Excellent, as always. Anyone whoever had their grandma cut their hair, knows how that naked alpaca feels. I'm really happy about social media taking care of the things the actual media won't. Enjoy your weekend. #GoJoe
I was going to go with Trump Signature Modified or his legal team or Laura Loomer being auctioned off. And then came the Alpaca, the cat taking care of finishing business, and the Dog&Cat partnership for treat retrieval. And the happy squirrel. You've outdone yourself, Jay.
I love and appreciate you so much Jay! Thank you for giving me a belly full of laughs and hope this morning. Xeets and Giggles is consistently my favorite political events of the week.
The audio on the Laura Looner clip 🤣😂🤣😂. MTG never fails to show her ignorance. She is the epitome of “Open mouth, insert foot”. Every time! Thanks Jay.
Omg, the auctioneer with Laura Loomer. Epic!!!
They need that auctioneer in the house so he can do the same thing to mtg, bobo and others whenever they go off on their rants.
I yield back--hahahahaha!
Absolutely, had to share that one.
Hope there’s lots of response to your collective GOTV efforts. 💋
For the win: squirrel appreciating beauty!
Had to screenshot that one
Xeets & Giggles = Laughs & Snorting Coffee on my Keyboard.
Excellent, as always. Anyone whoever had their grandma cut their hair, knows how that naked alpaca feels. I'm really happy about social media taking care of the things the actual media won't. Enjoy your weekend. #GoJoe
I was going to go with Trump Signature Modified or his legal team or Laura Loomer being auctioned off. And then came the Alpaca, the cat taking care of finishing business, and the Dog&Cat partnership for treat retrieval. And the happy squirrel. You've outdone yourself, Jay.
I was going to go with the Trump signature until I saw the photo of his legal defense team. Perfect!
As for that poor Alpaca, it's easy to see why they aren't raised as a source of meat.
I didn't know that alpacas are susceptible to alopecia.
Auctioneering talk needs to become part of the core curriculum in public schools so that youngins can learn how to deal with modern Republicans.
A therapeutic release of tension and stress through ear to ear grins and smiles and blurts of glee!
I was so sure you couldnt get me laughing this week - I don’t know how you do it!!
Brilliant as always! Thank you!!
(I laughed - a lot)
I love and appreciate you so much Jay! Thank you for giving me a belly full of laughs and hope this morning. Xeets and Giggles is consistently my favorite political events of the week.
The bear! OMG!! He was like, "Hey, you invited me! Where's the food?"
I used to go to cow auctions with my Dad. This was perfect!
We go Joe!
The audio on the Laura Looner clip 🤣😂🤣😂. MTG never fails to show her ignorance. She is the epitome of “Open mouth, insert foot”. Every time! Thanks Jay.
ALL great this week! That poor alpaca must be so embarrassed. As a fan of the Terminator movies, I think the Sarah O’Connor tweet is hysterical.
Look forward to this post every week! ❤️🤍💙
The pupper who learned how to move things is awesome! I hope my animals don't see this, because I don't want them getting ideas.