I laughed out loud at so many of these, but the article from the British paper, I really need to see the article below it, No Escape From Trump. It uses the word "Trumpageddon" and it's in a newsletter from someplace called "Popbitch". Seriously, an inquiring mind needs to know. The video of trump voters made me wish I could just slap them upside the head, especially the guy who didn't understand driver's licenses. Good grief.

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Oh, he understood driver’s licenses well enough. He was taking the interviewer for a ride is all!! Talking in circles.

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Not necessarily. It was like conversations I used to have with my ex husband.

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You may be giving him too much credit. Possibly a sovereign citizen idiot.

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That’s the MAGA trick for avoiding reality, loudly blah, blah blah, lie, lie, lie. I’m hoping that since the video has now gone viral, he will get pulled over for every minor offense to check if he has his driver’s license. The find out part of effing around 🤞🏼🤞🏼

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Who was taking who for a ride?

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Glad I’m not the only one!😂

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I thought it was just my TV when I saw Rudy's lawyers hair. WTAF!? 😂😂 Hitler youth! And the Four Seasons tweet was priceless! So was Vivek... ugh! Anyway, a great start to my Saturday....so appreciated! 🤣✌️

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It's like a fascist mullet, business in the front, skinhead in the back!

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Would that make it a fuckit?

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I did love that 4 Seasons tweet.

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Count on them to be there for you!

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Gotta appreciate their humor...I hope they are doing a gangbuster business!

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Maybe my favorite!

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Anything to distract attention from corrupt clients, 'look at me, not Rudy G.repeating his lies so stupidly, please!'

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It’s certainly a dog whistle message. Maybe his plea for $$$ from their fascist base?


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We need to make him the "poster child" for why women don't want to date the deplorables...aside from their politics... they are undesirable.

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So sad that the Boby Faggoly isn’t read more widely in the US. 🤣🙄 The seal was the cutest today, I watched it several times and laughed harder each time.

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I just lost several brain cells that watching those interviews with Trumpsters. WOW.

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They have children. 😱

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Oh god, I forgot they were reproducing. YIKES.

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MAGA, pity the children.

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Yep, definite proof that there’s no IQ test needed to either vote or reproduce!

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Perfect start to my Saturday! The Darth Vader vs. golden retriever reminded me of when I was a young’un and Dr. Who had just started broadcasting. Whenever the Daleks appeared onscreen, I used to hide behind the couch and peek over the top, as if that would save me from being exterminated!

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That’s how I feel about the flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz, the main reason I have never watched the entire movie and I’m 60 haha

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I was just gonna bring that up...the flying monkeys completely freaked me out! 😂😂

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I’m 71 and I still change the channel if The Wizard of Oz is on.

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I had the opposite feeling. I wanted to get my own troop of flying monkeys. Think how useful they could be!

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You are very brave, Margaret!! ❤️😂❤️

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I've also always wanted a monkey tail. They can hold things with them! 🐒

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I hear you. The first time my mother took me to see it, I totally freaked out and she had to take me out. I’ve never really enjoyed the film (and I’m going to be 75 in 2 weeks).

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Ooh, that triggered a memory - I was taken to see Disney’s The Black Cauldron, and wound up hiding on the floor from the baddie!! (In my defence, I think I was probably about 8yo, and it’s one of the scariest cartoons they’ve ever made!)

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LOL. When I was a kid in the 50s, it was movies like Frankenstein and The Mummy and others of that era/genre that scared the bejeebers out of me. I used to run to the farthest room from the living room, hide behind the furniture with eyes squeezed shut and yell at my mom, "Tell me when it's over!"

I don't watch horror movies anymore.

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When I was really young (so I have only my parents to trust on this), the abominable snowman in the Rudolph special scared me (especially as Rudolph was floating off on the ice floe alone to protect his friends, and there was a roar from over the horizon) so much that I'd run down the hallway and hide in the bedroom.

I trust my mom on this, but if I'd only gotten the story from my dad? Lolnope.

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It scared me too

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Yep, that was me too, although I found Cybermen way scarier than Darleks! (Still do, in a way)

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As I’ve said before, this is what I look forward to every Saturday morning. I particularly loved Binder Full of Russians! That’s exactly where I went when I read about the missing binder. I feel vindicated.

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I may do an article about it and so entitle it.

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Oh, I hope so.

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Especially enjoyed the newspaper clipping! I'm studying Welsh in the US, and I got a real hoot out of the complainer not even realizing he was hearing the local language! What a twit.

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Racists gonna racist 🤬🙄

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I haven’t thought about this in ages, but now I’m remembering when my boyfriend broke up with me on the phone. I slammed that receiver down so hard, probably 4 or 5 times!

Thanks for putting these together every week. It’s a highlight for me!

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This is an exceptional compilation. I’m guess I’m still 12 too with how I laughed at the lake video. Four Seasons Total Landscaping’s post has a close second in the laughs department. And I did a double take at the lawyer dude’s haircut - whaaaatttt???!??

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Perhaps the lawyer dude started out trying to mimic Trump's 'do. I have a feeling that's pretty much what Trump's head would look like under his comb over. Apparently, the lawyer dude's attempts at hair styling are about as competent as his lawyering.

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Honestly, you could do an entire post on dad jokes, Jay! (Prolly exposing my odd, dry sense of word-humor 😎). Loved everything, actually. First Amendment and Four Seasons Landscaping get special props❣️

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Don’t know where to start! Loved them all. So needed the laughs and wows as I am burned out on politics except for the win. Thanks!

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The video with the Trump supporters was just painful, but the rest was great

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In case anyone wants to know what a Trumpageddon is:

The end of the world following the election of the Trumphole

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Although I was thinking it was the opposite. It's how his cult is going to feel when trump loses again and they all go bananas.

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Perhaps that is how it starts...

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Could be. But I don't think the American people will stand for their nonsense. No one liked it when they attacked the Congress. Even the people who pretend it didn't happen didn't like it. There will be little patience shown to those who act out.

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I laughed at the cookie cutter. So timely as I’m starting Christmas cookies today.

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I love the "scene of modern Britain"! Thanks for including it.

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It’s an oldie, but still funny (I’ve seen it about for years)

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Biden impeachment evidence arriving; Rudy’s lawyer’s hair (since he isn’t doing stand-up he has to be completely MAD!); Four Season’s Total Landscaping; Wales; “MAGA: What is Hunter Biden Hiding?”; JoJo from Jerz (as-always); Pete Butigieg (as always);

And the interviewing of those children made up to look like dumb grown-ups, having us on I guess

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