a major reform, as both Maine and Alaska have already done, leads us closer to a saner political system. Like Suzanne, I'm not sure the Republican party will last to see it.
I'm in Dallas, and it's a solidly purple city in a very red state. There's a vanishing chance of Ted Cruz losing to Colin Allred here, but the presidential electors for Texas will be for Trump, all of them, despite the purple/blue big cities here. Left-leaning presidential votes are irrelevant here, just as right-leaning ones are irrelevant in MA and other solidly-blue states. This system sucks.
Even in deep red Idaho I am seeing very few Trump signs, flags, etc. Offhand, the only place I know that has one has had a Trump flag for the past 8 years. Numerous places I know had them in 2020 don't have them now.
The GOP has always been a "one voice by all" but that voice started going amiss , I believe, with Newt Gingritch, a very bright guy, who made the issue "if we have to negotiate instead of winning, they they win and we lose." Now that's still the goal only led by an orange imbecile surrounded and supported by morons.
And I’ve noticed it in comments from so many folks. They’ve moved from fear and anger to hope and excitement as they learned what the word democracy meant to them and how they can participate in making life better for themselves and others. Truly inspirational to be a part of the ‘growing up responsibly’ election days. And Tim Waltz is
…going to teach us so much more very shortly now ! What a great team he and Kamala will be. And let’s get those teachers salary and their support networks advancing as well. It’s long past time for the respect and care they deserve.
With this type of deal, I often wonder how the prosecutors would defend against claims that "she is now saying what the prosecution wants to hear, rather than the truth". After all, the prosecution has enormous leverage over her now. Is it the recording of the proffer that ensures it?
Probably not needed. With that resume, no law firm, corporate or government employer is going to touch her with a ten-foot pole. Pretty much her only option would be as a underpaid public defender for petty criminals.
Virtually all people who have been prosecuted for aiding and abetting Trump’s crimes look the worse for wear. At one time, I thought Habba was attractive. Same with Kimberly Guilfoyle. Can’t even think about Rudy Giuliani. Lying is bad for the soul and the body. Doubt Trump even notices or cares that they destroyed their careers for him.
Of all the trumpers that have expressed regret (and pled guilty), she seems the most genuinely sorry. It may just be my compassion slipping out, but it also doesn't absolver her for everything she did.
The fever will break as a side-effect of the election rout. Tim Walz is the perfect foil to the MAGA cult. A high school social studies teacher from a tiny town in Nebraska who can out "folks" anyone MAGA throws out there because he's genuine, and he does a great job explaining the programs Dems support that rural folks should be eating up. And, in fact, are often already eating up.
People in rural communities are justifiably scared and angry. That doesn't justify voting for Trump, but now Dems can say, "We are listening" and nobody can challenge the veracity of their claim, because Walz is one of them.
I think she's broke tbh. It's the Trump MO to toss people under the bus and abandon them. I think that she's busted and can't defend herself and this was her "best of bad choices". I don't believe that she's changed her beliefs but the reality of being cut adrift caused the change of heart.
Looks like she's got a you-know-what caught in the wringer and was plumb out of options: no job, no dough, no MAGA lawyers or anyone else rushing to her defense, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and some very serious legal jeopardy staring her in the face.
Again Maybe, but we have all done things we wish we hadn't done. I'm also not saying she shouldn't pay for those mistakes, and I hope she continues to learn from them. But for the last several years I have curtailed my natural compassion for people under the treason weasel's control, and that makes me sad.
Chris Ortilano, in my seven decades I have done things that I have regretted and apologized sincerely for. Upon reflection, however ,I have done nothing that can hold even the tiniest candle to what Ennis and her colleagues tried to do to our Country and our Democracy. No sympathy here.
"She holds herself out as an expert on the Constitution based on her self-published book and her teaching of pre-law classes to undergraduates."
I would just like to say that I self-published a book about a bible-thumping vampire who is a nephew of Alexander the Great. True story! I am selling my expertise to the highest bidder. I accept bitcoin, of course.
So many trump enablers are running scared. I couldn’t be happier. The only way to avoid a repeat of jan 6 is to hold people accountable.
I'm with you. Accountability is indeed the key. It all goes back to the civil war insurrectionist who never had to pay for their transgressions. And then Nixon didn't have to pay. There are consequences for bad acts, and those who choose to commit acts against the state need to face those consequences
However, the MAGA party is so full of crooks they are stretching the criminal justice system to its limits. One reason to get rid of this party is it gives them too many additional opportunities to commit crimes. If crime rose during the Biden administration, which it has not, it is because Trump and everyone affiliated with him is a big ass criminal!
