Donald Trump owes me a new irony meter. "He is so angry and crazy" made mine explode.

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Pot, meet kettle moment for sure! 🤣👏

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There is no longer an irony meter strong enough to withstand the utter bullshit he says or types.

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Every Republican accusation is a confession.

Every. Single. Time.

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"GOP political operatives were setting their hair on fire over it."

Please tell me there's video. :-)

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The GOP continues to “step in it”, a testament to tRump, who has done , and continues to do, exactly the same thing.

I’m so delighted by President Biden’s leadership and vision for America in the next 4 years!

Proud to be an immigrant American!!!

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GOP: "Voters think we hate women and hate what's happening in Alabama, so let's put up a woman from Alabama."

Biden is playing 12 dimensional chess and the Republican party is setting their hair on fire.

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The icing on the Britt moment would have been if she was obviously pregnant.

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And barefoot

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Too bad she was standing behind something. The full effect would have guaranteed Biden every feminist vote in this country.

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I would hope and expect that Biden already has every feminist vote in this country. . .

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Cussing at her ineffective electric stove wailing that the libs took away her gas one.

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And barefoot...and perhaps she was, although we couldn't see her feet.

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This was clearly a trying to win back the "suburban" moms move if I ever freakin seen one.

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I thought it was Dominionist bait, myself.

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Mirroring the effect gerrymandering has had on the quality of candidates the GOP puts up, by which I mean the common observation that safe districts produce extremist candidates, the inbred GOP messaging machine seems to generate product like Britt's performance that can only appeal to the base. Did the oathbreaking insurrectionist personally approve of that message? Since he seems to own the party, it's at least plausible. Britt was to political debate what Alina Habba was to trial advocacy. Small sample, I admit, but there does seem to be a pattern here. More to the point, since the SOTU audience was most likely heavily Democratic, the MAGA base and the people who don't follow politics didn't see Britt's performance. But there is a chance that some of the Haley primary voters who tuned in hung around hoping for Britt to give them a reason to stick with the party in November. Hehe.

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Excellent comment, Jim Holley. " Britt was to political debate what Alina Habba was to trial advocacy. Pathetically incompetent, was that your thought? What an oxymoron to put Katie Britt in the same sentence as the word, "Senator." But the same goes for Tommy Tuberville, who's the poster boy for "You can't fix stupid."

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I for one thought Mike Johnson had to go to the bathroom. At one point I thought he did. I also saw him almost chock on his gum when MTG started with "Say Her Name" and isn't there a dress code for this event and why did certain people show up in their Halloween Customes? But yes Joe was on Fire last night. Scared a lot of people or surprised them to the point as they cannot say he has dementia. Joe did not disappoint me at all glad I watched it!!

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MTG’s flagrant violation of the dress code shows just how weak and cowardly the speaker is . ,

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The handmaids tale came to life and it wasn’t pretty!🥴😵‍💫🤢

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Remember when they went crazy over Michelle Obama wearing sleeveless dresses? Nothing about Lauren Boebert????????????

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My favorite quote: "You can't only love your country when you win!" Second was calling Trump out for encouraging Putin to attack our allies. He tried to trap them again, this time into a border bill, but they just stopped talking (for fear of being outplayed). Very enjoyable SOTU; not boring as I had expected. Gonna play the highlights reel for my mom to show her how Faux Nooz is conning her.

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Thanks for the responses, particularly from the GOP on Lady Kitchen. So we have moved from Sleepy Joe to "must be on uppers" Joe. Funny that there aren't stories about how the BIDEN White House handed those out like candy. Biden has ALWAYS given good speeches; somehow, speaking in complete sentences has come to be equated with sleep.

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Pure projection on their part, as usual!!

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The old saw of "give them enough rope to hang themselves" came to mind. Democrats need to keep the play of contrasts up. I'm sure it will be easier to do as the predecessor's trial on the 25th gets underway. Not to mention the loser appeal for which he just coughed up a $91+ million bond (and the bond comes with interest and fees). Then there's the over $500B he has to come up with by the end of the month . . . Stay the course, Democrats, the predecessor's remaining party won't be able to compete. Oh? What's that? The RNC coffers are low and Biden's are setting records, especially after that speech? To paraphrase Al Pacino's character in Scent of a Woman, "We are just getting warmed up!"

