The pall of gallows humor still lingers in the air. But it’s helping us cope.
We’ve all cursed in the last two weeks more than we have in a lifetime.
Trump’s false claims of overwhelming victory have been the subject of some discussion.
I haven’t had a man date in some time, come to think of it.
At the same time, it’s been satisfying to watch the incoming Trump administration begin to devour itself.
Speaking of devouring…
(The Deep is a humorous and dark take on Aquaman, for those unfamiliar with the series.)
This week remained fairly horrific as the subject of staffing and the Trump cabinet continued to make headlines.
Crying / laughing, we’d better get used to it.
There were a lot of “Oh, come on!” moments.
He even named the wrestling lady to destro—I mean, head the Department of Education.
Of course the one that had everyone, including Republicans, raising their eyebrows (ahem) was Matt Gaetz. It certainly fit a pattern…
As furor grew around the unreleased House Ethics report, the right tried somehow to file it under “more of the same politics.”
Anticipating the false equivalencies, the NYT Pitchbot was on point.
I’d written up a piece about how I thought Trump’s first gambit with Gaetz would fail, and I’d barely hit publish when the news alert hit my phone.
Wow, that was really fast!
The Onion FTW.
The commentary came in hot as tea.
This made me spit up mine.
The first win, against an administration that hasn’t even yet begun, felt so damn great.
Even childish humor landed well.
It was a time to take no prisoners.
Oh wow, this one.
Keep ’em coming, folks!
The great Andy Borowitz, bringing it back home.
Support independent news with a dose of humor! I depend 100% on the kindness and generosity of strangers to do my work. Can I count you among them?
With the barbarians no longer at the Gaetz, there was speculation about who might replace him.
Spoiler alert: It wound up being someone who looks a lot like Ivanka, surprise surprise.
Meanwhile, MAGA folks are starting to realize that prices at Wal-Mart are about to go way up. Hey, I love this idea:
Two problems solved at once!
Of course, Joe Biden continued to be our president, but in the spirit of laughing at ourselves, TBH this was a funny moment. Twitter link here.
The other thing that seized headlines was (checks notes) a move to restrict bathroom access at the Capitol. No, really. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) pushed a bill to keep a single incoming trans House member, Rep. Sarah McBride (D-DE), from using the women’s public restroom. Because, national priorities, right?
Here’s a quick summary on Twitter from The Daily Show.
The absurdity of this all led to scathing commentary. Preach, Parkhomenko!
I‘m with Keith on this:
Jo Jo didn’t hold back:
In fact… per the Rep. Kimble satire account,
Top comment had me OMGing
The hatred against trans women started to boomerang as it normally does.
I know this is unfair, but they started it.
The toxicity on Twitter has led to an exodus to Bluesky, which I hope can be sustained, but they keep trying to follow us there too.
But enough of humans being in places they shouldn’t. Here’s a dishwasher cat.
Winter is coming, and here’s one of my favorite reminders.
Close Encounters of the Toad Kind?
Tell me a story without telling me a story.
Don’t worry, nothing’s wounded but his pride. Twitter clip here.
In other human news, Mike Tyson fought some former Disney Kid on Netflix. But whyyyyy?
Since we’re putting vaccine skeptics in charge,
Everyone’s a “hippo” expert on their side, right?
Not only do they want idiots in charge, they want us all to be idiots. We’re halfway there.
Here’s Exhibit 2:
Here’s a sobering thought.
Some resent stupidity, others height.
Hmmm, something to that.
The algorithms are starting to show me more parenting jokes, it seems.
And this one. This one is just epic. Watch the Twitter clip here.
And kids think they know everything these days.
Speaking of dragons, this tweet about this clip: 10/10, no notes.
So, to make the live action, they had to use so much, um, animation.
For you Wicked fans who saw that interview… (where Ariana nailed it?)
I’m embarrassed to say I understood this right away.
I need to learn how to descend to this level of awesome pettiness.
Okay, and now can’t unsee.
A series of random bits of insight and humor:
This one rings a bell.
A sign of the times.
Wait, is that the Joker?
This is modern living:
Brenda was put in her place.
Yes, folks, that was my first and hopefully not last Bluesky post grab.
I have accidentally done this, too. Just not to my boss!
I’m picturing this happening and then her face afterwards and I can’t stop giggling.
To round things out, a dad joke and bonus commentary on where we are.
See? Laughing crying!
I’m bundling up the baby and getting on a plane headed back to NYC. See you on the flip side—
My very devoted Catholic friend was once enlightening me on the terrors of trans women 10-15 years ago. He asked me, "Don't you worry about your young daughter being in a bathroom with a trans?!" Me: "I'd be more worried about my young son with a priest." The conversation ended there. Side Note: We were still and still are great friends. It's amazing to think back to when people could disagree without hatred.
Well, when the Ministery of Silly Walks takes over, we'll all be going down stairs like that. 🤷♀️😏