I think it’s truly astounding how many former tRump aids have bus tire tracks on them. One wonders how Stephen Miller stays a step ahead of him. He must have some pretty good kompromat on the Orange diaperload.
Miller, like his avatar Heinrich Himmler, keeps careful notes and an updating dossier, and therefore maintains strong leverage...plus tRump just likes his anti-immigrant fascism, so there's that.
He might be Putin's supervisor for tRump. Maybe can threaten him with the release of the Pee tape - I still think it is out there somewhere.
I really hope I live long enough to see that tape surface... I know it’s out there waiting for the right karmic moment to ... leak out... 😂😂
I really don't think the pee tape would bother Trump. I mean his followers wear golden painted diapers over their clothing in honor of him. I would assume it is something else. How about something like having provided Putin with intel on our intelligence community.
He would be a shoo-in if he auditioned for the part of Iago, that's for sure.
“Orange diaperload”!!!! 😂😂😂😂 This moniker must go into the compilation of the best substitutes for “Donald J. Trump.”
Everyone who decides to sell their soul and step into trump's black orbit, dies. And yet, they always seemed surprised when it happens. Frankly, I'm always surprised that they're surprised.
The stupid is strong with these folks. . . They tend to believe all sorts of ludicrous crap.
Let's not forget that Ellis was fired from her job in Weld County for her incompetence and in Weld County that's saying something...
Agree. I spend anywhere from 25-50% of the year in Weld County. It's sad that Boebert moved from the Pueblo district to here because she thinks her chances are better. Not a glowing recommendation for NOCO.
Ms. Ellis was voted "most likely to turn" when she wept in court. Since then, I have wondered what on Earth got into her to do so many obviously illegal things?
Was it the heady excitement of going from a virtual nobody to enduring Giuliani's flatulence in a private plane? The illusory concept that she was finally running with her peers? Tossing away her legal knowledge in service to the most corrupt president in American history seems like a ridiculous thing to do.
Jenna Ellis is literally the only Trumpian Post-Election Schemer that I pity to any degree. So I am glad that she's decided to turn on a bunch of criminal narcissistic sociopaths. They richly deserve what's coming.
I want to have sympathy but one of her first acts in public life was to play footsies with the foul James Dobson. As far as I'm concerned, that's the time to start paying consequences.
Yup. Karma is FAR too kind for anyone working with that scumwad.
I think that people like Dobson, who she'd been conditioned her whole life to defer to, told her that this was a way for her to do something for "God's plan" and she fell for it. I wonder when she realized that these people were not doing anything like "God's will"?
She has probably not realized it. Read this discussion of the difference in End of Days beliefs of Christian Nationalists and The New Apostolic Reformation by Andra Watkins. One has to understand this to understand the motivations of the people voting for Trump, Project 2025, and the people working with Trump. If you believe that you have to get everyone on the planet to follow a narrow set of rules for God to return to Earth and you to go to heaven, then you will use your positions of power to accomplish that, however impossible a task that is.
The pornography ideas alone, which Mike Johnson keeps referring to in his icky and weird way, are not what most people think of as pornography. Read what Andra explains about this. https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/this-is-how-christian-nationalists?utm_source=publication-search
The idea of putting people in prison for being pornographic basically means all women could go to prison for being titillating to men, which is just crazy. Our bodies are treated as pornography in this cruel world of theirs. I for one would rather have Hope, Joy and Freedom being offered by the other campaign. I think lots of women and many men will feel so too.
Thank you, Linda Weide, for sharing Andra Watkins' substacks. What I find mind-boggling is the Christian Nationalists' support for tRump, considering him to be the next Messiah, yet, he paid a Porn Star to cover up his sexual encounter with her. Not even to mention the naked pictures of Melania when she was a model which would certainly violate the NC's proposed "pornography" prohibitions.
She "turned" on them with Tears in court briefly then made the same claims of election fraud many times in public statements. Her redemption was brief but fake. I have no pity.
While it's taken her This Long to See the Light. Again. We'll see...
"... enduring Guillani's flatulence in a private plane?" Thanks for the giggle . . .
She deserves no sympathy. Well before her trumpcapades she falsely billed herself as a constitutional expert, and had a history of at least exaggerating if not flat out lying about her experience. It's one thing to eagerly pursue career advancements, it's quite another thing for anyone, much less a lawyer and self professed Christian to fabricate their resume. She's cut from the same cloth as Hannity, Tucker,.. who'll say anything if they think it'll benefit them. At least they rose up from genuine experience.
Oh, and she wrote that the Constitution must be interpreted in light of biblical values, in total contradiction to the 1st Amendment prohibiting respecting an establishment of religion.
ZERO sympathy for any of them.
