Some perfect zingers this week Jay! Other than misreading “Bill Burr” as “Bill Barr” and wondering how he managed to get that lovely double bird to marry him, I cracked up with “When confronted on allegations he used campaign funds for Botox, [Santos] appeared unmoved”. Brilliant!

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I read it as "Bill Barr" too. lol

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The photo of Sen. Mullin standing on a box behind a podium triggered a memory of Sen. John Tower of Texas, who was so short, he often stood on a coke box behind podiums. But he was still a big man (despite being a Republican) because he would always joke. "My name is Tower, but I don't." It never failed to get a good laugh. He wasn't the least bit insecure about it.

The Lambada got the biggest smile from me today.

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Reminds me of DeSantis and his absurdly high boots. It's not funny to laugh at a person if they are short and they don't let it bother them, it's hilatious to poke fun if they are short and it bothers them a lot and they make efforts to deny reality.

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Precisely. It’s not because they just come up short.

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OMG Jay , you made a dad joke ! So proud of you !😅🤣😂

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The "manly man" cartoon nails it...I mean, people like Markwayne(?) "Hold my beer" Mullin, and Josh "Faster than Usain Bolt" Hawley so easily get shown up, one wonders why they even bother. But, all part of today's GOP pathology.

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Catscan! Hurts so good!

Also - On a different note - I'm about half way through MA IN ALL CAPS. It's wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious, poignant...and I'm beginning to understand MA's grammatical structure. Really. I don't mean that in a "why doesn't she speak standard English?" at all. I'm beginning to understand the consistencies of how she uses verbs, for example.

And, that makes me an official grammar doofus.

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I love that!

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I love George Takei so much! I loved the takedown of the bigot-sore-loser-swimmer (I refuse to say her name) and also George T's quip. Oh, and the Superfreak doggos, and the Lambada puppy! And love the butterfly caiman! Oh, and the singing raven! So many good ones! Thank you, Jay. 🙂🙏🏼

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I wonder if Mr. Mullin has ever read any history at all. Because then he'd know that fighting with a Teamster (and an Irish Teamster at that) doesn't generally end well. Haha.

The Botox and unmoved comment make me snort. So simple and yet absolutely hilarious.

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I have not yet ever posted on Threads or on substack, but I occasionally comment and always read much of what is on those. This week, it really creeped me out that Lara Trump tried to follow me. Now I know why. She must be desperate.

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That was a bot.

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But still put out to draw attention to her and/or her song?

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I almost fell off my chair with the Mullin portion. Thanks for my Saturday laughs. Now I can continue with my day with a smile.

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Oooh, I love the fabulous Caiman! And, as an OnlyFans pinup girl - yes, George Santos, please steer more of your Republican colleagues and donors our way. We'll put your cash to much better use, since you'll be paying people who ACTUALLY do something.

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Many blessings upon you, Jay! Thank you for always having a lift for our spirits! 🥰🥰🥰

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Cats for the win on that pun. And mine open my drawers to see what I have concealed...

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George’s reply to that Black Santa nonsense is the funniest thing I’ve read in days.

And that dancing cocker spaniel butt - OMG! ❤️❤️

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Elaine for the win!! Or BellBros, wow that’s some voodoo majic right there. Mrs Barr comes up a very close 2nd, unless you’re a real crocodile fan. Great collection this week Jay! Have a fabulous Thanksforgiving. ❤️

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I don't care about Santos...he's unimportant.

I care that the Senate Judiciary Committee, once again, has failed to issue subpoenas related to SCOTUS corruption.

I care that, once again, we're careening to the next shutdown and Houss Democrats refuse to go on offense.

I care that we're less than a year from the 2024 election and the Biden campaign seems not to be campaigning.

I care that, for all the endless PR, Fani Willis has managed to give only sweetheart deals (with no real consequences), bungled a protective order, and now has made a scheduling request that's inevitably leading to a post-election trial (assuming Trump loses the election).

I care that Judge Cannon's open contempt for DOJ, and absurd delays and rulings are further eroding trust in the rule of law...and again, there seems to be no remedies.Just as there seem to be no ability to stop Trump from openly maligning court officials and witnesses.

