My very devoted Catholic friend was once enlightening me on the terrors of trans women 10-15 years ago. He asked me, "Don't you worry about your young daughter being in a bathroom with a trans?!" Me: "I'd be more worried about my young son with a priest." The conversation ended there. Side Note: We were still and still are great friends. It's amazing to think back to when people could disagree without hatred.
When my boys were little they would wander into the bathroom when I was seated doing my business and my only concern was that I’d forgotten to lock the door so I wouldn’t have to answer questions like: “Mom, why are you sitting down to pee? Doesn’t your penis aim better when you’re standing up?”
Ha! I remember going into a public restroom and having to take my 3yo daughter into the stall with me because I couldn’t leave her outside alone. As I was sitting down, she asked in her piercing 3yo voice, “Mommy - why do you have hair there?!?” Another “why me?” moment. 🙄🤪😁
YEARS ago, like the early 80s, there was a bar I'd frequent in Philly that had the restrooms marked "just like an airplane." That has stuck with me forever.
OK, I have to admit, that I always love these, but in case you need a chuckle, I saw this earlier today, and it’s a dad joke for a teenager: A man walked into a library and asked the librarian, "Do you have any books on Pavlov's dogs and Schrödinger's cat?
The librarian replied, "It rings a bell, but I'm not sure if it's here or not."
Somebody (I wish I could remember who) once said "That dark sense of humor is a load-bearing structure." I have taken it to heart, and, it seems, so have you. ❤️ Remember the princess party dragon and be hopeful!
And it seems the heavier the load, the darker the humor -- from someone who used to work in a hospital. I left the hospital job years ago but not the dark humor. I used to get a lot of funny looks among non-hospital folks; not so much now. We're all in the same boat.
For some reason, I laughed the hardest at the toad being raptured. 🐸 The trolling of Nancy Mace was a very close second. My dark GenX sense of humor should serve me well over the next 4 years.
Jay, at some point, we collectively are going to need some action steps, other than take care of ourselves, try to meet similar minded people and call our Congressmen. We are barely two weeks past the election and the drumbeat of threats is paralyzing. I think a lot of people need to hear from VP Harris, and Pres. Obama and other reliable leaders about how to get ready and get in the fight.
You can find plenty of action steps here on Substack - Jess Craven's Chop Wood, Carry Water, Robert Hubbell's Today's Edition Newsletter, etc - plus in discussions in comments on those and others. Find an Indivisible group in your area.
Brilliant gallows humor. The proof of Mace just being an attention seeking b***h, and MAGA Mike is just creepy, is that Sarah McBride had already planned to use a private bathroom, and I'm sure they knew that.
Looking forward to Nancy Mace's reaction to trans men following her into the women's room and Mike Johnson's reaction to trans women following him into the men's room.
My very devoted Catholic friend was once enlightening me on the terrors of trans women 10-15 years ago. He asked me, "Don't you worry about your young daughter being in a bathroom with a trans?!" Me: "I'd be more worried about my young son with a priest." The conversation ended there. Side Note: We were still and still are great friends. It's amazing to think back to when people could disagree without hatred.
The last time I visited Europe, a lot of restrooms were open to both sexes.
A favorite bar has two bathrooms. One is marked "Either" the other one says "Both".
The restrooms in our home are open to both sexes. I know, we're radical! 😎
As at home…
When my boys were little they would wander into the bathroom when I was seated doing my business and my only concern was that I’d forgotten to lock the door so I wouldn’t have to answer questions like: “Mom, why are you sitting down to pee? Doesn’t your penis aim better when you’re standing up?”
Ha! I remember going into a public restroom and having to take my 3yo daughter into the stall with me because I couldn’t leave her outside alone. As I was sitting down, she asked in her piercing 3yo voice, “Mommy - why do you have hair there?!?” Another “why me?” moment. 🙄🤪😁
Our son said, don't worry mom, I'm sure yours with grow by the time I'm a daddy. :D
YEARS ago, like the early 80s, there was a bar I'd frequent in Philly that had the restrooms marked "just like an airplane." That has stuck with me forever.