I have absolutely no pity for her. The entire Biden administration time has been marred by the actions of her and her fellow MAGAs. I say send them all to North Korea.
The entire country has been misled! A lot of people, including state legislators, genuinely believed her that the state could simply take the power of certification away from the election officials. While it didn't work to overturn the 2020 results, some states have changed their laws to put more power in the hands of partisan politicians. A potential Republican success 'stealing' the 2024 election could very well be the direct result of her antics.
The only legal body that can potentially steal the election from a Harris/Walz win is SCOTUS. If this happens the American people need to do what the people of Venezuela are doing as their autocratic leader is trying to steal the election, which is take to the streets and not accept it. As long as Biden is still in power, he can call out the military to maintain order and protect the people from the White Supremacist militia that will be sure to intimidate. We are also going to need the world to back us. It would be great to have independent poll watchers from the UN too.
Which of course is the purpose of appointing loyalist 2020 election deniers to election positions. Creating confusion, causing a dispute, is how it can end up in the court(s) hands.
It is my understanding that many states' election laws specifically prohibit, or severely limit international poll watchers. I don't know if that includes swing states and/or the states embedded with loyalists. But just inviting the U.N. will almost certainly end up in courts even before election day.
The U.S. has long been the "world police." I've wondered since 2016 who would come to our rescue if needed. I'm not convinced anyone will.
MsJLG you could be right. I assume most countries are already planning how they can lessen the damage to themselves if things go awry here.
That’s a very wise idea calling for UN support - for all concerned !
Rats are fleeing the sinking ship. I hope Ellis brings a crap ton of receipts with her. And I'm thinking
that the investigative team for Jan. 6 was right all along. Of course, I never had a doubt.
Trump's frequent threats of violence if he loses seem far less likely and more like wishful thinking now that so many Jan. 6 insurrectionists are locked up and his helpful conspirators like Giuliana & Co. will likely join them. I would think (hope) his remaining rabid followers would think twice before following their examples, but then again, MAGAts aren't exactly known for their intelligence or critical thinking skills.
I wish I could agree. But when he looses, the MAGA will see it as a "final stand" situation. I think the prospect of violence is much higher simply because they will believe they have nothing left to lose.
Except only the lowly "foot soldiers" have been locked up. None of the principals involved in planning the coup attempt have been brought to trial after nearly 4 years.
Sadly true.
I wonder why all of this truth coming out doesn't affect "normal" Republicans! All I can say is that while Jenna sings and Kamala "Waltzes," the rest of the country comes out full-force in support of Democracy, the grand experiment in Government by the People.
A big part of it is that they don't see it. They are in their own silos. Social media, Sinclair local news channels, Fox News not covering select stories: they are curating their news intake, as are many liberals.
True. I live in a deep blue area and since the lead-up to the 2016 election to this morning's walk with the dog, I have yet to see a bumper sticker with the name Trump. In my defense, my bookmark line includes the three major networks that I check everyday (but I could be attacked for also having CNN but not Fox, both of which I think of as sources of opinion rather than news. I also believe we need an honest Conservative partyto provide balance and I have voted for Republicans (including a president) and as a registered Democrat, knocked on doors to reelect our then current Representative to Congress, Brad Morse, the best Republican who ever lived.
Morse sounds like he was maybe a Rockefeller Republican. (The bio for him on Wikipedia is sadly very sparse.) As Suzanne said, the days of any real moderates having a say in the Republican party are quite gone. 100% agree we need a sane, honest conservative party. More than that, we need a *real* party system, not this awful duopoly forced on us by the first-part-the-post, winner-take-all system the duopoly has forced on us. It's actually quite possible to reach something more like what other modern democracies have, where yes, there are two major center-right and center-left parties, and then you have other smaller parties to their flanks, maybe even a straight up centrist party too, and on each issue there can be coalitions formed in Congress. We need ranked choice voting and some kind of end to winner-take-all elector apportionment (or an end to the electoral college, which is much harder). So many needed reforms, but each state that adopts a major reform, as both Maine and Alaska have already done, leads us closer to a saner political system. Like Suzanne, I'm not sure the Republican party will last to see it.
I'm in Dallas, and it's a solidly purple city in a very red state. There's a vanishing chance of Ted Cruz losing to Colin Allred here, but the presidential electors for Texas will be for Trump, all of them, despite the purple/blue big cities here. Left-leaning presidential votes are irrelevant here, just as right-leaning ones are irrelevant in MA and other solidly-blue states. This system sucks.
Even in deep red Idaho I am seeing very few Trump signs, flags, etc. Offhand, the only place I know that has one has had a Trump flag for the past 8 years. Numerous places I know had them in 2020 don't have them now.
