There are some people who insist that we shouldn’t make fun of the absurdly false and unsubstantiated claim that immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating people’s pets, or that undocumented migrants are getting free sex change operations in prison.
I am not one of those people. All folks of good faith and intelligence, including Vice President Kamala Harris herself, laughed at Trump when he spewed his nonsense. It was hard not to. And for me, laughter remains the best antidote to fascism and fear, even while MAGA folks use false rumors to terrorize a whole community. Laughter, for me, is the key to overcoming horror.
For example: Share the moment with these folks at a watch party, when Trump repeated that ridiculous claim about migrants eating cats and dogs. Remember, he hates being laughed at. If you don’t have TikTok, you can see the clip here on Twitter.)
If you need more of this medicine, here are folks from a watch party in the key swing state of Pennsylvania witnessing the same moment.
Snoop Dog meme is on point here again.
I also have this now forever in my arsenal of responses.
I doubt anything so ridiculous has ever been uttered at a presidential debate. Pair the pet feasting with the rest of what Trump said, and my feed quickly blew up with memes and hot takes that will live on far past the debate.
Within moments:
And of course, Stefon from SNL:
I do love a short and perfect encapsulation:
So much for that debate prep, Donald.
Jeff Tiedrich, bringing it full circle.
Alex Cole reminding us of MAGA hypocrisy:
Perhaps it’s all deflection?
Speaking of RFK, Jr….
Here’s one for the cat people.
For you Impractical Jokers fans…
(If you don’t know these guys, their shtick is to tell people to say hilarious, silly or outrageous things.)
Trump’s word salad has reached Cards Against Humanity interchangeability.
And of all places for the alleged canis-balism to occur… Springfield?
I mean, the memes nearly write themselves.
Oh, I need this book, but not to read to Riley for a while I think!
And so, here’s the really amazing thing:
It took a day or two for the remixes to come out. Here’s one.
And here’s the best one, IMHO, which I have watched too many times.
Let’s hear it for ’80s nostalgia.
And here’s another…
After Tuesday, “Trumpshit crazy” could become a thing.
New paid supporters have really trickled off lately, so if you’ve been thinking about upgrading your account to a paid one, it would make my day!
Okay, back to the debate. It was of course more than just about the insane stuff Trump said. There had been early hints of how off the rails the entire debate would go.
And things were a bit stacked in Trump’s favor.
But Kamala Harris cooked his goose throughout the night.
This was me while watching and live commenting on the debate:
Apparently, this loser was among those who prepped Trump for the night:
Also the other members of the Trump team.
Hard to argue with this.
Or with this.
I had this same thought!
In fact, here is that very moment, as seen from a bar debate watch party.
Chasten Buttigieg has game.
I loved this take.
Trump’s mic was muted but not quite enough.
Harris says one thing about people leaving his rallies...
As he started spiraling, Harris’s “concerned for us all” face said it all. But it’s even better with this soundtrack:
Let’s not forget Trump’s statement about his health care plan!
Hahahaha perfect! I’m going to use it from now on.
My friend sent me this because I love La Croix Pamplemousse soda so much.
Trump’s performance was so bad, MAGA has spent the last few days trying to cope.
This is a real tweet.
The “blame the biased moderators” angle soon emerged.
Harris did so well, MAGA just assumed she’d gotten the questions in advance—and not that she’s just a very experienced, qualified and deadly debater. Kevin Sorbo here showing he doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together…
This is a rhetorical question, I presume.
They even started saying Harris’s earrings were somehow feeding her answers.
The debate was so good for Harris that this happened. (Yes, it’s the whole debate. I won’t link it here.)
The post debate hasn’t been going well for Trump either.
But his close association with right-wing provocateur and racist internet troll Laura Loomer could explain why Trump is acting like he’s a walking YouTube comment thread.
Trump has been so handsy with Loomer that folks are beginning to wonder again where Melania is.
The second worst human on the planet decided to lay down some irony.
And then this chaser:
Conspiracy theorists, in a nutshell:
Okay, enough of sad humans. That was a lot of politics and this piece is already very long, so here are some brief shots and clips of happy pups.
Sometimes we need to rely on the kindness of otters.
We all have that coworker. Watch the clip here.
Note: The above clip is a Facebook video designed for the video app on your phone, so if it’s being buggy or opening incorrectly, try opening it on your phone or tablet.
Also, I want this job but would be terrified, too.
Humans make some funny things sometimes. Was this intentional?
Speaking of inanimate but sexy…
For the cost conscious among us, a hack:
I’m expecting my daughter to be this way.
And of course, to round things out, a dad joke for your weekend and the coming fall season:
Have a great rest of your weekend!
I hate to say I told you so, but I said during the live chat on Big Picture that Xeets and Giggles was going to be epic.
I told you so.
Funny as always.
Not so funny is MAGA is using the pet eating thing to fuel violence in Ohio, trying to incite stochastic terrorism against the immigrant community and scare enough people to flip the Senate seat. I wonder what's the best way to counter that. Ten years of this crap has shown us that scolding and appealing to morality doesn't work, so maybe just mocking it is the way to go.