Beautiful burn!
Well, when the Ministery of Silly Walks takes over, we'll all be going down stairs like that. 🤷♀️😏
That’s the 1st thing I thought when I saw the sign!🤣🤣
OK, I have to admit, that I always love these, but in case you need a chuckle, I saw this earlier today, and it’s a dad joke for a teenager: A man walked into a library and asked the librarian, "Do you have any books on Pavlov's dogs and Schrödinger's cat?
The librarian replied, "It rings a bell, but I'm not sure if it's here or not."
Excellent. The dragon slayers were my favorite. I wonder if those little warriors are busy on Jan. 20th?
They were the cutest things I’ve seen in quite a while.
Somebody (I wish I could remember who) once said "That dark sense of humor is a load-bearing structure." I have taken it to heart, and, it seems, so have you. ❤️ Remember the princess party dragon and be hopeful!
And it seems the heavier the load, the darker the humor -- from someone who used to work in a hospital. I left the hospital job years ago but not the dark humor. I used to get a lot of funny looks among non-hospital folks; not so much now. We're all in the same boat.
Retired ER nurse married to a retired cop. We have some very dark humor!
Newspaper people are the same!
My parents were newspaper folk. Way to the right, but they would have been appalled by the current situation.
I learned "a dirty mind is a constant source of solace" from the glee club director at a women's college in the late 60s.
Love that!
Once again you do not disappoint, Jay, with Xeets and Giggles! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with that lil pumpkin of yours. ☺️
For some reason, I laughed the hardest at the toad being raptured. 🐸 The trolling of Nancy Mace was a very close second. My dark GenX sense of humor should serve me well over the next 4 years.
I laughed loudest at the Nancy Mace trolling. 😊
Jay, at some point, we collectively are going to need some action steps, other than take care of ourselves, try to meet similar minded people and call our Congressmen. We are barely two weeks past the election and the drumbeat of threats is paralyzing. I think a lot of people need to hear from VP Harris, and Pres. Obama and other reliable leaders about how to get ready and get in the fight.
You can find plenty of action steps here on Substack - Jess Craven's Chop Wood, Carry Water, Robert Hubbell's Today's Edition Newsletter, etc - plus in discussions in comments on those and others. Find an Indivisible group in your area.
Thanks for my weekly dose of much needed laughter!! See ya later, alligator 😹🙀😹
That was stupendous!
Brilliant gallows humor. The proof of Mace just being an attention seeking b***h, and MAGA Mike is just creepy, is that Sarah McBride had already planned to use a private bathroom, and I'm sure they knew that.
Nancy Mace is a mean, nasty, hate filled Southern bitch-bless her heart!
Who spent a lot of money on her aftermarket breasts.
Bless her heart, indeed. 😄
Nancy Mace is way too thirsty for a trump cabinet position. "Look at me! Look at me!"
OMG, that poor little bell pepper! I want to give it a hug!
I think those tiny women warriors proved Pete Hegseth wrong.
This is the best hour I spend each Saturday. Keep up the good work, and Mazel Tov on your new addition.
I could watch the dragon crashing birthday party ALL DAY (I almost did). It never gets old. Those tykes taking him down are all of us.
TIP: Even if you deactivated your Twitter account the clips will still play! Didn’t realize that til today. 👏🏻 Elon losing already.
I don't even have a Twitter account and I can look at the tweets all day. I just can't create my own, retweet or comment. And that's fine by me.
I loved that too. It’s one of the best videos I’ve ever seen.
Sorry yes. Need new habits.
Looking forward to Nancy Mace's reaction to trans men following her into the women's room and Mike Johnson's reaction to trans women following him into the men's room.
Those little princesses were a delight. Ain't no dragon locking those kids up!
I'll take a dark laugh over no laugh at the moment, so thank goodness for these installments!