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This is what we knew all along, President Biden is ready to win a second term! It will be fun to watch republican heads explode over the next few days.

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Love that. I just got a visual of the aliens’ heads exploding in “Mars Attacks!” Ack ack.

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Britt was definitely creepy the way her emotional “tone” shifted in such a practiced way—and when she got down to the terrible, terrible, terrible things Biden has done, she could have been reading from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein for tots! Ooooooh. So scary!! Meanwhile the republicans fell into every little trap set by Joe. They are so darn PREDICTABLE. (I mean, did anyone NOT predict MTG in a hat? Yelling? Really?). I found it somewhat entertaining, albeit uncomfortable to realize how unserious most of these people are. All except Sen. Langford, who looked VERY SERIOUS when he affirmed what Joe said. “It’s true”. The border “problem” is solvable if tRump would just get the f—K out of the way.

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I loved that Dark Brandon asked TFG to join him in solving the border problems. That has to drive them CRAZY...well, crazier!

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Biden killed it last night — on all front — while the clown show shit the bed again, and again, and again.

The entire republican brand and party may just be a cabal of unserious weirdos, kooks and clowns but they still have to dealt with. We must show up and vote for the Democratic ticket. This is the candidate. No more debate about too old, or complaints that he stutters a bit. No staying home. No third party support (which is a vote for republicans period)!

To those who want the madness to end but who may not be Democrats — there is really one mission and choice. Vote for the Democratic team top to bottom — and that is especially my message to moderate and centrist republicans independent and unaffiliated voters who want common sense solutions, and who want to live in a democracy.

You might not love everything from the Biden and Democrats but Im fairly certain that they still fall into the "normal" political range and support democracy. And ultimately that is what is before us. Normal vs Abnormal. The guy saying it would be awesome for Putin to wage war against allies, and who has said multiple times now that he will be a dictator on day 1. — that is not democracy. And a friendly reminder — dictators don't relinquish power, so good luck voting ever again.

To those who want to "shake things up" because what we have is not working; I suggest a deeper look at what Nazi Germany looked like. Look at what North Korea looks like. You may want some real changes — and that is understandable. I want that as well. But this republican party, and Orange Adolf is not going to give it to you.

How do we know that?

These same kooks, clowns, weirdos and Hitlarian wannabes had complete control of the United States from January 20, 2017 through January 1, 2019. So over 2 years — just what did they do to make your life better, make the country better or the world better? I know they build concentration camps in the US, and walls that we the taxpayer paid for and failed. I know infrastructure didn't happen. I know screwing up with our disease prep helped facilitate a horrible COVID-19 result that did not have to be as bad as it was — not to mention the botched response when it happen (injecting bleach, shine a flashlight on yourself, don't ware a mask, don't listed to doctors, especially the foremost infectious disease expert on earth....)

As to the republican message of are you better off than 4 years ago? Consider that 4 years ago the obvious problem of thousands of Americans dying daily. So yeah — Im much better than 4 years ago on that front alone. Another 275,000 jobs added today, inflation down, unemployment down, markets flying, gas cost down...yep... clearly better than 4 years ago.

The change you want will only come with the utter destruction of the republican party. They must be handed a total, humiliating electoral defeat. One that causes either the emergence of a new center right party or a cleaning of house on the right. I wouldn't support it in either case, but having a honest debate on real issues with "normal" people would be a pleasant change.

Vote like your life depends on it — because it does. Ill be at the polls if there is one breath left in my body and I will vote for Biden/Harris and the entire democratic team top to bottom.

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The clown car is funded by the morbidly rich who don't want to pay taxes. Our sheer numbers are no match for them if we all vote Blue.

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Excellent comment 🤩👏🏼

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Very proud of President Biden and have hope for the good things, like voting rights, medical insurance and procedure access for women, he promised to deliver these with four more years (and a functioning Congress) so let's help him! Another counterpoint to the cringe worthy Britt piece is contained in the link below, not the headline bit, reporting on the Boebert crime family now appears to include sex taping of minors to the list of offensive behavior by the party of projection.


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Boobert's son was wearing a sweatshirt with the name of Mom's restaurant that glorified guns. That place is now a Mexican restaurant. I'll be sure to get a meal there when in Colorado's mountains.

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Was someone under Britt's kitchen table? She sounded really breathy, like, oooooo, about to goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

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Biden was awesome last night! I was so proud of him!

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