Anytime Trump and GOP projectionist tactics backfire, an angel gets her wings

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Then may the streets of Heaven fill with angels.

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When Biden ie re-elected that will happen!

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Thank you! Perfection.

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And a little devil gets his horns.

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Let us hope that this tactic is the biggest backfire of all.

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Loving the mental image of Trump with his hair on fire.

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Lucky for him it comes right off.

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Thanks for the big chuckle! Good one.

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Would be better if it was super glued on.

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Only if super glue is quite flammable...

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It might create toxic fumes that knock him.

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Oh no!

Hazmat at Bedminister!

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Hazmat at the NY courthouse as well.

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It matches his pants.

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I want to someone do a picture of it! 😂

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A screwball voter will only vote for a screwball candidate. So if they didn’t vote for Junior, they would most likely either not vote or vote for Trump, because at least he and his supporters are fellow screwballs. Under no circumstance would a screwball ever vote for Biden, because he’s not a screwball, not even close. And that’s why Junior hurts Trump more than Biden.

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I have a person around the neighborhood who honestly put an RFK, Jr. sign in her yard and then went onto “NextDoor” to brag about it and him. The comments back to her were brutal!

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Marlene, You must be in a more enlightened area of CA than I. I’m on the borderline between Blue and dark ruby Red and most comments to Nextdoor posts quickly start reading like Faux News and OAN. The MAGA Nextdoor crowd around me would be rejoicing over any anti-vaxer.

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Sadly, the same in liberal Massachusetts. My local NextDoor has some sane people but threads of all kinds are regularly hijacked by Trumpist wing nuts.

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I'm in the same geographical nightmare! It's the uber rich wanna-bees in SoCal that want Thump! The stock market bubble popped after he lost the election! It was all one big ponzi scheme, so good riddance! VOTE Bidden/Harris! 🤞✌️

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Ugh…sorry MG! Up north or down South? I am in the East Bay area.

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San Diego County. On a map, everything north of CA-78, east of I-15 and CA-125 might as well be in Texas.

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Ugh…so sorry.

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Hahahahahhahahaha…just sayin’. 😅

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I guess she got a spoonful of what happened to Kristi Noem when she bragged about killing a puppy & a pet goat on the same day. Big backfire

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That's a very good analogy and you're probably spot on with it. Thank our lucky stars!✌️💙

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Karma's a bitch!

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depending on your definition of karma

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I believe there's only one definition of karma. it's really your your actions ...

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That makes sense to me. Although I can see lifetime upon lifetime of DJT going from human to bug and never learning anything. Everything else about is cyclical.

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Where’s my insect repellent?

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We all need it!

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Yes! And, it will bite you in your ass!

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many believe it applies to subsequent lifetimes - reincarnations

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By definition, a 3rd party candidate will draw from both parties. We just gotta hope Jay is correct and more get pulled from the T-man, (hopefully in the swing states where it matters most.)

Vote BLUE, up and Down the ballot.

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Don't just vote BLUE, please be "information warriors" as Simon Rosenberg of Hopium Chronicles (https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/) puts it! We all have circles of influence which we can use to advance the pro-democracy cause. Not everyone is as tuned in as substack readers tend to be!

Ask people if they have checked their voter registration lately and offer to help them to do so (www.vote.org, www.vote411.org) - lots of states will move people to the inactive rolls quickly and changing addresses makes it even more likely to happen. Also, help young people register to vote or pre-register in the states that allow it (https://www.thecivicscenter.org/map).

If your state has enacted new voter ID laws since 2020, talk to people to make sure they are aware of them and make sure they have the proper ID - www.VoteRiders.org helps people obtain the ID they need to vote.

Familiarize yourself with the Biden successes with one of these resources:

* www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/

* www.whitehouse.gov/invest/

* www.whitehouse.gov/build/

* www.whitehouse.gov/cleanenergy/

* https://demcastusa.com/2024/01/02/10-incredible-things-president-biden-accomplished-in-2023/

* https://demcastusa.com/2023/11/06/where-has-president-biden-created-the-most-new-jobs-check-this-map/)

Pick one or two issues that you know are important to the person you are trying to persuade (or ask them!) then start a conversation with "did you know the Biden administration did... "

If the person gets defensive whenever politics comes up, try sending them an infographic or an article on something you know they worry about - reproductive rights, climate change, public education, gun violence, health care costs... Biden has accomplishments in all these areas!

Also, familiarize yourself with Project 2025, the authoritarian manifesto from the Heritage Foundation. PoliticsGirl had a good program on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPgeg_Jij8c; also check out this sister program on Agenda 47: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW-NjxL5oUw&t=1243s

The MSM may be treating this as a "normal election", but that doesn't mean we should! How many people do you think you can you convince to vote for democracy?