This country is in grave danger, and the weak points are glaring and growing.

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I take a much different approach. There have been a few mistakes but nothing egregious. Take the weekends off from the anxiety of it all!

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I appreciate your perspective, but we're in the countdown phase to the election with mo clear messaging, we're crashing towards a government shutdown with no apparent urgency, SCOTUS has upcoming consequential decisions which pose a massive conflict (with zero action by Senate Democrats), Musk continues to receive massive government subsidies (despite crashing yet another rocket...the money SpaceX receives could fund enormous projects for struggling Americans...and despite lighting an antisemitism rhetorical grenade)...

Pro-fascist forces don't take weekends off.

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Many of the things you complain about are the result of Dems trying to work in a democracy not an autocracy, and the legal system having flaws that constrain what remedies CAN or SHOULD be used. And to be fair, we only see what is either announced by those in authority, or leaked by those with something to gain by doing so. The analogy of the duck serenely gliding about the lake while frantically paddling under the water comes to mind eh? As for the Dems campaigning - I live outside the US and see lots of evidence that they ARE, but in general MSM are too busy with dysfunctional Republicans (including Drumpf) and trivial stuff that seems more exciting, than reporting on positive messaging from the Dems. Also, it is 12 months out & what will be relevant with a couple of months to go might well be completely different, so the strategy Dems are using to lay foundational messaging about fitness to govern & survival of democracy & rights, is one everyone can amplify without having to worry that it won't still be relevant by election day ...

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Consistent messaging and disciplined execution of said messaging is not incompatible with democracy.

I would like to believe that a 3D strategy is in the works, but we're less than a year from the election and there's no hint of a plan.

Some issues may improve on their own, such as inflation, but the lack of urgency on the part of Democratic leadership is jarring.

People are deeply worried, and every time we turn around, the House and Senate are on recess...no one is talking to Americans about their fears.

Sure, some people will return, but the assumption that the shaky pro-democracy coalition will return in full in 2024 is a dangerous one.

Half the country believes that Democrats are the threat to democracy...somehow Democrats have managed to lose ground on even this crucial messaging issue. We're down to individual freedoms as the last remaining hope.

There's an unwarranted underlying assumption that Americans won't reelect Trump. If the current levels of apathy and cynicism don't abate, this is exactly what will happen...again.

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From the research & in-person polling I read, I think you are too pessimistic. Sure, don't ASSUME anything, but there is also a danger in being too negative and people picking up on the message that it's not worth bothering because it is predestined. Still make the point that 12 months is a LONG LONG way out ... And where do you get "no-one is talking to Americans about their fears"? Widen your news/commentary sources? Inflation is already substantially under control, so ...? Yes, "people are deeply worried" and everything I read is that those who see that are pulling out all the stops to prevent Drumpf & his poisonous cohort from returning to power - hence the election results in 2020, 2022, 2023 - all against the predictions of the doomsayers ... People who care are fighting tooth & nail based on hope and a better vision - I choose to be with THEM...

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There is a vast difference between raising the alarms on complacency and telling people not to vote.

Crossover votes from suburban Republican women made the difference in 2023...when abortion was on the ballot or the focus of a gubernatorial race. It may even be enough to win back the House (we lost the House in 2022, a narrow loss vs a red wave is still a loss) but the Senate and the presidency will require broader and more urgent messaging.

Black voter turnout has decreased since 2020...we saw this again in 2023. Mike Madrid has been warning of Latino erosion. John Della Volpe is warning of GenZ apathy...particularly in light of the war in Israel.

By the election, perhaps most of the 2020 coalition will hold, but with razor thin margins, Democrats should be mobilizing now, and I don't see this happening at all.

I'm extremely worried because there are third party candidates, an absence of strong messaging, and no margin for error.

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Jay you are the best! It’s been a rough week and reading these made me LOL! My Chewy does more of a tap dance and my cats can be down right evil. Thanks for the time and effort you put into this. We needed it.

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Someone pleeeeeaaassseee find out who was the OnlyFans channel. The donors deserve that info!!

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