As an experienced former Tarot reader, I must fact-check here. She didnt pull the Death card - she pulled the 5 of Cups, which is arguably much worse. Death just means change, for good or bad, but 5C unambiguously means loss, failure, ruin.

Meanwhile, her prediction for Biden was the Nine of Pentacles - which means happiness and security. As a Tarot reader, I couldn't have picked better cards for this.

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I certainly do hope that Tarot card does mean loss, failure, and ruin for Trump. May he lose all his court cases, may he be ruined financially and may he fail in his run for President.

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Better yet, may all of that happen AND he's LEGALLY BANNED from even running for President. Of course, that will likely depend on a SCOTUS ruling. So yeah, I'm good with him failing in his run for President.

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I’m hoping SCOTUS rules against him but not counting on it.

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Thank you for explaining!

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Thank you for spelling that out for the inexperienced folks! That’s amazing!

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More than six million US citizens reside in foreign countries and ALL can vote, including thousands of college students studying overseas. Our votes are protected by federal law, too.

We vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Know any?

Have them request their ballot via votefromabroad.org

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Yep! My son and I vote from Germany.

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I'm curious how that works? What state's electors do these Americans vote for? And it's weird that American citizens in Europe can vote for President, but American citizens in Puerto Rico and Guam can't.

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The last state you legally were resident in is the one where you have the right to vote in federal elections. I was in VA and the state election laws do prohibit me from voting for state and local elections. A shame that is I am disenfranchised despite paying VA taxes during my absence.

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The Death Card on Fox! 😳😂 And a day of falconry with RFK JR? Can we be a little more entitled? Good grief! And that puzzle? HAHAHA! Always grateful for the smiles on Saturday. Thanks! 💙✌️

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I thought the best part of falconry with RFK Jr was the response about quail hunting with Dick Cheney: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney_hunting_accident

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It really was....😂😂 I remember the Cheney incident.

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Between the little munchkins seeing for the first time and the skateboarding turtle, it looks to be a good new year 🤸‍♀️

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We are turtle lovers, and it did our hearts good to see the turtle chasing the cat! Hah!🤣❤️

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I laughed so hard at the reaction to the uncle’s tamales, I thought I was having a heart attack. I’m still recovering. The Dick Cheney reference was on point. I think I might know the WiFi guy; “Just give me your password”! Great start to my Saturday. Thanks Jay!

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I was laughing hard too!

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Maureen, 100%

Turns out, laughter IS contagious (happily 🤣❣️)

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Yes! The Tamales! I had to forward that to my sister and brother in law who join friends to make tamales every year.. with a few hilarious failures over the years. Still laughing! And “just give me your password”, hilarious!

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"Jeffrey wants to have us over for dinner."



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Never had much use for Tarot card interpreters, but the "Death Card for tRump" puts a whole new spin on it...bravo!

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The best part of the skateboarding turtle was the cat noping the heck right out of there and the turtle speeding after it. Hahaha.

And omg the wifi guy. "Just give me your password" yeah, no way.

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Just a reminder for everyone. The FBI is still looking for a bunch of people in connection with the 6 Jan 2023 violence. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence-images

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Some of those pics are hard to make out, but some are clear as day. Someone has to know who they are.

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OMG the death card for Trump live on Fox News! 🤣 And anyone who thinks Vanilla Ice > Green Day is a seriously deranged individual who needs some therapy.

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Oh those Swifty raccoons! And the gerrymandered brownie... swoon.

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Oh and those babies seeing clearly... so beautiful.

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I so wanted those raccoons to climb on each other and reach the lock! Drat!

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Hard to pick one this week. Loved the turtle, little ones who their glasses and happy expressions with good sight and the man "let me have your password".

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So bizarre and funny!

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I was able to make only a small donation to Tom Suozzi, but I guess every little bit counts if you were able to get 30 K in recent contributions. Thank you for everything you do, Jay, including making us laugh.

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Always hilarious/enjoyable, thanks Jay!

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These are the best! Thanks I needed this today.

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Just wanted you to know that though i love your indepth analysis and coverage of current events, I finally subscribed because I laugh out loud rather than cry because of your Xeets and Giggles! Thank you and sorry it took me so long to subscribe

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