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Love Simon!

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Me too he just radiates positivity

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Yes, people should plant Leonard Leo’s name in their brain. He is the architect of placing the recent 3 Injustices on the bench plus getting other billionaires to finance trips , RV’s, and so forth for Alito and Thomas. He has established 40 shell companies under the guise of “charity organizations” thus not paying any taxes! Guess who has one of those shell companies? Ginni Thomas!!

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I regard him as a serious bad actor.

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Guess that’s one way to look at him.

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Follow the Money.

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Leonard Leo is the architect of putting all 6 of those conservative justices on the scotus, as well as so many other extremist right judges on Federal circuit & district courts, & state AGs.

Leo is responsible for judges Matthew Kacsmyrick & James Ho.

We can definitely blame Leo, the Federalist’s Society, & the Heritage Foundation for the overturning of Roe & all the other extreme rulings over the past 2-3 yrs.

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This is great. Thank you.

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You are welcome!

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Cheryl, you are on fire… in a a wonderful way!! 💙

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Much better than having my hair on fire like Trump! lol!

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I maybe should have found a better way to celebrate your focused enthusiasm… Glad you knew what I was going for.

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Bravo to all of that! Thank you for writing it.

Hopium Chronicles by Simon Rosenburg is a must read for all of us.

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Thank you for all the great links!!!

I messaged all of my favorite msnbc hosts & urged them to start covering

Project 2025 every day & they have


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Excellent post! and you're right the people have the power!! So bring a friend! ✌️💙

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They’re all going down…vote BLUE

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You got that right! This election really has me scared though! But we beat the Donald once we can beat him again! remember Obama won twice!! I know we have more smart people than dumb people in this country.🤞✌️💙 BRING A FEW FREIENDS to VOTE!

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While there are smart Republicans it seems the smartest have decided to either vote for Biden or find another candidate to vote for and they wouldn't vote for Sideshow Bob by a long shot.

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In this case, the third-party candidate is a wackjob. Ross Perot was not a wack job. Ralph Nader was not a wack job. RFK Jr. is a wack job. Dumpy is a wack job. More of Dumpy's right-wing nut jobs will be drawn to RFK Jr.

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These aren't normal times. In normal times it would be both. Now, we have two candidates that prove themselves to be batshit crazy conspiracy theory spewing bombastic dotards in serious need heavy sedation for the rest of their lives.

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Honestly if Joe Biden doesn't win this by a landslide I will be pretty surprised!!✌️💙

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Please don't be complacent. Vote.

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The Biden campaign needs to maintain its focus on President Biden's accomplishments and Trump's threat to our democracy and completely ignore RFK Jr. Don't give him any political oxygen.

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I think it was smart to have the Kennedy clan all come out against him. Those who love the Kennedys will give RFK Jr a bit of pause knowing that.

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You know, the Kennedy clan created Special Olympics (Eunice Shriver), the Peace Corps (Jack Kennedy), and also the Presidential Awards for school children (Jack Kennedy). Maria Shriver is now on Jill Biden’s team regarding Women’s Health and disparities that Black women have faced. They are a family that gives. Somewhere along the line, RFK, Jr. lost his way. No wonder his 90+ mama goes to Mass everyday!

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Perhaps he reverted to his grandfather.

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Praying that Sideshow Bob regains his sanity.

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It’s the brain drain, and his brain is draining.

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Well there shouldn't be a problem with that because pretty much every other Kennedy has come out against him !! And in a big way✌️💙

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Just that photo shoot alone was wonderful. Now, their ads against Sideshow Bob must drive him crazier. To be a fly on that wall.

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We must apply that strategy as well.

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I love all the "believes Bill Gates developed an injectable chip to track our every moment" takes, usually written on an iPhone (or Android, doesn't matter) that is DEFINITELY TRACKING your every movement.

Serious lack of critical thinking there ace (not the author, naturally)

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I remember in the early days of the vaccine when the MAGAts worried about the vaccine giving people 5G capability and Democrats mocking them with "where can I sign up? we don't get 5G in my neighborhood!"

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Mocking is a great weapon. Along with public shaming, it’s not something we use often enough.

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Disapprobation from our peers is a much greater incentive for good behavior than the law.

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Actually being shunned by those in your orbit is a FAR greater disincentive than the more abstract possibility of something like jail.

We should make use of that more often.

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Empty G deserves to be mocked when she asks what Bill Gates is cooking up in his ‘peach tree dishes’. She definitely deserves the Mrs. Malaprop award.

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Shaming people is unkind. And it tends to drive them away from human connection with those they see as responsible for such humiliation.

