The press may be woefully underreporting on the dangers of Project 2025, but social media has picked up the slack. And with it came some biting humor, especially as Trump sought to deny his connection to and knowledge of it.
This meme came back in some hilarious ways.
Or maybe this:
The Project’s strategy of oppressing women and silencing political opposition seemed familiar.
The denial just lent itself so well to cultural templates.
The GOP released its platform in ALL CAPS ahead of next week’s convention, and folks had thoughts.
Speaking of the GOP platform…
There was also significant frustration over the media ignoring the release of the Epstein files after it was clear Donald Trump was all over them.
Trump as a sexual predator and rapist needs to be hammered home, and this was a fine addition.
Here’s another amazing response.
And one more lol
Speaking of Sen. Hawley, this was pitch perfect.
Jimmy Fallon summed up the obsession of the media on Biden instead of Trump.
This should become a campaign slogan.
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Trump unironically tried to capitalize on Biden confusing names, but Biden shut him down quickly.
George Clooney’s OpEd stabbing Biden in the back wasn’t well received in some quarters.
And as Trump gets ready to pick his new VP, it’s important to ask just one question:
This made me laugh aloud because, well, just so good.
Also, this truth bomb was both funny and painful.
Speaking of corrupt justices, we learned that someone paid for Justice Clarence Thomas to take a yacht trip to Russia and visit one of Putin’s palaces.
Biden has been on the upswing of late, with a pretty decent and capable press conference at the NATO Summit to start things off. But this made me smile even more.
Speaking of people who should be in prison, Rep. Marjorie Three Names tried to sound smart. And, well,
And in other howling banshee news, right wing nut-job Laura Loomer got shut down in the most epic way during a hearing. Sound on for this clip.
There were lots of fireworks on the 4th but some folks still found a way to complain.
It seemed Elon Musk is still a big man-baby.
By “work” he means destroy our civil discourse and pollute it with Nazis, trolls and disinformation, but okay.
In far better news, the left in France showed how to unite against the threat of fascism.
“We’ll have what they’re having.”
They even got their own memes:
This was my favorite poem this week.
Time for animals being their true selves. Like this cat.
Need a d’awwww moment?
This looks like the beginning of a great friendship.
I was not expecting this.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing with this duo.
And despite being hilarious, do not try this at home. Please.
And now for some random internet humor. Now that’s what I’m Tolkien about!
Did no one think this through?
I legit feel sorry for this woman.
First, an earworm:
And to wrap things up, a Star Wars dad joke.
I’m off to a day of Human Rights Campaign meetings in DC. We’re going to turn out millions of Equality Voters for the November election, just you watch!
Have a terrific weekend—
Omg, the auctioneer with Laura Loomer. Epic!!!
Hope there’s lots of response to your collective GOTV efforts. 💋
For the win: squirrel appreciating beauty!