I hope you had as much fun collecting this stuff as we do reading it. Thanks, Jay, for saving our sanity.

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Re: Trump, the battery, and the shark. As a scholar, and an applied scientist, I believe in testing one's theories. So, I think we should grab Trump, a battery, and a shark, yeet the three of them into the ocean, and see what happened.

P. S. The smiling doggo who likes ear scratches is the bestest!

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I like it!

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The susanalbumparty reminds me of way back when the internet first started turning into a shopping mall. There was a site we used at my workplace to order office supplies, but then my workplace started blocking "questionable" URLs and there was a bit of drama when the site got blocked. The name of the site was Pen Island, so take a guess what the URL was? (And yes, this is a true story. Hand to god or whatever that saying is). We had the same problem with Microsft's Exchange site because it was msexchange.com.

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Can confirm; I've cited Pen Island before, so thanks for mentioning that old favorite.

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On our computers, I had to disable the word that resembles the word “public” (minus the l) because the policy shop I was working in often wrote reports about “public access”. “Public” is an easy victim of that mischievous typo that passes spell check.

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I wasn't halfway through your first sentence when I thought of penisland.com. If it wasn't your example, it would have been mine. 😊

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That's hilarious! Thanks for the laughs, LC Sharkey!

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Silliness is exactly what we needed after this week. The clip from 2Husketeers is priceless. A dog with a kitchen utensil drum kit while the guy “plays” his broom and paper towel trombone.

What I really want to see is to have someone build a shark feature like Universal Studios had in their Jaws exhibit and put it in one of the water hazards at Trump’s golf courses so it rears out whenever he approaches. I would never stop laughing.

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That is GENIUS!

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And if he was so panicked he fell in and there was a battery…

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Make the shark battery-powered. With an electric boat motor.

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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife is definitely real. People love to troll them with "can we pet it?" when they post pictures of unpettable animals: cougar, bear, alligator, etc. They are very funny and worth a follow.

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That’s awesome.

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Gorsuch: "I did real good in High School chemistry, so I'm gonna apply my knowledge to defining what are pollutant things, coz I's a polymath...just ask my mum."

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The laughing-gas reference in the decision is pure poetry! Smug smarmy judges. 🥸

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It’s so perfect, right?

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AND, it's now a historical reference! Karma!!

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And yet, he is most certainly going to blame his law clerk for it. Similar to Alito blaming his wife for hoisting the insurrectionist flags at their houses. Yet interestingly, when I was a law clerk to a Federal Bankruptcy Judge, he ALWAYS reviewed and revised any drafts I drafted. NO opinion was published without my Judge's major input and review. It is his name on it after all.

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Where can I get a Freudian Slip, and I aspire to be the elephant in the room too!! 😂

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What a great halloween party costume for people to put together when they see it!

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I have an event (not even Halloween) I'd love to wear that to, as well.

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I would buy that too!! Let’s make it happen!!! Side hustle???

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That dad with the Mickey Mouse night light that his girls painted wins for me.

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Xheets and Giggles always makes my week end well!

Welcome back, Sarah Cooper! Close second is the guys lip syncing Biden and trump's golf convo.

For pure sweetness, the man and his daughters fingerpainting.


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Sarah Cooper for the win. Better laughs than nitrous oxide ever gave Gorsuch.

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Looks like Hitler has his MAGA hi tops on the wrong feet 😜 🤔 And the wax Abraham Lincoln 🙀

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The funny thing is that Hitler was impressed with American segregation laws and read Henry Ford's "The American Jew".

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The lip syncs ROCK!

Plus, the teacher advice for the 10 (613?) commandments -- priceless!!! I love these, Jay. Thank you so much for always making the effort. Laughter is good medicine❣️

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I just farted...I cry-laughed. Phew, I needed that.

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NOW my weekend is complete!!! Thank you Jay - I look forward to seeing this every weekend!!! 👋🤣😎

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Oklahoma Wildlife is real and totally awesome! Great content, check out their cougar advice 🤣

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I really, truly wish this would have happened on Thursday just to get the media attention it would have immediately gotten -

Joe; (at the onset) “ok here we go folks, I feel like I’m back in 2008 talking about Rudy Giuliani except with this clown it’s going to be nothing but a noun, a verb and ‘migrant invasion’ for the rest of the night..”

Joe (later on) “so I heard Donald was happy to see the Ten Commandants displayed in Louisiana schools despite the separation of church and state we have in this country (and I say that as a practicing Catholic who has never wavered), but can Donald at least let us know which of these commandments he’s so happy about??? In fact why not recite the ten commandants for us right now sir, go ahead ! We can skip over “thou shalt not commit adultery” for obvious reasons but I’ll give you a head start “thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal”….ok GO ! And turn his mic back on let’s hear this ! Go ahead Donald ….!”

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I would have coached him on being hilarious and just taking Trump down as a clown.

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I think he should wear a sharkskin suit to the September debate... 😎

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Or Jimmy Kimmel explaining the Ten Commandants (Trump version)


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