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“Shaming people is unkind.”

Oh, dear. Is it? Gosh, wouldn’t want to be unkind to the people calling for imprisonment and/or extermination of people just because they look different or have a different opinion.

Less flippantly, I get your point about not driving them away, but the “they go low, then we go high” approach has failed. It *should* be painful for them. It’s the lack of consequence that continues to embolden them.

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James Carville is definitely a fan of mocking as an effective tool, especially against the Donald.

Since tfg has such a thin skin & is so vain, that mocking him really makes him even more angry & unhinged than he already is.

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Sometimes it has a way of backfiring because some people don't realize we're joking. Although, come to think of it, that makes joking/mocking even funnier. When the clueless run down mysteries with no solutions they wind up running around in circles.

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I was thinking of mocking as an insult more than as it as being a joke. Certainly it can be done as a joke/satire, and sometimes that is more effective.

I’m in favor of which ever route makes the person become very self-conscious about what they’re doing and then hesitatant to continue with it.

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That works.

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😂good point

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Both Sideshow Bob and DJT need permanent heavy sedation because they not follow and believe conspiracy theories they spew them almost every chance they get.

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re: "... higher information, Biden-inclined voters ..., while lower information, Trump-inclined voters..."

VERY clever choice of words, Jay!!

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It is a fact, though! Most higher information voters (college educated, vote regularly) are pro-Biden.

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Which makes it even more beautiful to read.

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Jay Kuo: Orange-Pervert whines that RFK, Jr. is a "Democratic Plant".

I am still trying to wrap my arms around that one!

Only from the Orange-Carnival-Barker!

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It really is head spinning.

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As they say, every Republican accusation is a confession.

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Every day every accusation that becomes more apparent to those of us paying attention.

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RFKjr is a "Democrat plant" only because that fits tRump's narrative for the delusional reality he's living in at the moment. RFKjr is running as an "independent" because Democratic donors were having nothing to do with him, but the MAGA cult will believe whatever tRump tells them. If RFKjr had agreed to be tRump's VP the delusional reality the MAGA cult would be living in would be very different. tRump just haz a sad because he's not getting more of those sweet Tim Mellon $$$$$$$$s

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Sideshow Bob is the Democratic Venus flytrap snatching up voters from the Orange Molasses Blob Boss.

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Orange Molasses Blob Boss and Sideshow Bob are birds of a feather that deserve each other.

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Who are Kennedy's supporters (e.g., segmented by age, gender, geography, urban/suburban/rural, socioeconomic status, educational background, etc.)?

By the way, I am not related and will definitely not be voting for Kennedy!

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We know generally they are lower information voters. They exist everywhere but are more prevalent in rural counties. While he has some higher educated supporters, those who actually are paying attention will likely realize he doesn’t live up to the Kennedy name.

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Especially when the Kennedy family (including RFK Jr's sister) is endorsing Biden!

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That's a spectacular thing to behold.

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I just hope Sideshow Bob continues to siphon off voters from the Orange Molasses Blob Boss.

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Thank you for your direct response and additional perspective.

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Information here I wasn't fully aware of...thanks! I realized Junior was a wing nut, but holy smokes... He's out there. Trump with no hair, though? Theres a visual! HAHA But it continues to blow me away that people would STILL vote for Trump. After all thats been exposed, are we really sure an ignorant and depraved society ???

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That's a segment of our society that we must acknowledge has always existed and DJT just keeps feeding them scraps of bs.

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Sadly true… where is the decency? 🤦‍♀️

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Dumbass Donny is the cult leader, and his followers swallow everything he says. It’s difficult for cult followers to break from the cult.

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Nice summary.

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I did enjoy the St. Patrick's Day photo, where all of the Kennedys posed with Biden. I hope both Trump and Junior had a mini-stroke when they saw it.

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Wasn't it rumored, at least, that both DJT and Sideshow Bob needed heavy sedation on that day?

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Finally,someone has seen and pointed out whatI have thought all along.

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Thank you Jay! And I always thought he would be more of a Ross Perot than a Ralph Nader!

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I thought he'd prove to be the sideshow freak that we're seeing.

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Trump has not yet committed to the idea that RFK, Jr. is a threat. We will know he has gone all in when he starts using a derogatory nickname á la "Crooked Hilary" or "Sleepy Joe," something like "Wobbly Robby." Once he crosses that bridge, you will know that he sees a real threat. Right now he's leaning that way, but keeping his options open.

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I hope Sideshow Bob sticks it out until the end and claims the election was rigged against him because that would be icing and sprinkles on the cake.

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Is he really “untreated”?? I thought he was a recovered heroin addict?

If he is still using, how can he be running for president?

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