There may be hope for the potato state. I'm Irish and love potatoes. It's in our blood!. Even Maine potatoes.
The GOP has always been a "one voice by all" but that voice started going amiss , I believe, with Newt Gingritch, a very bright guy, who made the issue "if we have to negotiate instead of winning, they they win and we lose." Now that's still the goal only led by an orange imbecile surrounded and supported by morons.
The media blackout of outlets like the NYT.
It’s been an amazing learning process !!
And I’ve noticed it in comments from so many folks. They’ve moved from fear and anger to hope and excitement as they learned what the word democracy meant to them and how they can participate in making life better for themselves and others. Truly inspirational to be a part of the ‘growing up responsibly’ election days. And Tim Waltz is
…going to teach us so much more very shortly now ! What a great team he and Kamala will be. And let’s get those teachers salary and their support networks advancing as well. It’s long past time for the respect and care they deserve.
I thought agreeing to be honest and truthful in a trial proceeding was what trials were all about.
Let the hard times roll out for the crimers- may orange be the new red- and let the Good Times Roll for democracy!!!
I’m assuming that she will testify with some real evidence and not a lot of “I don’t know”.
They recorded her proffer
With this type of deal, I often wonder how the prosecutors would defend against claims that "she is now saying what the prosecution wants to hear, rather than the truth". After all, the prosecution has enormous leverage over her now. Is it the recording of the proffer that ensures it?
She is not allowed any “I dunnos” They will throw the book at her if she pleads the fifth on any line of questioning
Yep, it was a pretty harsh plea bargain that gives a ton of leeway to the prosecutor. She's gonna have to produce the goods, methinks.
I hope she is permanently disbarred soon.
That would be an appropriate punishment.
Probably not needed. With that resume, no law firm, corporate or government employer is going to touch her with a ten-foot pole. Pretty much her only option would be as a underpaid public defender for petty criminals.
Virtually all people who have been prosecuted for aiding and abetting Trump’s crimes look the worse for wear. At one time, I thought Habba was attractive. Same with Kimberly Guilfoyle. Can’t even think about Rudy Giuliani. Lying is bad for the soul and the body. Doubt Trump even notices or cares that they destroyed their careers for him.
It’s truly spooky to watch over the years
Of all the trumpers that have expressed regret (and pled guilty), she seems the most genuinely sorry. It may just be my compassion slipping out, but it also doesn't absolver her for everything she did.
I have no compassion for her at all. She is only sorry that she got caught.
Maybe, but it seems she didn't need to give the AZ AG any information at all; yet she did.
Plus, I'm tired of not being able to have any compassion for the maga cult members. I still have some hope that, at some point, the fever will break.
The fever will break as a side-effect of the election rout. Tim Walz is the perfect foil to the MAGA cult. A high school social studies teacher from a tiny town in Nebraska who can out "folks" anyone MAGA throws out there because he's genuine, and he does a great job explaining the programs Dems support that rural folks should be eating up. And, in fact, are often already eating up.
People in rural communities are justifiably scared and angry. That doesn't justify voting for Trump, but now Dems can say, "We are listening" and nobody can challenge the veracity of their claim, because Walz is one of them.
I think she's broke tbh. It's the Trump MO to toss people under the bus and abandon them. I think that she's busted and can't defend herself and this was her "best of bad choices". I don't believe that she's changed her beliefs but the reality of being cut adrift caused the change of heart.
Looks like she's got a you-know-what caught in the wringer and was plumb out of options: no job, no dough, no MAGA lawyers or anyone else rushing to her defense, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and some very serious legal jeopardy staring her in the face.
I do understand. And I too am tired of not being able to have compassion. I get it.
She’s sorry she got caught.. if she was really sorry she shouldn’t have done it in the first place.. my kids know better than this grownassed woman..
Again Maybe, but we have all done things we wish we hadn't done. I'm also not saying she shouldn't pay for those mistakes, and I hope she continues to learn from them. But for the last several years I have curtailed my natural compassion for people under the treason weasel's control, and that makes me sad.
Chris Ortilano, in my seven decades I have done things that I have regretted and apologized sincerely for. Upon reflection, however ,I have done nothing that can hold even the tiniest candle to what Ennis and her colleagues tried to do to our Country and our Democracy. No sympathy here.
This is good to hear. Very good.
"She holds herself out as an expert on the Constitution based on her self-published book and her teaching of pre-law classes to undergraduates."
I would just like to say that I self-published a book about a bible-thumping vampire who is a nephew of Alexander the Great. True story! I am selling my expertise to the highest bidder. I accept bitcoin, of course.