The White House’s announcement on Thursday pledging to impose a host of vaccine and testing requirements on large companies, federal workers, and healthcare workers drew praise from Democrats and most Americans while infuriating Republicans and their base.
No one is FORCEABLY INJECTING the vaccine into people’s arms. But if people persist in their refusal, certain opportunities will be closed to them. Choices have consequences. I wish more people would understand that.
Exactly: "certain opportunites will be closed for them" and that's too bad for them, its due to their choices. And the right is arguing discrimimationa and segregation, which would be hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that millions of people will believe it.
Capitalism will ultimately beat Covid, but not without a lot more dying and suffering.
He should just mandate it period for all Americans like small pox and polio this is getting ridiculous and the fact that “the base” is ignorant we need to make America safe for all Americans again the virus is mutating and will only keep producing more and more variants because these fools have zero common sense and science doesn’t matter unless it suits there narrative. So sick of them!
No one is FORCEABLY INJECTING the vaccine into people’s arms. But if people persist in their refusal, certain opportunities will be closed to them. Choices have consequences. I wish more people would understand that.
Exactly: "certain opportunites will be closed for them" and that's too bad for them, its due to their choices. And the right is arguing discrimimationa and segregation, which would be hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that millions of people will believe it.
Capitalism will ultimately beat Covid, but not without a lot more dying and suffering.
He should just mandate it period for all Americans like small pox and polio this is getting ridiculous and the fact that “the base” is ignorant we need to make America safe for all Americans again the virus is mutating and will only keep producing more and more variants because these fools have zero common sense and science doesn’t matter unless it suits there narrative. So sick of them!
That last sentence is powerful! I’ve seen it all along but now all of your readers can get it.